Dependency Quotes

Quotes tagged as "dependency" Showing 1-30 of 126
Steve Maraboli
“Your fear is 100% dependent on you for its survival.”
Steve Maraboli, Life, the Truth, and Being Free

Emme Rollins
“Like a butterfly stuck in a chrysalis, waiting for the perfect moment, I was waiting for the day I could burst forth and fly away and find my home.”
Emme Rollins, Dear Rockstar

Terry Goodkind
“If you want to be a slave in life, then continue going around asking others to do for you. They will oblige, but you will find the price is your choices, your freedom, your life itself. They will do for you, and as a result you will be in bondage to them forever, having given your identity away for a paltry price. Then, and only then, you will be a nobody, a slave, because you yourself and nobody else made it so.”
Terry Goodkind, The Pillars of Creation

Thomas  Harris
“In making friends, she was wary of people who foster dependency and feed on it. She had been involved with a few--the blind attract them, and they are the enemy.”
Thomas Harris, Red Dragon

Tullian Tchividjian
“Whether it's a Christian or a non-Christian, there's nothing like suffering to show us how small, needy, and not in control we are. Suffering has a way of sobering us up to the realization that we can't make it on our own, that we need help, that we're broken.”
Tullian Tchividjian

Alan Cohen
“For everyone you create to be dependent on you, you are equally dependent on them. Neither relationship is healthy.”
Alan Cohen

bell hooks
“It is this dependency that became, and is, the breeding ground for abuses of power.”
Bell Hooks, All About Love: New Visions

Toba Beta
“People addicted with technology.
Technology has indulged mankind.
Beware of technology dependency!”
Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity

Albert Marrin
“It is in our best interest to. . . embark on a revolutionary change that will lead us away from oil dependency rather than drag our feet and suffer the costs of becoming growingly dependent on a diminishing resource.' Truer words were never written.”
Albert Marrin

Bernhard Schlink
“Illiteracy is dependence. By finding the courage to learn to read and write, Hanna had advanced from dependence to independence, a step towards liberation.
الأمية هي التبعية ، وبعثورها على الشجاعة لتعلم القراءة والكتابة ،تقدمًت "هانا" من التبعية إلى الاستقلال ، وهي خطوة ناحية التحرر.”
Bernhard Schlink

“[E]verything is always in relationship. In fact, you could almost say that everything is made of relationship, in a sense.”
Elizabeth Mattis Namgyel, The Logic of Faith: A Buddhist Approach to Finding Certainty Beyond Belief and Doubt

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Change begins when you realize that there are no hidden or buried treasures.
No Santa Claus nor genie.
Just you and your determination to succeed.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Night of a Thousand Thoughts

Robin Norwood
“Cuando amamos demasiado, es porque tratamos de vencer los viejos miedos, frustraciones, enojos y dolores de la niñez, y darse por vencido es renunciar a una valiosísima oportunidad de encontrar alivio.”
Robin Norwood, Las mujeres que aman demasiado: El best seller que ha ayudado a millones de mujeres

Nathaniel Branden
“To think, to judge, to choose our values is to be individuated, to create a distinct, personal identity. But thus to affirm that I exist is to open myself to the realization that I am finite, that my life is limited, that I am mortal, that one day I will die. The rebellion against the inevitability of death results in a rebellion against the challenges and opportunities of life. If I refuse to fully live, I cannot die.

So: fear of autonomy entails fear of self-responsibility entails fear of identity entails fear of aloneness entails fear of death.

That which does not exist cannot perish.”
Nathaniel Branden, Honoring the Self: Self-Esteem and Personal Transformation

Lydia Millet
“In the wild, he thought, there would be almost no waiting. Waiting was what happened to you when you lost control, when events were out of your hands or your freedom was taken from you; but in the wild there would always be trying. In the wild there must be trying and trying, he thought, and no waiting at all. Waiting was a position of dependency.”
Lydia Millet, How the Dead Dream

“When a pet is adopted within its imprint period, the attachment it felt to its mother is quickly transferred to the new owner, who steps in to meet the pet’s physical and emotional demands. Herein lies the reason pets become so instantly bonded to us. The process may seem harmless on the surface, even natural, but keep in mind that the normal progression of things would have the young animal soon beginning to detach from its parent. Whereas the animal’s mother would discourage continued dependence, the surrogate mother, the new owner, encourages it. In this way, the case of usurped identity is never followed by detachment. Quite the contrary: the whole dynamic of interactions between people and their pets relies on the maintenance of the bond. Because of this, pets remain infantile, never reaching any level of autonomy or emotional maturity.”
Charles Danten, Un vétérinaire en colère - Essai sur la condition animale

“Denial reigns truer than our obvious dependency,
but we don’t seem to notice either; maybe it’s because when we are subject to the drugs, they reign over our lives, they are in control, not us. Others can see it in us, but we cannot see it in ourselves.”
Michael J Heil, Pursued: God’s relentless pursuit and a drug addict’s journey to finding purpose

“Their [drugs and sex] inability to satisfy long-term led to dependency and overindulgence; as my tolerance grew, I needed more in order to feel okay. Not only could they not meet my needs, but they left me dysfunctional so that I was unable to face life without them.”
Michael J Heil, Pursued: God’s relentless pursuit and a drug addict’s journey to finding purpose

“Never depend on man’s hand he can say anything but don’t do everything why because he’s the flesh man kind that will protect you on being het”
Nozipho N Maphumulo

Baek Se-hee
“For example, when you’re co-dependent on your partner you resent them, but when you leave your partner, you feel anxious and bereft.”
Baek Sehee, I Want to Die but I Still Want to Eat Tteokbokki: Further Conversations with My Psychiatrist

Criss Jami
“A refusal to grow up is like crouching while pulling others down.”
Criss Jami

“Come evidenziato dalla letteratura femminista sull’etica della cura, termini quali dipendenza e vulnerabilità portano ancora lo stigma di connotazioni negative, rinforzando stereotipi culturali di autonomia e individualismo fino a svalutare l’idea stessa di cura. Forse invece è utile ripensare la categoria della dipendenza come una questione umana universale, riconoscendo come tutte e tutti siamo dipendenti nella nostra vita quotidiana da altre persone, da tecnologie, da oggetti, da ambienti materiali costruiti sulla base delle specificità dei nostri corpi e da mille relazioni di ogni tipo. Non si tratta affatto di negare le differenze dei corpi e delle menti, ma di accettare la natura universale della dipendenza e, di converso, attenuare l’insistenza sul mito dell’indipendenza e dell’autonomia come principi fondativi di qualsiasi strategia o politica per la disabilità.”
Alberto Vanolo, La città autistica

“Do not confuse dependency with love.

Are they there because they truly want you or because they can't survive without you?”
Chidi Ejeagba, Rethinking Love

“Wanting to die with a dead partner might not be a show of love but more of a show of dependency.”
Chidi Ejeagba, Rethinking Love

“Love is not synonymous with dependency.

dependency can lead to a loss of individuality and self-sufficiency.”
Chidi Ejeagba, Rethinking Love

“If you don't have individuality, self-love, independent thoughts, & self-reliance, what do you hope to share with another person?”
Chidi Ejeagba, Rethinking Love

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