William’s answer to “This is a common problem with LitRPG audio books but have you considered dialing down the characte…” > Likes and Comments

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message 1: by Maho01 (new)

Maho01 I kind of have the same issue with the genre. It really breaks up the flow of the book. Maybe edit it down to just the stats that actually changed or are important to the story. Mean not trying to tell you how to write you books, god and hell no! But listening to the audio books it really wrecks things.

message 2: by Bill (new)

Bill I would love it if audiobooks came with a short pdf download that included any maps, lists of characters, tables of stats for LitRPG, and other information that readers often reference periodically.

message 3: by Caleb (new)

Caleb I have no issues with this. it's a good way to weigh the accomplishments and consequences of the recent actions.

message 4: by Zukakog (new)

Zukakog I've definitely got a favorite way, but I've only seen it done a few times. The stats are just put at the end of the chapter/section, so the narrator just says that if you want, skip ahead. As long as the audiobook file is chapterized with this in mind, it works great!

The narrator in that book was particularly snarky, so he said something like, 'We're going to review the character sheet. if you have the attention span of a goldfish on speed, go ahead and skip to the next chapter/section.' Something similar would work well with snarky game computers too.

message 5: by HMWYS (new)

HMWYS Please While I get that it may annoy some, from my opposite view I like having these in the audio book since it's the only way I can really consume book media and I want to know their progression. In books where it's specifically a game I feel like having stats in them is more than acceptable.

I will admit (just re-listening to other life dreams) that reading ******** as star,star,star,star,star... Instead of something like redacted, a better word, or "as series of asterisks" can get a bit annoying specifically in the first scene where runner is trying to brute force his PW though at the same time I laugh internally at the narrator having taken the time to read it out. I don't know how it would work but maybe providing a "short hand" version for narrators to read it like a techi/gamer for narrators would help? Something like a phonetic spelling for (I have no clue how this process works so I'm just blindly shooting ideas.

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