Fantasy Writing Quotes

Quotes tagged as "fantasy-writing" Showing 1-12 of 12
Diana Wynne Jones
“I am really very grateful for this Award. It is one of the first given to a woman, and to two women at that. When I first started getting work published, I used to have wistful thoughts at the way all important awards were given to men. Women, I used to think, could be as innovative, imaginative and productive as possible - and women were the ones mostly at work in the field of fantasy for children and young adults - but only let a man enter the field, and people instantly regarded what he had to say and what he did as more Important. He got respectful reviews as well as awards, even if what he was doing - which it often was - was imitating the women. But you have changed all that.
Thank you for being so enlightened.
Women, large-minded, formidable women, have played an almost exclusive part in helping my career. I have hardly ever dealt with a man - at least, when it came to publishing: ”
Diana Wynne Jones

Marie Montine
“Your realm? This is the Guardian’s and you’re just playing in his. You are nothing but a fragment of his world. A piece of it.”
Marie Montine, Mourning Grey: Part Two

“ome sea cucumbers have a transparent outer body, giving them an alien appearance. Laura feels transparent throughout her entire body.”
Sally Ann Hunter, Transfigured Sea

Marie Montine
“Raesha was of great wonder and irony; she did not need the Dark Guardian’s help to become like us. She became worse than us. I am certain that somehow the Guardian knew of this, and that was why he did not change her in the first place; why diminish something that was already so potentially dangerous; what is worse than someone being changed to darkness? Someone who on their own free will becomes darkness.”
Marie Montine, Mourning Grey: Part Three The Guardians Of The Temple Saga

“The mirrors in her heart open as if for the first time. Reflected light shines between them like sunlight on the surface of the sea.”
Sally Ann Hunter, Transfigured Sea

Terry Brooks
“Fantasy writing must be grounded in both truth and life experience if it is to work. It can be as inventive and creative as the writer can make it, a whirlwind of images and plot twists, but it cannot be built on a foundation of air. The world must be identifiable with our own, must offer us a frame of reference we can recognize.”

“Fantasy stories work because the writer has interwoven bits and pieces of reality with imagination to form a personal vision.”
Terry Brooks

Karen Azinger
“If theme is the soul of a story, then the characters are its beating heart.”
Karen Azinger, Power Writing: Make Your Genre Fiction Soar

“Creativity takes Imagination, Imagination takes Courage, Courage takes Curiosity, and Curiosity leads to Success.”
Daniel L. Lewis

Karen Azinger
“Themes elevate a good book to a great read.”
Karen Azinger, Power Writing: Make Your Genre Fiction Soar

“To be fair, I don't quite see any difference between an assassin and a knight. They both kill people, only one "in the name of Honour '' and the other is just a "monster". One is killing publicly and people cherish him, and the other secretly and people hate him.”
Salma Chaieb

Derren Parsons
“Fantasy writing is the art of breathing life into myths, giving voice to silent dragons and forgotten magic.”
Derren Parsons