Rachel Martin > Rachel's Quotes

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  • #1
    Rachel Marie  Martin
    “Sometimes you have to let go of the picture of what you thought life would be like and learn to find joy in the story you are actually living.”
    Rachel Marie Martin, The Brave Art of Motherhood: Fight Fear, Gain Confidence, and Find Yourself Again

  • #2
    Rachel Marie  Martin
    “A good mom has bad days & great days & normal days & overwhelming days & perfect days & trying days & supermom days & just being a mom days & a whole lot of love & real & crazy motherhood days.”
    Rachel Marie Martin

  • #3
    Rachel Marie  Martin
    “A Real Mom:
    Emotional, yet the rock.
    Tired, but keeps going.
    Worried, but full of hope.
    Impatient, yet patient.
    Overwhelmed, but never quits.
    Amazing, even though doubted.
    Wonderful, even in the chaos.
    Life changer, every single day.”
    Rachel Marie Martin

  • #4
    Rachel Marie  Martin
    “Today in an auditorium full of parents my son scanned the room looking for me.

    When he saw me his face lit up the room.

    He wasn't looking for the perfect parent.

    He was looking for his mom.

    Don't ever forget the power of simply being their mom.”
    Rachel Marie Martin, The Brave Art of Motherhood: Fight Fear, Gain Confidence, and Find Yourself Again

  • #5
    Rachel Marie  Martin
    doesn't have to be like yesterday
    if you decide to change today.”
    Rachel Marie Martin

  • #6
    Rachel Marie  Martin
    “There is so much awesome in just being you.”
    Rachel Marie Martin, The Brave Art of Motherhood: Fight Fear, Gain Confidence, and Find Yourself Again

  • #7
    Rachel Marie  Martin
    “No one can create agreements in your heart without your approval.”
    Rachel Marie Martin, The Brave Art of Motherhood: Fight Fear, Gain Confidence, and Find Yourself Again

  • #8
    Rachel Marie  Martin
    “In order to change, you need to stop fearing the change but instead fear the results of NOT trying to change. What happens if you don't jump? What happens if you stay where you are right now? Isn't the greatest risk the risk of doing nothing?
    Exist or risk. Dream or do.
    Fear not changing, and you will change your life.”
    Rachel Marie Martin, The Brave Art of Motherhood: Fight Fear, Gain Confidence, and Find Yourself Again

  • #9
    Rachel Marie  Martin
    “There isn’t a perfect mom, a perfect house, a perfect kid, a perfect life.

    There’s just real.

    And real is one mom after another after another after another who wakes in the morning and see those kids who call her mom and pulls herself up and tries.

    She stumbles, but stands up.

    She worries, but gives.

    She loves.

    She mothers.”
    Rachel Marie Martin, The Brave Art of Motherhood: Fight Fear, Gain Confidence, and Find Yourself Again

  • #10
    Rachel Marie  Martin
    “Breathe sweet mom.

    Your kids need you. Not perfect. But you.

    With your worries.

    And your laughs. And your fails. And your try agains.

    Your love.

    Your showing up.

    That’s what matters.

    Breathe, sweet mom.”
    Rachel Marie Martin, The Brave Art of Motherhood: Fight Fear, Gain Confidence, and Find Yourself Again

  • #11
    Rachel Marie  Martin
    “Carry on, brave mother who tries when she’s tired.
    Carry on, brave mother who gives unconditionally.
    carry on, Brave mother who cries because she loves.
    Carry on, brave mother who hopes without answers.
    Carry on, Brave mother who loves without expectations.
    Carry on, Brave mother.
    Carry on.”
    Rachel Marie Martin, The Brave Art of Motherhood: Fight Fear, Gain Confidence, and Find Yourself Again

  • #12
    “Today in an auditorium
    full of parents
    my son scanned the room
    looking for me.
    When he saw me his
    face lit up the room.
    He wasn’t looking for
    the perfect parent.
    He was looking for his mom.
    Don’t ever forget the power
    of simply being their mom.”
    Rachel Marie Martin
