
What fiction book shall we read for our July group fiction read?

  43 votes, 53.1%

  20 votes, 24.7%

  18 votes, 22.2%

Poll added by: Shirley

Comments Showing 1-4 of 4 (4 new)

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message 1: by Billy "D" (new)

Billy "D" I like all of the above. Thanks.

PattyMacDotComma I loved The Kite Runner but I didn't know the other two so I looked them up and my TBR list is now two books longer - YIKES!

message 3: by Guy (last edited Jun 22, 2017 03:32PM) (new)

Guy Austin Now I have to read it. Its been on my shelf for... how many years? So many I forget.

PattyMacDotComma Guy wrote: "Now I have to read it. Its been on my shelf for... how many years? So many I forget."

I bet you enjoy it as much as I did, Guy!

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Vicky 285 books
222 friends
voted for:
The Kite Run

Matt 127 books
5 friends
voted for:
The Kite Run

Adiba 385 books
43 friends
voted for:
The Kite Run

Nidhi 383 books
260 friends
voted for:
The Kite Run

zoë 1210 books
38 friends
voted for:
The Secret S

Laiba 195 books
26 friends
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The Kite Run

Allison 123 books
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The Kite Run

Saloua 591 books
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The Kite Run

Caraina 19579 books
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The Kite Run

Ajay 87 books
215 friends
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The Kite Run

Joan 1374 books
13 friends
voted for:
The Secret S

Billy "D" 617 books
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voted for:
The Kite Run

Raul 1385 books
425 friends
voted for:
The Kite Run

Mel 4812 books
51 friends
voted for:
The Kite Run

Anik 667 books
86 friends
voted for:
The Kite Run

Harold 223 books
236 friends
voted for:
The Secret S

Lillia 1499 books
133 friends
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Saint Mazie

Guy 1042 books
72 friends
voted for:
The Kite Run

Ryan 1578 books
75 friends
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The Kite Run

Lauri 18981 books
635 friends
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Saint Mazie

Nidhi 287 books
52 friends
voted for:
The Kite Run

Sebastian 598 books
1 friend
voted for:
The Kite Run

Samantha 15560 books
447 friends
voted for:
The Kite Run

Angela 1465 books
99 friends
voted for:
Saint Mazie

Jennifer 211 books
44 friends
voted for:
The Kite Run

Jude: The Epic Reader 7071 books
1995 friends
voted for:
The Kite Run

katie 3201 books
79 friends
voted for:
Saint Mazie

Nour 36 books
12 friends
voted for:
Saint Mazie

Erwin 1599 books
187 friends
voted for:
The Secret S

Adelina 923 books
203 friends
voted for:
The Kite Run
