Beingness Quotes

Quotes tagged as "beingness" Showing 1-30 of 38
“True freedom is when all the stories, all the insights, all the realizations, concepts, beliefs and positions dissolve. What remains is what you are; a vast, conscious, luminous space simply resting in itself, not knowing a thing, at the point where all things are possible.”
Enza Vita

Banani Ray
“You do not need any preacher or prophet to learn about God. The teaching is spread on the trees and the mountains, on the stars and the river, on the Sun and the moon. The ultimate teaching is written in your heart. You just need to wake up and see.”
Banani Ray, Glory of OM: A Journey to Self-Realization

Jazz Feylynn
“Butterfly upon my hand, A voice of wonder within my mind, not my own but the butterfly's.”
Jazz Feylynn

Banani Ray
“You do not need to go to any temple or church to worship God. The whole existence is God’s temple. Your own body is the temple of God. Your own heart is the shrine. You do not need to subscribe to any religion to experience God. The only religion you need to experience God is love, kindness and respect to all beings.”
Banani Ray, Glory of OM: A Journey to Self-Realization

Saul Bellow
“What art thou?' Nothing. That's the answer. Nothing. In the heart of hearts- Nothing! So of course you can't stand that and want to be Something, and you try. But instead of being this Something, the man puts it over on everybody instead.”
Saul Bellow, Seize the Day

“When the ancients beheld the night sky, they didn't see another place, they saw another state of being.”
Dana Hutton, The Art of Becoming: Creating Abiding Fulfillment in an Unfulfilled World

“Not knowing anything, not searching for anything, understanding that we can’t hold on to anything, leaves us with nothing — nothing except our original nature, pure awareness.”
Enza Vita

“You aren’t actually a someone, a person, who is conscious. You are the awake space of awareness itself, within which all the “thought up” entities in your world appear. Out of all these imagined entities, you have simply made the mistake of thinking that one of them is you.”
Enza Vita

“It’s only the ego that wants to surrender the ego; the real meaning of surrender does not involve anything external. It means to surrender to your true nature.”
Enza Vita

“The one who believes himself to be a person needs to try to find that person. This is a solution, an antidote, offered to a ghost that thinks it actually exists.”
Enza Vita

“Realization is not about you, the wave, realizing it is ocean. The ocean realizes itself in you and reveals itself to have never been just a wave. Nothing changes except the falling away of a false belief.”
Enza Vita

“Looking forward” to what you think enlightenment might be at some grand point in the future keeps you from seeing the truth of its presence right now.”
Enza Vita

“Awareness is that which is reading these words right now, whatever “that” is. You know without a doubt that there is something reading these words right now and awareness is precisely what that is.”
Enza Vita

“What is constant? Is the mind anything more than a conglomeration of thoughts? Where is the mind apart from thought? If there is no thought, can there be a mind? They cancel each other out, do they not?”
Enza Vita

“Learn to say no, know when to say yes, and use the words ‘I choose.’ It is the key that will open you to limitless manifestation of your beingness.”
Réné Gaudette

“The wise man is one who knows, the significance and nothingness of his life.”
Aditya Ajmera

“The highest human ability is to grant beingness.”
Meir Ezra

“Even amazing states of bliss, peace, clarity and spaciousness have nothing to do with awakening as these are just experiences coming and going in the impersonal awareness that you are.”
Enza Vita

“Just knowing that there is no gate to pass through doesn’t mean that we are at the end of the search, not if we are still standing outside that gateless gate.”
Enza Vita

“Anything that appears and disappears cannot actually be you because it is being observed by you. By removing the attention from these things and noticing what remains, you are left only with what is permanent — the truth of who you are.”
Enza Vita

“So there are different experiences – every individual has a completely unique experience. But it is all one energy, one whole seeing, one whole being. Unicity is all there is, and unicity does not belong to me or you. We belong to it. It is what “we” are.”
Joan Tollifson, Painting the Sidewalk with Water: Talks and Dialogs About Nonduality

“To grant beingness is more important than being somebody.”
Meir Ezra

“Nothing can be the total truth in the worlds of manifestation and the more solid your concepts, the more likely they are going to sink you, sooner or later.”
Enza Vita

Vivian Amis
“Good things don't happen to "good people"; good things happen to happy people.”
Vivian Amis

“Most people don't understand life till they die and they don't understand death because they have never lived.”
Aditya Ajmera

Joseph Rain
“Any individual, group, institution or authority claiming to “know” the mind of God is an insult to the spirit of divine being-ness.”
Joseph Rain, The Unfinished Book About Who We Are

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