Fire And Blood Quotes

Quotes tagged as "fire-and-blood" Showing 1-30 of 75
Jennifer Lynn Barnes
“Getting involved with Jameson would just be throwing gasoline on the fire." "And what a lovely fire it would be,”
Jennifer Lynn Barnes, The Inheritance Games

George R.R. Martin
“Then the storm broke, and the dragons danced.”
George R.R. Martin, Fire & Blood

George R.R. Martin
“This is a night for song and sin and drink, for come the morrow, the virtuous and the vile burn together.”
George R.R. Martin, Fire & Blood

George R.R. Martin
“It is always winter now.”
George R.R. Martin, Fire & Blood

George R.R. Martin
“Dear brother. I had hoped that you were dead."

"After you," Aegon answered. "You are the elder."

"I am pleased to know that you remember that," Rhaenyra answered. "It would seem we are your prisoners...but do not think that you will hold us long. My leal lords will find me."

"If they search the seven hells, mayhaps.”
George R.R. Martin, Fire & Blood

George R.R. Martin
“Familiarity is the father of acceptance.”
George R.R. Martin, Fire & Blood

George R.R. Martin
“We came here to be free of Old Valyria, and your Targaryens are Valyrian to the bone.”
George R.R. Martin, Fire & Blood

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
“I am not a tree grown in the concrete jungle to bring rain, I am a tree grown in the wild forest to bring fire”
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

George R.R. Martin
“‏"Rhaenyra said, “Tell my half-brother that I will have my throne, or I will have his head.”
George R.R. Martin , Fire & Blood

Ashley Poston
“IT IS SAID that the first king of Aloriya was born with the fire in his blood.”
Ashley Poston, Among the Beasts & Briars

George R.R. Martin
“When the sun sets, your line shall end.”
George R.R. Martin, Fire & Blood

George R.R. Martin
“‏"Rhaenyra Targaryen had time to raise her head toward the sky and shriek out one last curse upon her half-brother before Sunfyre’s jaws closed round her”
George R.R. Martin, Fire & Blood

George R.R. Martin
“‏"Wars end when the defeated bend the knee and not before.”
George R.R. Martin, Fire & Blood

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
“If you touch the fire or if the fire touches you, it is you who will be burned, Touch Me Not”
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

George R.R. Martin
What am I doing here? Father, why? Four men dead in as many heartbeats, and for what? "Fire and blood," he whispered, "blood and fire." The blood was pooling at his feet, soaking into the brick floor. The fire was beyond those doors.”
George R.R. Martin, A Dance with Dragons

Sarah J. Maas
“So she burned, and burned, and burned”
Sarah J. Maas, Heir of Fire

George R.R. Martin
“Look at this sad creature, my lord," Prince Aemond called out. "Little Luke Strong, the bastard."

To Luke he said, "You are wet, bastard. Is it raining or did you piss yourself in fear?”
George R.R. Martin

George R.R. Martin
“You know I never held much with slavery, even if I never done much against it neither. I would of, but those damned abolitionists were such Bible-thumpers. Only I been thinkin', and it seems to me maybe they was right after all. You can't just go... usin' another kind of people, like they wasn't people at all. Know what I mean? Got to end, sooner or later. Better if it ends peaceful, but it's got to end even if it has to be with fire and blood, you see? Maybe that's what them abolitionists been sayin' all along. You try to be reasonable, that's only right, but if it don't work, you got to be ready. Some things is just wrong. They got to be ended.”
George R.R. Martin, Fevre Dream

George R.R. Martin
“‏"When the sun sets, your line shall end.”
George R. R. Martin

George R.R. Martin
“‏" It was said by some that Aegon wed Visenya out of duty and Rhaenys out of desire.”
George R.R. Martin, Fire & Blood

George R.R. Martin
“‏"the king spent ten nights with Rhaenys for every night with Visenya.”
George R.R. Martin, Fire & Blood

George R.R. Martin
“‏"In 45 AC, construction finally came to an end on the Red Keep. King Maegor celebrated its completion by feasting the builders and workmen who had labored on the castle, sending them wagonloads of strongwine and sweetmeats, and whores from the city’s finest brothels. The revels lasted for three days. Afterward, the king’s knights moved in and put all the workmen to the sword, to prevent them from ever revealing the Red Keep’s secrets. Their bones were interred beneath the castle that they had built.”
George R.R. Martin, Fire & Blood

George R.R. Martin
“‏" “The queen found her true love on Fair Isle,” Maester Smike wrote to the Citadel, “not with Androw, but with his sister, Lady Elissa.”
George R.R. Martin, Fire & Blood

George R.R. Martin
“‏" “I fed my last husband to my dragon. If you make me take another, I may eat him myself.”
George R.R. Martin, Fire & Blood

George R.R. Martin
“‏Wherever Prince Aemon went, whatever Prince Aemon did, Prince Baelon would not be far behind”
George R.R. Martin, Fire & Blood

George R.R. Martin
“‏"True?” said Saera. It was in that moment, with that word, that the contempt came out. “No. I gave it to all three. They all think they were the first. Boys are such silly fools.”
George R.R. Martin, Fire & Blood

George R.R. Martin
“‏"I will be married,” the princess said. “Why shouldn’t I be? You were married at my age. I shall be wedded and bedded, but to whom? Jonah and Roy both love me, I could take one of them, but they are both such boys. Stinger does not love me, but he makes me laugh and sometimes makes me scream. I could marry all three of them, why not? Why should I have just one husband? The Conqueror had two wives, and Maegor had six or eight.”
George R.R. Martin , Fire & Blood

George R.R. Martin
“But it is said that when he saw his mother again, he fell into her arms and wept. “I slew a thousand of them,” he said, “but it will not bring him back.”
George R.R. Martin, Fire & Blood

George R.R. Martin
“‏"Only after both her parents were gone did the true tale come out. Seduced and abandoned by a traveling singer, the princess had given birth to a stillborn son, then, overwhelmed by grief, walked into the waters of Blackwater Bay and drowned.”
George R.R. Martin, Fire & Blood

George R.R. Martin
“‏"he grew certain she was his daughter Saera, returned to him from beyond the narrow sea.”
George R.R. Martin, Fire & Blood

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