Breaking Up Quotes

Quotes tagged as "breaking-up" Showing 181-210 of 310
Kamand Kojouri
“Know this: whenever you think of leaving, a part of you has already left. But it’s never too late to get it back.”
Kamand Kojouri

Charlotte Eriksson
“I stood in your doorway this morning
dreaming you’d turn around
you’d tilt your head
you’d softly whisper ”stay”

or that you’d grab my arms
to shake me while asking
what the hell are we doing
we love
each other
and this is not right
so we will make this work
now stay!

You poured your coffee. Stirred the spoon like a crystal man
with your back to me and not a sound. the fridge humming elegies while the clock ticked on
and the streets are so clean here people rushing to work
and maybe I should be too
by now
at this age
this stage
this town.

I will stand in that doorway
for many nights to come.”
Charlotte Eriksson

Kamand Kojouri
“Come back to me.
Where have you gone?
And why so long?
I miss the star below your lip,
the constellation on your
I miss your ways,
how you net butter-flying words
and release them
for others to enjoy.
I miss your tenderness,
the sweetness of your breath
and the song of your voice.
I miss how
you worship me.
Come back to me once more.
Why did you go?
And whatever for?
The heavens plotted against us.
The clouds came and
pissed on our lives.
The smell of charged particles
still lingers in the air.
What will become of you and I?
Come back to us.”
Kamand Kojouri

“Habits are hard to let go, especially if they are human beings.”
Drishti Bablani, Wordions

Kamand Kojouri
“You see her
and ascend into love.
You become enchanted,
a found madman.
In your love,
you lose yourself
and become her.
You were once without her, now
with her.

You still feel her
and descend into love.
You become enraptured,
a lost madman.
In your love,
you lost yourself
and her.
You were once with her, now
without her.”
Kamand Kojouri

Kamand Kojouri
“They tell us the only way to move on
is to forget.
“Forgive,” they say.
Realise that you deserve better.
That maybe they
deserve better.
You can't fight fire with fire.
Extinguish it once and for all.
"Do not look back," they say.
They don't tell you that
only one thing is needed.
Only one:
When you are filled to the brim with love,
you only emanate love.
You become lover and
love itself.
Only then will you love
even the very people
you wish to hate.”
Kamand Kojouri

Kamand Kojouri
“Gone are the summer days
and my mind along with them.
No longer will I indulge
in hopes of getting you back.
It is hope that makes these chains heavier
and autumnal nights longer.
I will merely serve as a memory to you:
the lover that recited love poems.
I must go now
and I urge you not to look back.”
Kamand Kojouri

“Habits are hard to let go, especially if they are human beings.”

Olaotan Fawehinmi
“Rules are made to be broken, but hearts are broken to be made.
It is a big miracle to be loved "because" of your inadequacies, not "despite" them.
And nothing can be as fascinating as walking tall on the same road that once witnessed your fall.”
Olaotan Fawehinmi, The Soldier Within

Joseph Conrad
“She had said he had been driven away from her by a dream...”
Joseph Conrad, Lord Jim

“Realize your true strength when people reject you. In actual fact, they do not reject you. They only show you your real strength”
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Kamand Kojouri
“Love, the exotic bird,
came and went.
Heart forgot love.
Joy, the majestic willow,
wept and died.
Mind forgot joy.
Hope, the basement lamp,
fell and broke.
Soul forgot hope.
Self, the anxious caterpillar,
took flight and dropped.
Self forgot self.
You, my all,
became all my reasons.
Reasons left.
You left.
I never forgot.”
Kamand Kojouri

“I have been where you are now. I have felt the fears and resolved them. I have had the doubts and concerns and found the way forward.
Lift up your head, and step ahead...”
Moutasem Algharati

Saru Singhal
“The best thing about a heartbreak, you start looking for happiness elsewhere. You realize like wild flowers, happiness can grow anywhere and everywhere. And, most importantly within you.

Be wild, dear heart, happiness awaits you.”
Saru Singhal

“indelible waiting
l'art poetique
"..I will wait for the night to chase me..."
I sit on a rock and watch children playing
in the park below
They don't see me
Or know my thoughts
Or that you haven't called
But I forgive them their indifference today
Above me a crow caws
Perhaps he smells the crumbs on my dress
Or my anger
But he flits away over the trees
Probably has a home
Probably has a wife
Probably knew to call
The children leave
The coffee in my can turns cold
The wind nips at me
Some street lights flicker on
But I won't move
Not yet
I will wait for the night to chase me
Back where I came from
Up the empty street
To a quiet house”
Adelheid Manefeldt, Years: a book of tiny poetry

Darnell Lamont Walker
“I looked at you for two and a half years
I didn't see you.”
Darnell Lamont Walker

Darnell Lamont Walker
“When you look back at that relationship you didn't think you could live without and realize had you stayed in it, you'd be some comfortable loser, sitting on the couch with another comfortable loser, instead of being the dope motherfucker you are today.”
Darnell Lamont Walker

“It's time for you to break away from the person that is breaking you”
Napz Cherub Pellazo

Darnell Lamont Walker
“I couldn’t love you for who you are because you showed me who you truly wanted to be, and I loved her more.”
Darnell Lamont Walker

Jennifer Elisabeth
“I write so I don’t call you.”
Jennifer Elisabeth

Mark Waid
“Why can't Spider-sense warn you when you're about to get dumped?”
Mark Waid, Daredevil, Volume 2

A.D. Aliwat
“Everybody that breaks up has a little tally of their victories which they count after the relationship to see how they did; cheating gives you a million tallies and more or less makes the entire relationship a lie.”
A.D. Aliwat, Alpha

Kenneth Eade
“The test of any relationship is, when the going gets tough, whether your partner stays with you or 'gets going'.”
Kenneth Eade, The Spy Files

“Whether she was engaged, married or single, nothing could or ever would come of the weakness he was forced to acknowledge that he had developed. He would re-establish the professional distance that had somehow ebbed away with her drunken confessions and the camaraderie of their trip up north, and temporarily shelve his half-acknowledged plan to end the relationship with Elin. It felt safer just now to have another woman within reach, and a beautiful one at that, whose enthusiasm and expertise in bed ought surely to compensate for an undeniable incompatibility outside it.

He fell to wondering how long Robin would continue working for him after she became Mrs. Cunliffe. Matthew would surely use every ounce of his husbandly influence to pry her away from a profession as dangerous as it was poorly paid. Well, that was her lookout: her bed, and she could lie in it.

Except that once you had broken up, it was much easier to do so again. He ought to know. How many times had he and Charlotte split? How many times had they tried to reassemble the wreckage? There had been more cracks than substance by the end: they had lived in a spider's web of fault lines, held together by hope, pain, and delusion.

Robin and Matthew had just two months to go before the wedding.

There was still time.”
Robert Galbraith, Career of Evil

“I sit on a rock and watch children playing
in the park below
They don't see me
Or know my thoughts
Or that you haven't called
But I forgive them their indifference today
Above me a crow caws
Perhaps he smells the crumbs on my dress
Or my anger
But he flits away over the trees
Probably has a home
Probably has a wife
Probably knew to call
The children leave
The coffee in my can turns cold
The wind nips at me
Some street lights flicker on
But I won't move
Not yet
I will wait for the night to chase me
Back where I came from
Up the empty street
To a quiet house”
Adelheid Manefeldt, Years: a book of tiny poetry

Debbie Widjaja
“Ketika aku membaca artikel tentang kafe baru, yang terlintas di pikiranku adalah, Nanti kapan-kapan ajak Bastian makan di sini ah...
Ketika aku melihat toko Sports Station atau Athlete Foot dan ada sepatu model baru, aku membatin, Bastian pasti suka sepatu ini!
Ketika aku membaca tentang Harry Potter World di Florida, Amerika, aku berpikir bahwa nanti honeymoon kami akan pergi ke sana.
Setiap kali aku mendengar berita kecelakaan pesawat, aku langsung berdoa dengan khusyuk supaya Bastian selalu dilindungi Tuhan.

Dan aku masih melakukannya hingga kini.
Tak ada yang berubah, kecuali setiap kali pikiran itu terlintas, ada pikiran lain yang lebih besar, lebih kejam, seperti truk yang melaju tanpa ampun melindas becak: Ia bukan lagi milikku.”
Debbie Widjaja, Follow @MerryRiana

“If I bother you so much, why did you let me kiss you again in that hospital? Is the reason to screw up my head more, to see if you still have the knack for it? Because congratulations Nell, you’ve succeeded yet again.”
LeeAnn Whitaker, Never Another You