Winston Madole > Winston's Quotes

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  • #1
    C. Toni Graham
    “Toni's Talk: When you invest in yourself, you have instant credibility with your biggest! As soon as you let doubt creep in---you lose that investment. Make a daily commitment to assess your worth with positive affirmations and watch your investment grow.”
    C.Toni Graham

  • #2
    C. Toni Graham
    “It’s hard to believe there are people that don’t read books. There’s so much magic in words and well told stories.”
    C. Toni Graham

  • #3
    C. Toni Graham
    “Time was not on their side, it was the enemy.”
    C. Toni Graham, Crossroads and the Himalayan Crystals

  • #4
    C. Toni Graham
    “We strive for harmony, but it is not always realized.”
    C. Toni Graham, Crossroads and the Himalayan Crystals

  • #5
    C. Toni Graham
    “Get immersed in the beauty that surrounds you. No filters, edits, or adjustments. Experience the colors, sounds, textures and smells within your reach. Live.”
    C. Toni Graham

  • #6
    C. Toni Graham
    “Only you can charter the course of your destiny.”
    C. Toni Graham, Crossroads and the Himalayan Crystals

  • #7
    C. Toni Graham
    “Imagination is not bound by possibilities. The creative mind will always break the shackles—making the impossible, possible.”
    C. Toni Graham

  • #8
    C. Toni Graham
    “Remember to celebrate the small accomplishments along your journey because they will provide the support needed when the road gets rocky. ”
    C. Toni Graham

  • #9
    C. Toni Graham
    “Inspiration ignites the spark of magic. Creativity is magic.”
    C. Toni Graham

  • #10
    C. Toni Graham
    “It’s not just the big moments that count, it’s all of the small actions that feed our heart and soul on a daily basis. Cherish those moments and reflect on how to replicate them often.”
    C. Toni Graham

  • #11
    C. Toni Graham
    “The elements of the written word can be purely magical. I read and I write...I inspire and I’m living.”
    C. Toni Graham

  • #12
    Anna Kendrick
    “I love rules and I love following them, unless that rule is stupid.”
    Anna Kendrick, Scrappy Little Nobody

  • #13
    Anna Kendrick
    “I gave up on being Nice. I started putting more value on other qualities instead: passion, bravery, intelligence, practicality, humor, patience, fairness, sensitivity. Those”
    Anna Kendrick, Scrappy Little Nobody

  • #14
    Anna Kendrick
    “*Some dudes like to say that men have the instinct to spread their seed, while women are supposed to protect their reproductive organs from everything but the best sperm for the strongest potential offspring. By that logic every woman in the world should be saving herself for Dwayne "The Rock' Johnson and never let any of you shitheads touch her. Seriously, you guys should stop using that argument.”
    Anna Kendrick, Scrappy Little Nobody

  • #15
    Anna Kendrick
    “Having to fight for the thing you want doesn't mean you deserve it any less.”
    Anna Kendrick, Scrappy Little Nobody
    tags: fight

  • #16
    Anna Kendrick
    “I thrive in structure. I drown in chaos.”
    Anna Kendrick, Scrappy Little Nobody

  • #17
    Anna Kendrick
    “Don’t try to participate in anyone else’s idea of what is supposed to happen in a relationship. You will fail.”
    Anna Kendrick, Scrappy Little Nobody

  • #18
    Kyle Keyes
    “Frankly, Olan couldn't hit a bull in the ass with a ping pong paddle.”
    Kyle Keyes, Worm Holes

  • #19
    Kyle Keyes
    “We know you stood guard duty at the White House, Reuben. We have film of you urinating behind the bushes.”
    Kyle Keyes, Worm Holes

  • #20
    Kyle Keyes
    “Molly is not a Quaker, Jeremy. Quakers don't have tits that big.”
    Kyle Keyes, Matching Configurations

  • #21
    Kyle Keyes
    “Each time Olan Chapman comes to life, his anti-quarks remain on the far side of the Time Wall. After his life cycle ends, his quarks collapse back to these roots, and – presto – America's most wanted man is ready for his next adventure.”
    Kyle Keyes, Worm Holes

  • #22
    Kyle Keyes
    “Boson forces don't exist in Quantum space. The Light of the World is only found this side of the Timewall.”
    Kyle Keyes, Matching Configurations

  • #23
    Kyle Keyes
    “You're not a Quaker, Jeremy. I happen to know you put beer on your cornflakes.”
    Kyle Keyes, Matching Configurations

  • #24
    Kyle Keyes
    “That was a hell of a shot!”
    Kyle Keyes, Under the Bus

  • #25
    Kyle Keyes
    “Your little buddy just gave me the greatest
       Christmas gift I've ever gotten.”
    Kyle Keyes, Under the Bus

  • #26
    Kyle Keyes
    “We're selling vacuum cleaners.”
    Kyle Keyes, Under the Bus

  • #27
    Kelley Armstrong
    “You forget, darling.
    I am the local psychopath.”
    Kelley Armstrong, Bitten

  • #28
    Kelley Armstrong
    “Derek caught my arm again as I started to move--at this rate, it was going to be as sore as my injured one.
    "Dog," he said, jerking his chin toward the fenced yard. "It was inside earlier."
    Expecting to see a Doberman slavering at the fence, I followed his gaze to a little puff of white fur, the kind of dog women stick in their purses. It wasn't even barking, just staring at us, dancing in place.
    "Oh, my God! It's a killer Pomeranian." I glanced up at Derek. "It's a tough call, but I think you can take him.”
    Kelley Armstrong, The Awakening

  • #29
    Kelley Armstrong
    “You were just worried about me."
    An exhale, relieved that I had understood. "Yeah"
    I turned. "Because you think I'm worth it"
    He put his fingers under my chin. "I absolutely think your worth it."
    "But you don't think you are."
    His mouth opened. Shut.
    "That's what this is about, Derek. You won't let us worry about you because you don't think you're worth it. But I do. I absolutely do.”
    Kelley Armstrong, The Reckoning

  • #30
    Kelley Armstrong
    “He pivoted, gaze following me as I crossed to the shower and turned on the cold water, so it would drown out our conversation without steaming up the room.
    Great," he muttered."Now they're going to think we're showering together. Maybe we can just tell them we were washing off the crawl space dirt and trying to conserve water.”
    Kelley Armstrong, The Summoning

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