Confession Of Love Quotes

Quotes tagged as "confession-of-love" Showing 1-30 of 103
Renée Ahdieh

I've failed you several times. But there was one moment I failed you beyond measure. It was the day we met. The moment I took your hand and you looked at me, with the glory of hate in your eyes. I should have sent you home to your family. But I didn't. There was honesty in your hatred. Fearlessness in your pain. In your honesty, I saw a reflection of myself. Or rather, of the man I longed to be. So I failed you. I didn't stay away. Then later, I thought if I had answers, it would be enough. I would no longer care. You would not matter. So I continued failing you. Continued wanting more. And now I can't find the words to say what must be said. To convey to you the least of what I owe. When I think of you, I can't find the air to breathe. And now, though you are gone, there is no pain or fear. All I am left with is gratitude.
When I was a boy, my mother would tell me that one of the best things in life is the knowledge that your story isn't over yet. Our story may have come to a close, but your story is still yet to be told. Make it a story worthy of you.
I failed you in one last thing. Here is my chance to rectify it. It was never because I didn't feel it. It was because I swore I would never say it, and a man is nothing if he can't keep his promises.
So I write it in the sky-
I love you, a thousand times over. And I will never apologize for it.
Renee Ahdieh, The Wrath and the Dawn

“You're really great. I like you...Or in other words, I fancy you, I love you, I want you, I can't leave you, I whatever you.”
墨香铜臭, 魔道祖師 四 [Mo Dao Zu Shi Vol. 4]

Heather Fawcett
“I prefer your company, Em."
He said it as if it were obvious. I snorted again, assuming he was teasing me. "Over the company of a tavern filled with a rapt and grateful audience? I'm sure you do."
"Over anyone else's company." Again, he said it with some amusement, as if wondering what I was doing speculating about something so evident.
"You are drunk," I said.
"Shall I prove it to you?"
"No, you shan't," I said, alarmed, but he was already sweeping to the floor, bending his knee and taking my hand between his.
"What in God's name are you doing?" I said between my teeth. "And why are you doing it now?"
"Shall I make an appointment?" he said, then laughed. "Yes, I believe you would like that. Well, name the time when it would be convenient for you to receive a declaration of love."
"Oh, get up," I said, furious now. "What sort of jest is this, Wendell?"
"You don't believe me?" He smiled, all mischief, a look I'd seen from other Folk, enough to know not to trust him one inch. "Ask for my true name, and I'll give it to you."
"Why on earth would you do that?" I demanded, yanking my hand back.
"Oh, Em," he said forlornly. "You are the cleverest dolt I have ever met."
I stared at him, my heart thundering. Of course, I am not a dolt in any sense; I had supposed he felt something for me and had only hoped he would keep it to himself. Forever. Not that a part of me didn't wish for the opposite. But that was when I assumed his feelings in that respect were equivalent to what he felt for any of the nameless women who passed in and out of his bed. And why would I lower myself to that, when he and I already had something that was vastly more valuable?”
Heather Fawcett, Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Faeries

Madeleine Urban
“I like being able to wake up with you. I like knowing you'll be there if I need you," he continued, obviously uncomfortable with what he was saying but refusing to be deterred now that he'd begun. "I like being with you, Zane. And I'd like to keep that up now that you're here," he admitted shakily. He met Zane's eyes determinedly. "I want you.”
Madeleine Urban, Sticks & Stones

“I like you so much I don't know what to do with it. My heart beats so fast when I know I'm going to see you again.”
Jenny Han

Lisa Kleypas
“I love you," she said wretchedly. “And if I were well, no power on earth could keep me away from you. If I were well, I would take you to my bed, and I would show you as much passion as any woman could.”
Lisa Kleypas, Seduce Me at Sunrise

Lisa Kleypas
“Dearest," she murmured, "as you know, there was a time when it didn't matter to me whether I married a man I loved or not... it seemed enough just to get my family out of the desperate situation we were in. But when I thought about what it would be like to share a bed with my husband... to spend the rest of my life with him... I knew Simon was the only choice." She paused, and sudden tears glittered her eyes. Beautiful, self-possessed Annabelle, who hardly ever cried. "When I'm ill," she continued in a husky voice, "when I'm afraid, when I need something, I know he will move heaven and earth to make everything all right. I trust him with every fiber of my being. And when I see the child we created, the two of us mingled forever in her... my God, how grateful I am that I married Simon.”
Lisa Kleypas, Scandal in Spring

“Through much resistance on my part, you made it easy, and it was so different from basic relationships or familial love. I didn’t know what it was about you that made things so peculiar. You talk about your scent fetish, but as it turned out, I was also addicted to yours.
It wasn’t a game for me, and I felt it much deeper than I can probably even describe in words—the combining of souls. If you weren’t around, I found myself missing you; I found myself needing you. My body, my mind, and my spirit need you.
I am the world’s biggest fool, the biggest pain in the ass, but I’m stupidly, unapologetically, and whole-heartedly in love with you. I’ve waited so long to tell you that."-Tara”
RNA Author, Parasite

Victoria Schwab
“You were the one who said it was just a game.''
''I lied.'' The words, a knife. ''You loved me,'' he says. ''And I loved you.”
V.E. Schwab, The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue

Ana Huang
“I don’t know why I care. I just know I do, and I hate it. I hate the idea of you touching anyone else, or anyone else touching you. I hate that other people can make you laugh in a way I can’t. I hate how I feel around you, like you’re the only person that can make me lose control when I. Don’t. Lose. Control.”
Ana Huang, King of Wrath

Amy E. Reichert
“You say hope leads to disaster, but I say from disaster comes hope. You were married and I thought I'd never learn your name. Now I know you love sea turtles and snorkeling, you're fiercely devoted to your friends, and you take your coffee with a lot of cream but will add sugar when the mood strikes. Before you, I didn't think life could get better; a great family, the best home, and so much time to enjoy my life. What more could I want? You've upended my world and become woven into every part of it. I can't carve a nisse without thinking about what might amuse you. Every time I make a kringle, I wonder if you'll like it. I never want to look at the stars again without you to guide my gaze.”
Amy E. Reichert, Once Upon a December

Lisa Kleypas
“Evie..." His whisper stirred the tiny wisps at her hairline. "I want to make love to you."
Her blood turned to boiling honey. Eventually she managed a stammering reply. "I-I thought y-you never called it that."
His hands lifted to her face, his fingertips exploring delicately. She remained docile beneath his caress while the scent of his skin, fresh and clove-like, drugged her like some narcotic incense.
Reaching to his own throat, Sebastian fumbled beneath his shirt and extracted the wedding band on the fine chain. He tugged it, breaking the fragile links, and let the chain drop to the floor. Evie's breathing hastened as he reached for her left hand and slid the gold band onto her fourth finger. Their hands matched together, palm to palm, wrist to wrist, just as they had been bound during their wedding ceremony. His forehead lowered to hers, and he whispered, "I want to fill every part of you... breathe the air from your lungs... leave my handprints on your soul. I want to give you more pleasure than you can bear. I want to make love to you, Evie, as I have never done with anyone before.”
Lisa Kleypas, Devil in Winter

Lynsay Sands
“Are you troubled by me making ye enjoy it?"
Claray flushed, but admitted honestly, "I was at first. But I've resigned meself to it."
"Resinged yerself?" he asked with concern. "Should I stop---?"
"Nay!" Claray interrupted quickly, and then scowled. "Do no' you dare stop. I love the pleasure ye give me, and if 'tis wrong, then I'll happily serve me time in hell fer it."
"Ye will, will ye?" he asked with a faint smile.
Claray nodded, and then added, "But I do' think the church is right about this. I love ye, and the loving is an expression of that. 'Tis beautiful and precious." Pausing, she smiled slightly, and added, "Besides, ye ordered me to enjoy it, and Father Cameron did make me vow to obey ye. I can hardly be punished fer keeping vows the church made me make."
The concern easing from his face, Conall chuckled and hugged her close. "I do love ye, Claray. Yer beautiful, and clever, and sure to drive me mad and scare me witless at times. But I'd have it no other way."
"Neither would I, husband," Claray murmured, hugging him back. "Neither would I.”
Lynsay Sands, Highland Wolf

Erin La Rosa
Our fans know you for your tough exterior, but the truth is that they don't know you at all. I've been lucky enough to be next to you for the last few years on the show, and the last few weeks as... something more. You've brought out a different side of me. I'm my best self when you're around, and all I want is for you to find the happiness, respect and love you're owed. I can honestly say that I don't deserve you. The fans of the show would be lucky to see more of you. But most of all, I want you to be truly happy. Here's hoping you know that...

I will always think of you.

I never disliked you.

And I never deserved a minute of your time.

Erin La Rosa, For Butter or Worse

Amy E. Reichert
“Before you, I thought my life was perfect. I had family, community, a long life in a literal magical land, but I wasn't living--- not really. I had abundant time, so it had no value. When I almost lost you, I realized how meaningless time was when I couldn't be with you. You've shown me that a second lived with the right person is better than one hundred years alone. Now every moment is precious because I know its worth."
He opened his hand to reveal a sparkling diamond ring that resembled a star or maybe even a snowflake--- she loved that it could be either. Set in white gold, a round center stone was surrounded by smaller pear-shaped diamonds that formed the points.
"Will you do me the honor of making every second of my life priceless?”
Amy E. Reichert, Once Upon a December

Rifa Coolheart
“Tell you what? Never love someone expecting them to return your love. That doesn't happen in reality. Love is innocent and pristine; it just happens; you cannot choose whom to love. It doesn't matter if they don't love you; nonetheless, you must at least express your feelings to them in order for both of you to be happy.”
Rifa Coolheart

Gaelen Foley
“Marry me," he said.
Her eyes widened. "What?" She nearly fell off the horse.
"Marry me, Kate," he repeated. He swallowed hard. "I need you in my life. Please. Say you'll be my duchess."
He took a step closer. "I know I said some boorish, stupid things that day in the music room. You were right. I was scared. I didn't know how it could be between us, but I see it now. And that night on your father's ship, I acted like a brute, telling you to prove your love by sleeping with me. It was wrong."
She shook her head. "You needed me."
"I did. I still do. I always will. I don't know what I'll do if you say no." He lowered his head. "I know you've reason to be wary. That I can be a thoroughgoing bastard sometimes. I've had too many women in the past, but, God, I don't want that anymore. And it is true, I, er, kill people now and then, but just to safeguard England. And if you can live with that---" He shook his head with a tempestuous fire in his eyes. "On my word, I will be true to you, and I will love you until the end of time."
Kate had lost the power of speech. Indeed, she could barely breathe. Tears rushed into her eyes.
Lord Byron himself could not have uttered more romantic sentiments.
"There can be no other for me, Kate, but you." The Beast walked over and stared hard into the depths of her eyes; sitting on the pony's back, she was on eye level with him for once, and the whole tumult of his soul was there in his eyes, discovering love for the first time, setting his heart free at last. "You... make me feel things I've never experienced before. You've been so patient, and I've been such a fool."
"No, you haven't," she breathed, wonder-struck by him. Was this just a dream?
"Stay with me always," he implored her in a confidential whisper. "And love me... as I love you."
"You---love me?" she echoed, her chin trembling in the most embarrassing fashion.
"With all my heart," he vowed in a soft but fierce tone, looking as deeply moved as she. He touched her hair, tucking a windblown lock of it behind her ear. "Kate, you and I were meant to be together. I'm still superstitious enough to know when I have found my destiny. It's you. You're the one who broke the curse.”
Gaelen Foley, My Dangerous Duke

Lucy Gould
“I love you like the ocean loves the sand; I will always come back for you no matter what. I love you like the wind loves the trees; it might not seem like it, but I’m always there to support you. I love you like the moon loves the sun; I would die every day just to let you shine. I love you more than words can describe, and I always will.”
Lucy Gould, The Rescue

“Ketika lo sekadar suka sama orang lain, lo akan anggap mereka sebagai tujuan. Tapi kalau lo udah anggap mereka sebagai rumah, lo jatuh cinta.”
Nadia Ristivani, Hilmy Milan

“I feel like i've always been a princess in a man-ruled kingdom, living under the king's standard and authorities. Until this man came, built another kingdom for me to be the queen. I feel like ... he built a queendom, for me.”
Nadia Ristivani, Hilmy Milan

Marilyn Shae
“...we have feelings for each other that we didn't want to admit. We tried so hard to be just fuck buddies we completely ignored our hearts because, truth be told, Isabella Rey, I wasn't sleeping with anyone else but you. I didn't even talk to other girls, I didn't take numbers, I ignored every female that wasn't you." He pulls out his wallet and opening it. "I got your photo in my wallet, both pictures, so yeah, I want you to be my girl.”
Marilyn Shae, Crashing In

Aisha Saeed
“I've asked you so many Golub words over the years." She looked up at him. Her eyes glistened. "But what's the Golub word for 'love'?"
"Love," he repeated. "Th-there's more than one word for love. There's friendship love---silan. Gratitude love---baya. Nostalgic love---ruman. There's... there are forty words for love."
"What if, hypothetically, you feel all those ways about someone?"
"No." She held his gaze. "Actually not hypothetically at all."
Looking into her eyes, Raf found himself unable to speak.
"I... I started working on that mural randomly. I didn't even plan it out properly. What did it matter? Not like anyone's given a crap about that mural since the storm came through. And what did I end up creating? The dolphins we swam with," she said. "The sandcastles we made together. Everything on there... Do you see it, Raf?"
There was Main Street---the movie theater. Tilted Tales, where they sat for hours on end reading comics. The entire street was there, but it was both of these locations that shone with a sheen of glitter. He took it all in.
"It's us," he said slowly. "You painted our places. Our favorite memories."
"I love you, Raf." Her voice quivered. "Silan---the friendship one. Baya, the gratitude one. Ruman. Nostalgia for what we were. All of it. I love you in all the ways I know.”
Aisha Saeed, Forty Words for Love

Neda Aria
“I don’t love you, and I will never love you. Not now, not ever.”
Neda Aria, Bella Donna

Katrina Kwan
“You challenge me. You know when to push, you know when to hold back. You make me laugh like no one else. You make every day so much brighter. I didn't realize how lost I was before I met you. You helped me come back to my family. You helped me make friends. You helped me find my passion again. I love you so much, Eden.”
Katrina Kwan, Knives, Seasoning, & A Dash of Love

“Vì người, đánh đâu thắng đó, không gì cản nổi."

“Vì người tử trận là vinh quang chí cao vô thượng của ta.”

“Với ta mà nói, vinh quang vô hạn là ngươi, ngã xuống bụi trần cũng là ngươi. Quan trọng vẫn là ngươi, mà không phải ngươi như thế nào”
Mặc Hương Đồng Khứu, Heaven Official's Blessing: Tian Guan Ci Fu (Novel) Vol. 1

Kiana Krystle
“I love the commanding tone of your voice and how it falls in gentle rhythms. I love how you dance like the waves and pull me in with your tide. You're every ounce as beautiful as the sea and every bit as wild. You have no idea the extent how vibrantly you glow, but perhaps you're learning. And I love that. I love you."
A flutter in my chest multiplies, blooming and blooming and blooming, like the kaleidoscope in my dream. Only this time, it doesn't shatter. It holds me there in that rose-gold glow. I burst, but in a way that's expansive, not destructive.
I leap forward, pressing my lips to his, obliterated by the dew-damp softness.
His eyes widen as he pulls away.
I gape at him, flushed. "I---I'm sorry."
He hesitates, but then he pounces, drawing me towards his embrace and crushing my open mouth. It happens so fast. He grabs me by the thighs, welling up my skirt as he carries me out of the water. My fingers curl through his hair, and novas explode as he slips his tongue onto mine. He holds me tighter, kissing me over and over again like repeating a melody. It's as natural as language, as wild as the roaring sea.
We fall to the ground, and a bed of flowers blossoms beneath us, pale pink and soft. The velvet petals tangle in my hair as he presses into me--- skin on skin, blooming with wild heat. We fold into each other, our arms coiling like serpents, my fingers tracing his body.
He pulls away for just a moment, but only to study me like the rarest opal, admiring my every color and curve before kissing my lips--- sweet and soft and slow. We repeat the motions in a ritual that's only our own.
I try to catch my thoughts, but they're all tangled up . Though, there's one thing I know for sure. Through my unsteady breathing, I whisper, "I love you, too."
Despite what the Devil thinks, I am capable of love, and I won't let him win, not now. Damien and I collapse into the damp petals, surrendering to the night.”
Kiana Krystle, Dance of the Starlit Sea

Kiana Krystle
“You made me realize that love isn't something that should be earned. And so, I severed myself from the people who held their love above my head. True love is loving all of a person, even the parts that terrify them, and especially the parts they hate. I love you, Lila, for all that you are."
A smile overcomes me effortlessly. Not because of the praise, but because he really sees me. As a beauty queen, as a ballerina, and as the Queen of Hell too. Despite my demons, Damien still loves me. He forgives me.
Maybe it's time I forgive myself.”
Kiana Krystle, Dance of the Starlit Sea

Katherine  Macdonald
“I've always known I would watch you die," he said. "I've like the idea less and less as the years have gone by. I'd trade many a year to give you an extra month, and still consider I'd got the better end of the deal.”
Katherine Macdonald, Forest of Dreams and Whispers

“I have plenty of assets, but I doubt they’d appeal to you. All I really have to offer is my heart. But if you won’t accept it, then just forget about this.”
Priest, Guardian: Zhen Hun (Novel) Vol. 2

Sara Desai
“Simi Chopra, will you marry me?" He opened the blue velvet box in his hand and showed me a beautiful sapphire ring surrounded by diamonds.
My mouth opened, but all that spilled out was, "My brain..."
A frown creased Jack's brow. "Not really the answer I was expecting."
"I can't..." I shook my head. "You organized all this? Chloe? The dress? The car? Trey and all the renovations were real? When did you buy this house? It had to be after I told you I wanted to take a break."
"Yes, it was."
"But how did you know we'd get back together?"
"Because if we weren't meant to be together, I would never have been in the bushes the night you tried to save Chloe in the museum. I wouldn't have held you in my arms and known deep in my bones that I'd met the woman I'd been waiting for all my life... a woman who is intelligent and beautiful and brave and loyal, who has a secret love of adventure and a wicked sense of humor, a woman who lights up every room she walks into and can take a group of misfits and turn them into a family. A woman I want to call my wife." He took the ring out of the box and slid it on my finger. "This was my mother's ring. It is the only thing I have left to remember her by, and there is no one else I have ever wanted to give it to but you."
I looked at the ring and then at the man who had stolen my heart. "Yes, Jack, I'll marry you.”
Sara Desai, 'Til Heist Do Us Part

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