
Which book should the YA LGBT Books Group read as our Book of the Month for May-June 2017?

  23 votes 33.3%

  19 votes 27.5%

  15 votes 21.7%

  12 votes 17.4%

69 total votes

Poll added by: Kaje

Comments Showing 1-3 of 3 (3 new)

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message 1: by Shido (new)

Shido Looks more and more like a draw between Radio Silence and Dreadnought. > _ >;;;;

message 2: by Kaje (new)

Kaje Harper Getting close - still a little time for more votes though. If we have a draw, we can read both. If one wins, we can also do the other as a buddy read if the voters want that.

message 3: by Shido (new)

Shido Kaje wrote: "Getting close - still a little time for more votes though. If we have a draw, we can read both. If one wins, we can also do the other as a buddy read if the voters want that."

No problem with that! :)

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