False Narratives Quotes

Quotes tagged as "false-narratives" Showing 1-4 of 4
“God is our father. He invites us to choose Him and to return to Him. His way is truth. Truth is quiet, reliable, unchanging. Its foundation is certain. Truth needs no fanfare, only real consideration and willingness to receive the witness of the Holy Ghost. When the world insists loudly that its ever-shifting narrative is urgent and must be accepted without question, a seeker of truth might reasonably be suspicious. History is full of migrations from one false narrative to the next. Truth does not move. It is not relative.”
Jean-Michel Hansen

“Political elections give us the illusion of choice. Whether many parties compete or two predominate parties compete, the choice they offer is a false choice. Each party typically portrays itself as the solution, urgently warns that the opposing party (or parties) will bring catastrophe, and makes promises it knows it cannot keep. In just one thing are all parties united: the illusion that politicians have the answer to life’s difficulties. In that assertion is the problem. It is a false assertion that the government—whichever party is in power—will save us. Elections are choices between two (or several) false narratives. So long as we look to politicians and governments for our salvation, we will be disappointed. There is but one Savior: Jesus Christ. He is mighty to save if we will have Him. He will not deceive us and He will not force us to accept Him. He offers truth, deliverance, protection, and peace. We must vote in every election: that is the pragmatic and prudent thing to do so long as we live in this fallen and imperfect world. Because that is the case, we see elections for what they are: moments in time when false narrative shift, and therefore occasions to realign ourselves with the Great Governor, Jesus Christ, who alone can save us.”
Jean-Michel Hansen

Criss Jami
“What looks to be the cleanest political party, for a period, will often prove to be the filthiest in the end. Just like any form of corruption, this one plays dirty. It drags its enemies through the mud and scrubs itself clean before morning. It throws rocks and hides its hands. It gains power by all methods but the Truth: on the one hand, by pandering, flattery, and appeasement (quite like Satan, 'the father of lies'); and on the other, by deception and ruthlessness, constantly slinging accusations and smearing its opponents - posing as an angel of light (quite like Satan, 'the accuser') - and doing it hypocritically. It projects, gaslights, intimidates, manipulates, and confuses its subjects into adopting the narrative that it is the intellectually and morally superior party. Believing itself the greater good, and the ends justifying the means, it is able to persist in these things and sleep well doing them. Therefore in the rags of politics, because of this party, it is often the case that individuals painted as villains by the media are heroes in reality.”
Criss Jami

Dee Brown
“It is too often the case,' Crook said, "that border news-papers disseminate all sorts of exaggerations and falsehoods about the Indians, which are copied in papers of high
character and wide circulation, in other parts of the country, while the Indians' side of the case is rarely ever heard. In this way the people at large get false ideas with reference to the matter. Then when the outbreak does come public attention is
turned to the Indians, their crimes and atrocities are alone condemned, while the persons whose injustice has driven them to this course escape scot-free and are the loudest in their denunciations. No one knows this fact better than the Indian, therefore
he is excusable in seeing no justice in a government which only punishes him, while it allows the white man to plunder him as he pleases.”
Dee Brown, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: An Indian