Comfort Quotes

Quotes tagged as "comfort" Showing 181-210 of 1,283
Erik Pevernagie
“Because of its dual quality, silence can be both a source of comfort and discomfort. Either way, it lets us recognize the subtle layers and textures within and cleverly navigate its impacts on our lives. ("A gap of silence")”
Erik Pevernagie

Anthony Liccione
“It is better to have God over your shoulder, than carry the world alone on your back.”
Anthony Liccione

William Cowper
“Now stir the fire, and close the shutters fast,
Let fall the curtains, wheel the sofa round,
And, while the bubbling and loud hissing urn
Throws up a steamy column and the cups
That cheer but not inebriate, wait on each,
So let us welcome peaceful ev'ning in.”
William Cowper, The Complete Poetical Works of William Cowper

Nicholas Sparks
“I continue to stare, my eyes missing nothing, remembering the moments we just shared together. But in all that time she does not look back, and I am haunted by the visions of her struggling with unseen enemies.
I sit by the bedside with an aching back and start to cry as I pick up the notebook. Allie does not notice. I understand, for her mind is gone.
A couple pages fall to the floor, and I bend over to pick them up. I am tired now, so I sit, alone and apart from my wife. And when the nurses come in they see two people they must comfort. A woman shaking in fear from demons in her mind, and the old man who loves her more deeply than life itself, crying softly in the corner, his face in his hands.”
Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook

Suzanne Collins
“So what should we do with our last few days?”
“I just want to spend every possible minute of the rest of my life with you,” Peete replies.
“Come on, then,” I say, pulling him into my room.
It feels like a luxury, sleeping with Peeta again. I didn’t realize until now how starved I’ve been for human closeness. For the feel of him beside me in the darkness.”
Suzanne Collins, Catching Fire

Jack Campbell
“He felt the comfort of being part of an eternal cycle symbolized by the gold strips on either side of the black mourning band he wore. Light, dark, light. The dark was just an interval.”
Jack Campbell, Relentless

James  Jones
“Sitting on the porch alone, listening to them fixing supper, he felt again the indignation he had felt before, the sense of loss and the aloneness, the utter defenselessness that was each man's lot, sealed up in his bee cell from all the others in the world. But the smelling of boiling vegetables and pork reached him from the inside, the aloneness left him for a while. The warm moist smell promised other people lived and were preparing supper.

He listened to the pouring and the thunder rumblings that sounded hollow like they were in a rainbarrel, shared the excitement and the coziness of the buzzing insects that had sought refuge on the porch, and now and then he slapped detachedly at the mosquitoes, making a sharp crack in the pouring buzzing silence. The porch sheltered him from all but the splashes of the drops that hit the floor and their spray touched him with a pleasant chill. And he was secure, because someewhere out beyond the wall of water humanity still existed, and was preparing supper.”
James Jones, From Here to Eternity

Terry Pratchett
“Everybody has somebody. It could be a friend, a lover, a spouse, a writing partner, or even That One Person You See At The Coffee Shop each day. Sometimes they exist to comfort you. Sometimes they exist to drive you absolutely mad. Be open to either as a form of self-improvement.”
Terry Pratchett

Beth Pattillo
“Have some more tea, dear," Hester said, reaching for the pot and refilling my cup. "I always find that helps.”
Beth Pattillo

Frank Bidart
“The stratagems by which briefly you
ameliorated, even seemingly

untwisted what still twists within you —

you loved their taste and lay there
on your side

nursing like a puppy.”
Frank Bidart, Watching the Spring Festival: Poems

Patrick White
“Superficially my war was a comfortable exercise in futility carried out in a grand Scottish hotel amongst the bridge players and swillers of easy-come-by whisky. My chest got me out of active service and into guilt, as I wrote two, or is it three of the novels for which I am now acclaimed.”
Patrick White, Three Uneasy Pieces

Erin Bow
“She was dry. She was lying on something soft. She was wrapped in quilts. There was a star of light drifting above her, and a smell like a herb garden. Taggle was a long warmth stretched out at one side, his chin in her hand, his tail curled over her neck. She thought they might be in heaven.
Taggle farted.
Plain Kate coughed and sneezed. And then she really was awake.”
Erin Bow

“Shooting Willoughby carrying Marianne up the path. ... Male strength -- the desire to be cradled again? ... I'd love someone to pick me up and carry me off. Frightening. Lindsay assures me I'd start to fidget after a while. She's such a comfort.”
Emma Thompson, The Sense and Sensibility Screenplay and Diaries: Bringing Jane Austen's Novel to Film

Tahir Shah
“When I am about to embark on a difficult journey, I comfort myself by reading the accounts of the great nineteenth-century travellers, men like Stanley, Burton, Speke, Burckhardt and Barth.”
Tahir Shah, In Search of King Solomon's Mines

K.W. Jeter
“Adventures, I reflected, are all very fine but a certain amount of civilised comfort forms the true kernel of our desires.”
K.W. Jeter, Morlock Night

Katherine  Macdonald
“Let it bury you. Let it consume you. Rage. Cry. Fail. Only know that when you are ready to rise from the grave, I will be here to help dig you out.”
Katherine Macdonald, A Sword's Promise

Alexander McCall Smith
“She was of traditional build herself, but her figure was largely concealed by the folds of a generously cut shift dress made out of a flecked green fabric. It was like a tent, thought Mma Ramotswe--a camouflage tent of the sort that the Botswana Defence Force might use. But I do not sit in judgement on the dresses of others, she told herself, and a tent was a practical enough garment, if that is what one felt comfortable in.”
Alexander McCall Smith, The Double Comfort Safari Club

“Comfort is an ever-ending hole.”
Goitsemang Mvula

“Your comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there.”
Jen Alvares

“If he who hath posterity in Sion and kindred in Jerusalem hath been called happy, verily how much happier are we, for we have posterity in the heavenly Jerusalem. Verily.....”
A J and Albertus Schwengler: Wensinck, Legends of Eastern Saints Chiefly from Syriac Sources. Volume 1: Archelides; Volume 2: Hilaria. Bound with: Eusebii Pamphilii Historiae Ecclesiasticae Lib X, Ed A Schwegler.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning
“Let the world's sharpness like a clasping knife
Shut in upon itself and do no harm
In this close hand of Love, now soft and warm,
And let us hear no sound of human strife
After the click of the shutting.

- Sonnet XXIV
Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Sonnets from the Portuguese

“Did society ever compel any other woman, except those like me, to live, eat, sleep, frequent the same comfort-rooms and baths, lie sometimes in the same bed, with men, and sometimes to listen to the unclean talk of men?”
Jennie June, Autobiography of an Androgyne

“Sitting inside a warm and cozy cafe laced with soft music, plush furniture, the smell of fresh coffee, books and newspaper, eating brunch served on a table made of cedar, surrounded by exposed brick walls, while looking at the locals run in the rain during Christmas time. The perfect day”
Niedria Dionne Kenny

Jennifer Hillier
“Every bookstore, everywhere, smelled the same.
It smelled like home.”
Jennifer Hillier, Things We Do in the Dark

“She woke up from a bad dream, her breath coming in quick, shallow gasps. The room was dimly lit by the early morning light seeping through the curtains. As she sat up, rubbing her eyes, she reached for her phone to call him.

"Sorry for bothering you in your dream," he whispered softly, his voice a gentle balm to her frazzled nerves.

Her fear slowly dissipated. "How did you know?" she asked, her voice barely more than a whisper.

He gave a small, knowing smile. "I could sense it in your voice. I just wanted to let you know I'm here."

She nodded, feeling the warmth of his love wrap around her like a protective shield. "Thank you," she murmured, lying back down and letting the comfort of his words soothe her back into a peaceful sleep.”
Renuka Goria

“Her hurt was soft and dark and it had arms to hold me as if I were an infant. I sank into her soft dark arms, into a story of a wicked little girl who stepped on a loaf and fell into a world of demons and deformed creatures.”
Mary Gaitskill;, Veronica

“I lay on the grass with the air hanging around me, heavy and still. Not a sound disturbed the night save the trickle and truckle of two waterways, now seeming to chuckle together at some private joke. Perhaps they had seen the Devil ride out so often they found him ridiculous.”
Dixe Wills, At Night: A Journey Round Britain from Dusk Till Dawn

Dana Arcuri
“Ultimately, Intuitive Guide is precisely that - a guidebook on intuition. Consider it a beneficial resource to gain wisdom, understanding, and credible education to learn more about your inner guidance. The icing on the cake is that Intuitive Guide weaves heartwarming stories, which comfort your soul, lift your energy, and inspire you.”
Dana Arcuri, Intuitive Guide: How to Trust Your Gut, Embrace Divine Signs, & Connect with Heavenly Messengers

Jordan Castillo Price
“And kissing him was like coming home,
Tension drained from both of us as we sank into the kiss. Such a simple thing-something we had done a million times before. But the kiss was a powerful reminder that the two of us were solid. A true partnership. So much stronger together than either of us could ever be on our own.”
Jordan Castillo Price, Skeleton Crew

“Today was a Difficult Day," said Pooh.

There was a pause.

"Do you want to talk about it?" asked Piglet.

"No," said Pooh after a bit, "No, I don’t think I do."

"That’s okay," said Piglet, and he came and sat beside his friend.

"What are you doing?" asked Pooh.

"Nothing really," said Piglet, "Only, I know what Difficult Days are like. I quite often don’t feel like talking about it on my difficult days either.

"But goodness," continued Piglet, "Difficult Days are so much easier when you know you’ve got someone there for you. And I’ll always be here for you, Pooh."

As Pooh sat there, working through in his head his Difficult Day, while the solid, reliable Piglet sat next to him quietly, swinging his little legs…he thought his best friend had never been more right.”
A. A. Milne