Exist Quotes

Quotes tagged as "exist" Showing 91-120 of 188
Marie Lu
“We were never meant to exist, Adelina," he says. "And we will never exist again. But we cannot take the entire world with us." He meets my gaze. "No matter how it has wronged us.”
Marie Lu, The Midnight Star

The world we see with our senses is very different than the world we see through our essence. Our senses perceive the world of appearance. Our essence perceives the deeper layers of existence. The first step of perceiving the world of essence is to have no goal other than to understand. "Understanding" has to be the ultimate goal. Only then, can we solve the problems.”
Petek Kabakci

Israelmore Ayivor
“Don’t just exist; do something meaningful with your life. Discover a problem and fix it.

Don’t just fit in; make it a point to brighten your corner. Decide to resolve your challenges.

Don’t just manage; go extra mile and win your race. Never give up the fight. You will win.

Don’t just be able; always make sure you are available. Be present to make a change.

Don’t just be alive; once you have arrived, find the reason why and make that reason accomplished.

Don’t just wish; be passionate about what you wish to see happen. Rise up and make it happen.

Don’t just create; create to change; change to improve; improve to increase. Aspire to inspire.

Don’t just be making a living; make a life and leave an indelible footstep wherever you step.

I want to meet you and many others on the top. Don’t be left out!”
Israelmore Ayivor, Become a Better You

Christophe Galfard
“A clock that is moving through space at a very fast speed does not tick at the same rate as a slow-moving watch gently attached to your wrist as you stroll on a tropical beach. The idea of a universal time - a godlike clock that could somehow sit outside our universe and measure, in one go, the movement of everything in it, how its evolution unfolds, how old it is and all that - does not exist.”
Christophe Galfard, The Universe in Your Hand: A Journey Through Space, Time, and Beyond

“There is a tremendous difference between existing and thriving. Regardless of our age, we need the life force of joy—joie de vivre.”
Laurie Buchanan, PhD

“From personal experience, I know for sure that the number one thing that saddens the dead more than our grief — is not being conscious of their existence around us. They do want you to talk to them as if they were still in a physical body. They do want you to play their favorite music, keep their pictures out, and continue living as if they never went away. However, time and "corruption" have blurred the lines between the living and the dead, between man and Nature, and between the physical and the etheric. There was a time when man could communicate with animals, plants, the ether, and the dead. To do so requires one to access higher levels of consciousness, and this knowledge has been hidden from us. Why? Because then the plants would tell us how to cure ourselves. The animals would show us their feelings, and the dead would tell us that good acts do matter. In all, we would come to know that we are all one. And most importantly, we would be alerted of threats and opportunities, good and evil, truth vs. fiction. We would have eyes working for humanity from every angle, and this threatens "the corrupt". Secret societies exist to hide these truths, and to make sure lies are preserved from generation to generation.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Richie Norton
“Two questions I'm pondering:

1. If money didn't exist, would you still chase your dreams?

2. If money didn't exist, would you still keep your job?

If the answer is "YES" to both, you're on track. If the answer is "NO" to either, what needs to change?”
Richie Norton

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“If I have never had, or worse yet, I have lost the conviction that life (despite all of the blows it wields and the savagery that it spawns) is nonetheless an incalculable privilege, I will have in that single loss forfeited the whole of my life and effectively wiped out any hope that I can or will do anything other than exist.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Kamand Kojouri
“I don’t know why everyone
is still trying to find out
whether heaven and hell exist.
Why do we need more evidence?
They exist here on this very Earth.
Heaven is standing atop Mount Qasioun
overlooking the Damascene sights
with the wind carrying Qabbani’s
dulcet words all around you.
And hell is only four hours away
in Aleppo where children’s cries
drown out the explosions of mortar bombs
until they lose their voice,
their families, and their limbs.
Yes, hell certainly does exist
right now, at this moment,
as I pen this poem. And all we’re doing
to extinguish this hellfire
is sighing, shrugging, liking, and sharing.
Tell me: what exactly does that make
us? Are we any better than the
gatekeepers of hell?”
Kamand Kojouri

Sanjo Jendayi
“Boredom doesn't exist where creativity lives.”
Sanjo Jendayi

“Without sound,
There would be no music.
And without music,
There would be no life.
And without a life force,
There would be no matter.
But it does not matter -
Because what is matter,
If there is no light?”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

The world we see with our senses are very different than the world we see through our essence. Our senses perceive the world of appearance. Our essence perceive the deeper layers of existence. The first step of perceiving the world of essence is not to have any goal other than to understand. "Understanding" has to be the ultimate goal. Then, we can solve the problems.”
Petek Kabakci

Shruti Upadhaya
“We are nothing without them, our scars and our blemishes. Take away our delusional smiles if you must, snatch away our illusory happiness if you must, but please leave us our flaws for we do not wish to exist without them.”
Shruti Upadhaya, White Noise

“As the new year began, [Patricia Highsmith] felt completely paralysed, incapable of reading or picking up the phone. 'I can feel my grip loosening on my self,' she wrote. 'It is like strength failing in the hand that holds me above an abyss.' She wished there was a more awful-sounding word for what she was feeling than simply 'depression'. She wanted to die, she said, but then realised that the best course of action would be to endure the wretchedness until it passed. Her wish was, 'Not to die, but not to exist, simply, until this is over'.”
Andrew Wilson, Patricia Highsmith, ζωή στο σκοτάδι

Topsy Gift
“If you think the reason you exist or go to school is just to satisfy your selfish ambitions, then you are of all men most miserable”
Topsy Gift

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“To deny the battle is unwise. To believe that I can fight it without God is insane. To actually do so is suicidal. No wonder so many of us walk around looking like death warmed over.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Katherine Reay
“Do you know what that's like? A gun held to your head? Your life doesn't flash before your eyes; it stops. Mine stopped, and there was nothing, nothing in me. I didn't exist.”
Katherine Reay, Dear Mr. Knightley
tags: exist, gun

Christina Engela
“Time did exist here, in small amounts (well some of the time) – and there were feint eddies and currents of time here, things that were barely tangible. Feint forces of the universe they were, nearly indiscernible from the nothingness like a warm breeze on a hot summer night. How long he had been here, he knew not – but he was slowly learning to master these barely tangible waves like a new surfer with one foot on the sandy beach and the other on a shiny new board of Hatred. Revenge splashed around his feet like the cold waves of the ocean of Time. Nearby, two other inmates collided with each other, bounced apart spread-eagled and spiraled off into the distance in infinite slowness. The Wetsuit of Insanity clung to his spiritual body, isolating him from the timelessness that seemed to exist here. A wind of Change blew at him from behind and he pushed off from the beach with iron determination and a mental clarity hereto before unknown to him. Something in the microcosm that didn’t even have a name went ‘bling’ and against all the laws of probability, Brad Xyl opened his eyes.”
Christina Engela, The Time Saving Agency

Ljupka Cvetanova
“I improvise therefore I exist!”
Ljupka Cvetanova, The New Land

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“To simply survive appears to be the choice of the plodding hoards that wander all around me. Therefore, I’ve adamantly committed to never hoard hoards.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Deyth Banger
“How do you know that past exist?”
Deyth Banger
tags: exist, how, past

Deyth Banger
“Why there is word for "End"???, which mean why there is "End",...!?

(So far it doesn't exist!?)”
Deyth Banger

Christina Engela
“Denying the facts is what enables people to hate and to persecute marginalized and threatened minority groups. Labeling the advocacy, educational and informational initiatives of these persecuted minority groups dismissively as 'propaganda for the gay agenda' undermines, belittles and trivializes the cause of those whose right to exist is under threat.”
Christina Engela

Israelmore Ayivor
“Don’t just exist; do something meaningful with your life. Discover a problem and fix it.”
Israelmore Ayivor, Become a Better You

“A victor knows that problems exist but he does not isolate himself from them”
Sunday Adelaja

“The basic structure of the universe is balanced on a razor’s edge for life to exist”
Sunday Adelaja

Daniel J. Rice
“Can you imagine a scenario, given our present circumstances, in which human life will actually survive and be here in a thousand years?”
Daniel J. Rice, THE UNPEOPLED SEASON: Journal From a North Country Wilderness

Tarun Betala
“We, of all the beings that we know of, can think. We can eat, write, build, save. We can predict, estimate, and count. We can preserve food for lifetimes, and in times of crisis, we can find ways to ensure our survival. With each passing generation, our sphere of control of our existence is larger. What if the earth is hit by an asteroid or there is no way to stop global warming? We look to colonize other planets. The fate of our species, in a few years, will not be tied to the fate of the earth. Our home planet must be cared for ... but as we go interplanetary and then interstellar, our control on our lives and the evolution of our species grows. As far as we know, we are the only species that has a say in the development of its future.”
Tarun Betala, The Things We Don't Know