Comfort Quotes

Quotes tagged as "comfort" Showing 211-240 of 1,283
Susan L. Marshall
“It is darker than usual in my chamber tonight, not having you here to light the tallow candles as you usually do. I used to find comfort in your warm smile as you would spark light throughout my melancholy space.”
Susan L. Marshall, Adira and the Dark Horse

“They're okay, because they have each other. Here they are, holding onto this moment: two comforted, two comforting, two brothers.

Always brothers.”
Zeppazariel, Crimson Rivers

Sara Arneberg
“Today is a day, I just wanna die
If it weren't for this big piece of
fucking apple pie”
Sara Arneberg, a bouquet of poems

K.L. Speer
“You’re a river, Bones,” he said, squeezing my hands hard to get my attention. “You don’t break, you bend. If someone tries to control you, you find a new way around. People might think you’re just water, might think they have you contained, but you’re strong enough to cut a path through mountain rock and wild enough to wash everythin’ away when you rage.”
K.L. Speer

Susan L. Marshall
“I will find your words
playing outside in the sun.
They will drift in the breeze
and hide away from storms.
They’ll be comforting
in your own way ...

[Letter Jumble]”
Susan L. Marshall, Bare Spirit: The Selected Poems of Susan Marshall

Madeline Miller
“The thick warmth of his sleepy breath against my ear. If you have to go I will go with you. My fears forgotten in the golden harbour of his arms.”
Madeline Miller, The Song of Achilles

Madeleine L'Engle
“Christ be with me, Christ within me, Christ behind me, Christ before me, Christ beside me, Christ to win me, Christ to comfort and restore me.”
Madeleine L'Engle, An Acceptable Time

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“The passion for comfort kills passion.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Margaret Atwood
“My heart is broken, Nell thinks. But in our family we don't say, "My heart is broken." We say, "Are there any cookies?" One must eat. One must keep busy. One must distract oneself. But why? What for? For whom?”
Margaret Atwood, Old Babes in the Wood: Stories

“I mean, I sort of went insane and treated everyone like shit after my girlfriend died, so…"

"You weren't exactly the picture of sane before, and if I lost James, I would have needed to be locked away. I'd either kill everyone else, or kill myself, so if you ask me, you handled yourself quite well, all things considered."

"You don't know how I handled myself at all."

"I don't need to. You're here now, and you look good. That tells me all I need to know."

"You know, I appreciate that," Dorcas muses.

Regulus chuckles, and then he's smiling, a full smile that Dorcas has never seen on his face before. As if she didn't walk out of his life, and every life, including her own, for the last year, he says, "James and I recently agreed to get married, like planning the wedding and such. You'll be in my lineup. James can't have you, which he's been pouting about, but he's not the best at multitasking when it comes to fighting. He's throwing his whole lot in with claiming Sirius."

"I'm—in the wedding?" Dorcas asks.


"Oh, obviously. You couldn't have known I'd be back in time."

"No," Regulus agrees with a shrug, "but I hoped."

Dorcas' heart clenches. "Thank you, for hoping.”
Zeppazariel, Crimson Rivers

K.L. Speer
“Just for the record, none of us are ever gonna be mad ’cause you woke up screaming, but we are gonna need to make sure you’re alright.”

“I said I was fine,” I muttered.

"Yeah, you say that a lot," he retorted, and I saw the flash of his teeth as he grinned. "So far you haven't been fine even once.”
K.L. Speer, Bones

K.L. Speer
“Well if I was a roaring river, shifting and unpredictable, Trey was the very mountain below us, steady and constant.”
K.L. Speer, Bones

K.L. Speer
“His warm hand gripped mine and squeezed. "I'm not goin' anywhere, darlin'.”
K.L. Speer, Bones

Kyle St Germain
“One could throw a thesaurus at him, landing on the H-section page with the word ‘habit’ displayed now, and he knew that there was no reason to read on. He understood the substance of that surface; through routine came comfort.
That’s a danger we expose ourselves to daily though, isn't it? Comfort; a mundane insanity. It is like a drug, once you get used to it, it becomes almost addicting. And Danny had too grown comfortable with that, with comfort. With opinions and outlooks piled past his eyes can see, and held onto, held back for so long that they had grown bitter to his tongue. Comfortably so.”
Kyle St Germain, Dysfunction

“Despite I was tired, it was a comfort to stare at the red and brown stripes of the blanket in the lantern light and move my fingers along them. It was a steady, dependable task, as opposed to every other thing in my life at that moment, which was not currently steady.”
Elizabeth Crook, The Madstone: A Novel

“Mundane is beautiful too..
like the quiet rhythm of raindrops on a windowpane, or the simple elegance of a sunrise painting the sky in hues of pastel..
like a worn book filled with familiar stories, or a chipped mug cradling your morning coffee..
The mundane holds a quiet magic, a comfort in its constancy.”
Monika Ajay Kaul

“Life is a journey; make it luxurious.”
Lester B

“The tragic sense of life has its origin in our determination to carry off two incompatible, but equally serious, ambitions: to search for meaning and to face reality. An intense, unceasing demand for meaning - the longing for life to make benevolent, beautiful sense - is coupled with the dawning, appalling fact that it does not, in the end, make sense in that way. Tragedy is the name for horror seen against the backdrop of love.

This is an area in which civilization does not reduce our suffering - does not make life more pleasing or comfortable. What is the achievement of tragedy? It is to present the deepest sorrows of the human condition: what we love is terribly vulnerable; each life is a brief, scarring moment in the wastes of eternity; our transient existence will be marked by depression, confusion, and fear ... The ambition of tragedy is to hold such intelligent fears in a ceremonial act endowed with splendour and grace.

The ceremony does not overcome our fears. But, unlike horror, it does not seek to stoke anxiety. The tragic view is, really, a determination to hold on to nobility, love and beauty - even while knowing the worst about ourselves.”
John Armstrong, In Search of Civilization

“You smiled at me. I felt like a new life sprang out of me. I hugged you immediately. I held you like that for some time and cried my heart out. I let the tears melt the guilt in my heart. I felt like the power that can absolve my sins was hidden only in your smile. You hugged me warmly in your tender arms. Might be the pure hearts forgive and cleanse the hearts of the sinners in no time. You were emanating new life into me. That day, I was alive because of you. That day, I was born again fresh.”
Bharani Kumar Buyakar, Once Again Beautiful And Pure: A Tale of Strength and Redemption

Ann Petry
“He knew that people got accustomed to luxury very quickly, accepting it finally as their due, and no matter what strain and struggle, what utter poverty they may have known, they soon forgot it, they soon reached the point where they could not survive whole without comfort, luxury. It softened them up.”
Ann Petry, The Narrows

“It doesn't matter where you're from, it doesn't matter what country you're in, you deserve love. It doesn't matter what you are, what you choose to be, you deserve love.”
Christopher Bang Chan

“On the day you were born, everyone was smiling and was happy.
For that much, you are someone important, someone who brings happiness to others.
If you're gone, everyone would be living in sorrow. You are a wonderful person, so you will be able to live a wonderful life in the future as well.
Though it can be hard and sad at times, because of that sorrow, greater happiness tends to come after. So cheer up!!
Try to live nicely for the sake of yourself!
Although there is nothing I can do for you, I know that you will treasure the things that can bring you memories.
Let's only think good thoughts. Moon Star!”

“Just don't... Don't hurt yourself. If you really can't help it or if you really just don't kow what to do or you're really, really lost, as I've always said, come here, look for me, ask me, talk with me, and I'll try my best to relieve your stress.”
Christopher Bang Chan

“Just don't... Don't hurt yourself. If you really can't help it or if you really just don't know what to do or you're really, really lost, as I've always said, come here, look for me, ask me, talk with me, and I'll try my best to relieve your stress.”
Christopher Bang Chan

“Answers...God knows, I've begged for them," Gail mused. "I'm beginning the think sometimes there are no answers. I'm beginning to think sometimes there's only grief...and comfort. I think some answers will have to wait till we're in Heaven, asking Jesus face to face why we encountered the things we did."
Scott sighed. "Easier said than done."
"I'm not saying we shouldn't look for solutions," Gail was quick to add. "But we can't wait until all the pieces fall into place before we reach out to help...or reach out for help.”
Karen Scalf Linamen

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“No real dream is safe.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“If you’re committed to playing it safe they’ll never be a day in your life where you’ll play.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Mitta Xinindlu
“After all the lies and the deception have been successfully challenged in your favour, I hope that you will, at least, find comfort in the truth.”
Mitta Xinindlu

Charles Haddon Spurgeon
“How can I expect to be at home in the enemy’s country, joyful while in exile, or comfortable in a wilderness? This is not my rest. This is the place of the furnace, the forge, and the hammer.”
Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Faith’s Checkbook: Daily Devotional - Promises for Today