Environmental Protection Quotes

Quotes tagged as "environmental-protection" Showing 1-30 of 172
Henry David Thoreau
“What is the use of a house if you haven't got a tolerable planet to put it on?”
Henry David Thoreau, Familiar letters

Thomas L. Friedman
“In my world, you don’t get to call yourself “pro-life” and be against common-sense gun control — like banning public access to the kind of semiautomatic assault rifle, designed for warfare, that was used recently in a Colorado theater. You don’t get to call yourself “pro-life” and want to shut down the Environmental Protection Agency, which ensures clean air and clean water, prevents childhood asthma, preserves biodiversity and combats climate change that could disrupt every life on the planet. You don’t get to call yourself “pro-life” and oppose programs like Head Start that provide basic education, health and nutrition for the most disadvantaged children...The term “pro-life” should be a shorthand for respect for the sanctity of life. But I will not let that label apply to people for whom sanctity for life begins at conception and ends at birth. What about the rest of life? Respect for the sanctity of life, if you believe that it begins at conception, cannot end at birth.”
Thomas L. Friedman

Naomi Klein
“Because, underneath all of this is the real truth we have been avoiding: climate change isn’t an “issue” to add to the list of things to worry about, next to health care and taxes. It is a civilizational wake-up call. A powerful message—spoken in the language of fires, floods, droughts, and extinctions—telling us that we need an entirely new economic model and a new way of sharing this planet. Telling us that we need to evolve.”
Naomi Klein

Ramez Naam
“The world has a very serious problem, my friend' Shiva went on. 'Poor children still die by their millions. Westerners and the global rich -- like me -- live in post-scarcity society, while a billion people struggle to get enough to eat. And we're pushing the planet towards a tipping point, where the corals die and the forests burn and life becomes much, much harder. We have the resources to solve those problems, even now, but politics and economics and nationalism all get in the way. If we could access all those minds, though...”
Ramez Naam, Crux

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
“Quand on a terminé sa toilette du matin, il faut faire soigneusement la toilette de la planète.”
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

“Environmental cleanliness begins with individual desire to be clean.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“Cleanliness begins with the love for godliness”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Donna Goddard
“When you live from the land, which ultimately all of us do, soil is everything. Forgetting this is at our peril.”
Donna Goddard, Nanima: Spiritual Fiction

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“We see the climate changing every day. In the past, everything was in time but these days, it’s out of time and it’s affecting everything and everyone. We must work with nature and not against it.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya, Our Nepal, Our Pride

Joshua Frank
“One cannot have an honest discussion about the potential of nuclear power without fully acknowledging the ravages of the Hanford project. This would be tantamount to debating the future of our dying oceans without bringing up the topic of climate change.”
Joshua Frank, Atomic Days: The Untold Story of the Most Toxic Place in America

“Rising temperature is a very dangerous disaster.
Save the trees not only for you, for your future generations.
Chakrababu Gundra

Robin Wall Kimmerer
“A long-lived overstory can dominate the forest for generations, setting the ecological conditions for its own thriving while suppressing others by exploiting all the resources with a self-serving dominance. But, all the while it sets the stage for what happens next and something always happens that is more powerful than that over story: a fire, a windstorm, a disease. Eventually, the old forest is disrupted and replaced by the understory, by the buried seedbank that has been readying itself for this moment of transformation and renewal. A whole new ecosystem rises to replace that which no longer works in a changed world.”
Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants

“In the future, there will be a word for the specific kind of nostalgia that we feel for living things.”
Scott Kelly

“In Conversation With The Earth!

Hello I am Earth , your home,
Hello I am human from Climate summit at Rome,
Pleasure meeting you today,
Well I thought you met and saw me everyday,
Nevermind, human mind is a curious creation,
Look at the devastation and your numb sensation,
Water levels rising,
Frequent wildfires are least surprising,
Landslides burying people alive,
For the poor Earth is no longer a place to thrive,
CO2 emissions creating a blanket of doom,
The world looks like a planet draped in agony and gloom,
Deforestation has left me naked,
By your callousness I feel raped, you humans are so ungrateful and wicked,
The rising heat will kill us both,
I will manage drifting in the universe but imagine your plight in the cosmic broth?
You are the cause of your own extinction,
And you seek mercy from me for this inevitable destruction,
I am part of the universe the universe is not a part of me,
And if there is a cause, an effect too there shall be!
But I am wondering why you are still procrastinating,
You are more interested in Mars’s Terraforming,
Instead of saving your present home,
Where there is Italy, Germany, India, America, Russia, China, many others and Rome,
You seem to ignore my pleadings and warning signs,
And somehow your conscience resigns,
Into a slumber of thoughtlessness,
And you seem willing to endure this perpetual feeling of restlessness,
But refrain from acting now,
Sometimes you just need to start, without wasting too much time on thinking how,
This maybe my last conversation with you , my dear human being,
It is time you believed in what you are seeing,
A ravaged soul of mine,
I fret and fume, yet you convince yourself I am fine,
Because you can still breathe in my air,
But how long, because you are offering me a bargain that is unfair,
Very soon you may need protected air zones to survive,
And then only those with a penny in the pocket shall be alive,
Where will your less fortunate brothers and sisters go?
I think after the great fall, today humanity has fallen really too low,
Not placing restraint on their acts so ignoble,
Although you see my scars so fresh and palpable,
Anyway, why shall you care as long as you can breathe,
And not realise the irony, the day you feel choked I too shall no more be able to breathe!
Mars is a distant dream,
Pay heed now when I yell and scream,
Mars is just a reflection in the mirror,
But I am the mirror, you just need to be a heedful observer,
And act now before it is too late,
And stop wasting time in a bureaucratically complex debate,
Maybe this will be the last summer for you and me too,
But I am still believing and expecting the best from you!

By: Javid Ahmad Tak”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

Anath Lee Wales
“People must understand that we only have one life, one time, one climate and one environment, since we can not buy a new one in the market, the only option we have is to protect this moment in favour of making it last forever.”
Anath Lee Wales

“Presented in the mainstream discourse as stimulus-response-driven or genetically programmed automatons, who lack agency and experiential perspective, animals are the archetypal Other, inferior to humans and an object that can be exploited for work, consumer goods, entertainment, science, or killed and displaced at liberty. This instrumental relationship served as a blueprint for the subjection of Nature, which transformed 'fish into fisheries, forests and trees into timber, animals into livestock, wildlife into game, mountains into coal, seashores into beachfronts, rivers into hydroelectric factories' and converted the animals’ homes into resources for unlimited human use and capitalist profit.”
Tomaž Grušovnik, Environmental and Animal Abuse Denial: Averting Our Gaze

“In the depths of decaying garbage dumps is the sorrow of discarded waste, forgotten by society, choking the life out of our vibrant ecosystems, a negligence upon our environment. The grim realities of our polluted world somehow shows the strength of nature’s resilience, blooming amidst the chaos and reminding us of the potential for renewal if we choose to act right. Our actions, no matter how small, have the power to impact the environment and those around us. We are all accountable as caretakers of this planet we live in. It is our responsibility to preserve earth’s natural beauty and the delicate balance of life that keeps us all alive.”
Chinonye J. Chidolue

“It is!

“It is evolution,” the garden cried,
“It is revolution,” the nature sighed,

“It is diabolically dark,” the night feared,
“It is unbearably hot,” the Sun cried, but no one cared,

“It is a leafless and lifeless spring,” the seasons implored,
“It is polluting me,” the river sobbed, but it was ignored,

“It is no longer blue, my hue,” the sky admitted,
“It is I who supports you and it is me who is being resented,”

“It is no longer cold,” screamed the north pole,
“It is from me that you all my bounties stole,”

“It is no more like the sea it used to be,
It is no more the water where we felt at home,” said the fish swimming in the dying sea,

“It is not what it had to be,
It is not where humanity had to be,

It is so unfortunately, and this is how it is now,
It is the new reality: the dying sea, the dark sky, the burning sun, and in it all of us now,

It is the question for all of us though, where shall we go without them?
It is not about either us or either them,

It is more about what is right and what is true,
And it is a fact, the sky is dark and diabolically blue!”

Said I, to whoever was listening,
Alas, they were busy pleasing the moments of life, filled with callous hastening!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“Environmental stewardship doesn't demand perfection; it craves our dedication to making a difference, one mindful choice at a time.”
Aloo Denish Obiero

“The conservation of nature isn't a sprint but a timeless relay; each generation passing the baton of responsibility. It's our turn—let's do it devotedly and diligently.”
Aloo Denish Obiero

“The health of the planet reflects the choices of its inhabitants; let us choose wisely and nurture our environment.”
Aloo Denish Obiero

“Every tree planted is a promise made to the future, an oath to safeguard the harmony between humanity and nature.”
Aloo Denish Obiero

“Nurturing the environment is an ultimate act of self-preservation.”
Aloo Denish Obiero

Jonathan Harr
“To compel the other side to settle... and whoever comes to their senses first loses.”
Jonathan Harr, A Civil Action

“The footprint of progress must never trample upon the footprint of nature. And so human advancement must never overshadow or destroy nature upon which all life depends.”
Aloo Denish Obiero

“Our lasting legacy lies not in the towering stone structures, but in the forests we nurture, the oceans we safeguard, and the skies we keep pure.”
Aloo Denish Obiero

“Every drop of water, every breath of air, every blade of grass whispers the same truth: we are but custodians of this planet, entrusted with its care for generations yet to come.”
Aloo Denish Obiero

“In the hands of humanity lies the sacred duty to nurture, not deplete; to protect, not plunder. Our legacy is not measured in conquest but in conservation.”
Aloo Denish Obiero

“From the mysterious depths of the ocean to the towering peaks of mountains, let us be stewards of all life forms, protecting the precious balance of ecosystems with unwavering resolve.”
Aloo Denish Obiero

Jen Campbell
“(Bookseller puts book that the customer has bought into a paper bag)
CUSTOMER: Don’t you have a plastic bag? I’m sick of all this recycling nonsense. It’s not doing any of us any good.”
Jen Campbell, Weird Things Customers Say in Bookshops

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