Bookish Quotes

Quotes tagged as "bookish" Showing 1-30 of 84
Leigh Bardugo
“There had been a time when words had been the only place he could find solace. No book ever lost patience with him or told him to sit still. When his tutors had thrown up their hands in frustration, it was the library that had taught Nikolai military history, strategy, chemistry, astronomy. Each spine had been an open door away whispering, Come in, come in. Here is the land you’ve never seen before. Here is a place to hide when you’re frightened, to play when you’re bored, to rest when the world seems unkind.”
Leigh Bardugo, King of Scars

Betty  Smith
“The library was a little old shabby place. Francie thought it was beautiful. The feeling she had about it was as good as the feeling she had about church. She pushed open the door and went in. She liked the combined smell of worn leather bindings, library past and freshly inked stamping pads better than she liked the smell of burning incense at high mass.”
Betty Smith, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

Michael Bassey Johnson
“No matter how tiny you look, you can lead huge men if you have what the huge men don't have.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

Patricia Duncker
“The cats are asleep at the end of my bed and all around me, the thundery silence of L'Escarènere, caught at last in the rising flood of warm air, carrying the sand from the south. The Alps are folded above in the flickering light. And on the desk in the room beneath lies the writing which insists that the only escape is through the absolute destruction of everything you have ever known, loved, cared for, believed in, even the shell of yourself must be discarded with contempt; for freedom costs no less than everything, including your generosity, self-respect, integrity, tenderness - is that really what i wanted to say? It's what I have said. Worse still, I have pointed out the sheer creative joy of this ferocious destructiveness and the liberating wonder of violence. And these are dangerous messages for which I am no longer responsible.”
Patricia Duncker

Shannon Reed
“The act of reading makes me feel safe. Not the book itself--but the exercise of running my eyes over the words. The translation from symbol into meaning. The direct, pleasant diction of the voice inside my head. The influx of information. The transport to other lives, other worlds.”
Shannon Reed, Why We Read: On Bookworms, Libraries, and Just One More Page Before Lights Out

Shannon Reed
“Reading a book is quiet, clear, and organized. It's not hard. It waits until I am ready, pauses when I need a break, and is still happy to repeat. Reading absolutely never says "Just forget it" when I need clarification. It doesn't care how I pronounce the words in my head (or aloud, for that matter). It never makes me feel worse and rarely makes me feel lonely. Reading gives me the world. And that, friends, is why I read.”
Shannon Reed, Why We Read: On Bookworms, Libraries, and Just One More Page Before Lights Out

Shannon Reed
“Life is so much better with books than without.”
Shannon Reed, Why We Read: On Bookworms, Libraries, and Just One More Page Before Lights Out

Caroline Kepnes
“Love is a book. You don't skip ahead. You let the story surprise you.”
Caroline Kepnes, For You and Only You

Rumaan Alam
“She packed a book, as you never knew when you'd need a book.”
Rumaan Alam, Leave the World Behind

Jennifer Spredemann
“Favorite books are like wonderful dreams you can return to again and again.”
Jennifer Spredemann

Sarah Beth Durst
“She was lonely, and she wanted someone to love. She made me out of love, and the empire destroyed her for it.”
Sarah Beth Durst, The Spellshop

Irvine Welsh
“Sitting in the brightly lit library, surrounded by books, in total silence, that was ma personal zenith.”
Irvine Welsh, Skagboys

“The important thing is that people read and enjoy books.”

Jaclin Marie
“In the dream he says wedding vows and touches me as if we were soulmates.”
Jaclin Marie, Aria De Luca

“The bee believes in both individuals: One who is the caretaker to produce honey and the one who helps to protect the nature.

By theamitkumarswords”

“The bees are beautiful in nature and eagerly looking at the flower.

By theamitkumarswords”

“The bees are beautiful in nature and eagerly looking at the flower and flowers.

by theamitkumarswords”

Allie Sarah
“There was only one thing worse than an awkward conversation, and that was when your best friend grabbed the book out of your hand and forced you to leave it in the dorm.”
Allie Sarah, The Gossip Games

Jennifer Spredemann
“The best days of my childhood were spent at the library.”
Jennifer Spredemann

Adam A. Fox
“You’re pretty pumped. I thought you were the bookish type.”
Adam A. Fox, A Sinful Symphony: A Dark BDSM Romance

Adam A. Fox
“I like what I like. I have many passions, and I’m unashamed of loving hard!” I giggled at Harry’s confusion. “Dude, I’m a diehard nerd, yeah, but I’m greedy. I have room in my soul for way more love.”
Adam A. Fox, A Sinful Symphony: A Dark BDSM Romance

Bonnie Jo Campbell
“Rosie was a bright spot in all their lives. Even a decade ago, people would come to sit beside Herself at the roadside hoping for a chance to see the pretty, dreamy girl reading a book in the grass or walking slowly and lazily across the bridge from the island. If she talked back then, she talked about the characters in books, as though their adventures were real, or she'd say she saw a troll under the bridge.”
Bonnie Jo Campbell, The Waters

Shannon Reed
“But reading! That I could do. When I read, I felt smart.”
Shannon Reed, Why We Read: On Bookworms, Libraries, and Just One More Page Before Lights Out

Shannon Reed
“in reading, I was never lonely, the way I sometimes felt in real life. Reading did not lead me astray. The words were clear, and if I didn't understand them, t wasn't because I didn't hear them correctly. No one cared if I reread (asked the book to repeat, that is) multiple times. And people mostly left me alone when my nose was buried in a book. Reading was always safe and always good company.”
Shannon Reed, Why We Read: On Bookworms, Libraries, and Just One More Page Before Lights Out

Julie  Simmons
“I've never been this deliriously happy in my entire life. Tori, you are the sun, moon and stars in my world,” he said, gazing into her big beautiful eyes. Falling in love with her had made him feel more alive than he had in years, and he realized even more acutely what had been missing in his life.
“And you are mine,” she echoed, and they made love again. Afterward, she let out a contented sigh as she lay encircled in his arms, her head resting on his chest as she drifted off to sleep to the beating of his heart.
That's How You Know by Julie Simmons (Chapter 14)”
Julie Simmons, That's How You Know

Julie  Simmons
“If this turns out to be all we have, I'll cherish it for the rest of my life. Maybe we're like the butterfly when it emerges from its cocoon,” she said, returning to the cocoon analogy she had used before. “The butterfly emerges, amazingly beautiful, but only lives for a short time. Maybe that's us, and we're the butterfly, beautiful for a short time but not meant to last,” she said as tears spilled from her eyes once again.
That's How You Know by Julie Simmons (Chapter 14)”
Julie Simmons, That's How You Know

Lewis Buzbee
“No longer a mere facade--a rug or a stall--the bookstore deepened so that it could hold and display the rapidly increasing stock of books and provide backroom space for scribes and their supplies.”
Lewis Buzbee, The Yellow-Lighted Bookshop: A Memoir, A History [Large Print edition by Buzbee, Lewis (2012) Paperback

Ashley Poston
“He was close enough that I caught a note of his cologne--- cedar and black tea and, faintly, the subtle scent of a well-loved paperback. Familiar and yearning. It was mystifying.”
Ashley Poston, A Novel Love Story

“Go along on the journey, whatever it may be, and let the pages take you to a place you’ve never imagined, yet I hope you’ll find in them a familiar feeling.”
Lee Soul

“Aku benci buku kertas! Aku benci kejantanan budaya membaca yang menuntut seseorang memenuhi lima syarat kesehatan: mata yang bisa melihat, tangan yang dapat memegang, jari yang mahir membalik halaman, badan yang sanggup mempertahankan posisi membaca, dan kaki yang mampu melangkah bebas ke toko buku.”
Saou Ichikawa, Hunchback

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