Decision Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "decision-quotes" Showing 31-60 of 128
“Decision is what directs energy, tunes frequency, and sets the rate of vibration of, in and toward life.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr, The Wealth Reference Guide: An American Classic

Germany Kent
“Life is about choices. The better you become at making good choices the better your life will be.”
Germany Kent

Harjeet Khanduja
“There are only two types of people in an organization. The people who make decisions and the people who execute them.”
Harjeet Khanduja, How Leaders Decide: Tackling Biases and Risks in Decision Making

Harjeet Khanduja
“Decision making is a little like cologne, everyone has their own style when it comes to running a company and making decisions.”
Harjeet Khanduja, How Leaders Decide: Tackling Biases and Risks in Decision Making

Harjeet Khanduja
“Where ever decision makers stumble.
Technology makes them humble.”
Harjeet Khanduja, Nothing About Business

Ahemad R Kazi
“No one has the right to decide your fate unless you give them the authority to do so”
Ahemad R Kazi, The Inheritance of Dreams

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“You are given the free will, or choices in life; but you must be widely awake to make wise decisions.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Merida Johns
“Don’t make snap decisions, good or bad, about someone. Before forming an opinion, figure out what makes a person tick. Sam in Blackhorse Road A Novel”
Merida Johns, Blackhorse Road: A novel of deception and forgiveness and love gained and lost

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“I always prepare my day in advance. Tomorrow's activities must be planned or decided today. Simply, because tomorrow never comes.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

“When the choice is no longer between quality or numbers or both, then a decision can be postponed.”

Harjeet Khanduja
“Managers not just make 90% organizational decisions, they influence the rest 10% decisions as well.”
Harjeet Khanduja, How Leaders Decide: Tackling Biases and Risks in Decision Making

Harjeet Khanduja
“Balancing group decision making with individual decision making balances speed and quality of decisions.”
Harjeet Khanduja, How Leaders Decide: Tackling Biases and Risks in Decision Making

Harjeet Khanduja
“Dynamic decision making needs dynamic decision makers, who can think on their feet.”
Harjeet Khanduja, How Leaders Decide: Tackling Biases and Risks in Decision Making

Harjeet Khanduja
“The best hidden secret is always in front of the eyes of people. Decision ecosystem is one such secret of successful organizations that is not easy to recognize and replicate.”
Harjeet Khanduja, How Leaders Decide: Tackling Biases and Risks in Decision Making

“You do not not need permission to change.”
Marquita Burke De Jesus

Luigino Bottega
“To be free, we need to open the cages of our concepts. This happens the moment we decide on it.”

“Don't depend on others to make a decision for your life".”
I'm salmiah

Namrata Gupta
“I think you're confused most of the times. You just go with the flow till all your choices disappear and you're left with just one path to follow. You postpone decision making. Maybe because most of the times you're scared of facing your thoughts or the reality.”
Namrata Gupta, Lost Love Late Love

“All decisions are mistakes. Each cut as it heals. Each heals as it cuts. The best keep moving forward. The worst let inaction fester.”
Brian S Woods, THE CODEX BELLUM: Iron Wrapped In Cotton

“Breathe in the calm and relax your mind before making big decisions.”
Nancy B. Urbach

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“You have to decide everything for yourself, then God will assist you in your cause.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“Since you have already identified the problem, the solution is not far from you. Now it is about making the final decision to live a peaceful life full of blessings.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“You can choose whatever you want, but God always makes that final decision. Including the day of your birth and your death.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“After the completion of the spiritual journey, you will become like a new leaf. Either devoted to religion or to reason. You have to make this final decision yourself.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

“The choices that precede your actions are potent enough to reshape the greater future beyond your personal future through the law of cause and effect.”
Wayne Chirisa

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“Bad choices can still be changed before it's too late. Ignorance is the worst disease in the universe.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“Decisions are not necessary in love unless you imagine that you love with your mind rather than your heart.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Paul Bamikole
“Good or bad, right or wrong, destiny is the sum of all our choices, decisions, actions and inaction.”
Paul Bamikole

Cristina Imre
“Never make serious decisions under stress. They will probably be wrong.”
Cristina Imre