Greetings Quotes

Quotes tagged as "greetings" Showing 1-30 of 47
Sanober  Khan
“ i will greet you
in a way
all loved things
are meant to be greeted

with a tear in my heart
and a poem in my eye.”
Sanober Khan, Turquoise Silence

A.A. Milne
“And how are you?" said Winnie-the-Pooh.
Eeyore shook his head from side to side.
"Not very how," he said. "I don't seem to have felt at all how for a long time."
"Dear, dear," said Pooh, "I'm sorry about that. Let's have a look at you.”
A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

Roger Zelazny
“Good-bye and hello, as always.”
Roger Zelazny, The Courts of Chaos

J.R.R. Tolkien
“Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo, a star shines on the hour of our meeting.”
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

E.B. White
“And then, just as Wilbur was settling down for his morning nap, he heard again the thin voice that had addressed him the night before.
"Salutations!" said the voice.
Wilbur jumped to his feet. "Salu-what?" he cried.
"Salutations!" repeated the voice.
"What are they, and where are you?" screamed Wilbur. "Please, please, tell me where you are. And what are salutations?"
"Salutations are greetings," said the voice. "When I say 'salutations,' it's just my fancy way of saying hello or good morning.”
E.B. White, Charlotte’s Web

Christopher Hitchens
“How ya doin'?' I always think, What kind of a question is that?, and I always reply, 'A bit early to tell.”
Christopher Hitchens, Love, Poverty, and War: Journeys and Essays

“Let your new energy, new thoughts, new attitude, new routine & new outlook make this time most sacred, memorable & beautiful for you & others. Let you also begin to see greater in everything & believe in unexplainable possibilities. Let you grow in ways which you never knew was possible.

Darling listen – Don’t let the magic in the air get swallowed up by someone’s nonsensical thoughts, words, comments & by any kind of pressure in the air.

I wish & pray that these last few days of this year be the best part of this year for you & everyone!

Stay Healthy, Happy & Meaningful! Blessings!”
Rajesh Goyal

Lesli Richardson
“Love and well wishes,” he tells me. “Stars and sunrise. Hopes and health. May truth walk with you.”
“As does my heart,” I respond.”
Lesli Richardson, Jailmates

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Most people often greet out of pity or insecurity.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“All too often the compliment we have just been paid is merely a repayment for the compliment we have just paid.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Marissa Meyer
“Tisn’t rude to rebuke an arbitrary greeting, a nonsense question upon first meeting. To be all right implies an impossible phase. We hope for mostly right on the best of our days.”
Marissa Meyer, Heartless

Nitya Prakash
“May the closeness of friends, the comfort of home, and the unity of our nation, renew your spirits this festive season. Merry Christmas to your family.”
Nitya Prakash

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“The question ‘How are you (doing)?’ is the most common way of indirectly saying ‘Ask me how I am (doing)’.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

“Dear Friend,
You are a like-minded folk, a peppy, merry & hearty being like a basket of joy, a podium of sharing, a spot of weakness, an altar of adoring. Now, we are together more stronger, better and go-ahead. I'm always thankful & blessed. Happy Bonding Forever.”
Lord Robin

Premlatha Rajkumar
“The meaning of the Mayan greeting, "In Lak'ech Ala K'in", means – I am you, and you are another me. It is spoken by placing one’s hands over one’s heart. This greeting is not only given to humans, but to all life – the plants, the animals, the birds, the sky, the air, the land, and the sunrise.”
Premlatha Rajkumar, Everyday Empowerment

“My wishes for you can’t be bought from a store,
Nor can they come to knock at your door.
I wish you peace, health, and lasting joy,
and abundant blessings that no one can destroy.”
Nadine Sadaka Boulos

“Howdy, neighbors.”
Aychearro Heckamo

Holly Black
“Greetings, Your Majesty, you betraying toad.'

No, that wouldn't work, no matter how good it felt.

'Greetings, Your Majesty,' I try again. 'I didn't kill my husband even though he richly deserved it.”
Holly Black, The Queen of Nothing

Holly Black
“The polished wood door is still carved with an enormous and sinister face, still flanked with lanterns, but sprites no longer fly in desperate circles within. A soft glow of magic emanates instead.

'My king,' the door says fondly, it's eyes opening.

Cardan smiles in return. 'My door,' he says with a slight hitch in his voice, as though perhaps everything about returning here feel strange.

'Hail and welcome,' it says, and swings wide.”
Holly Black, The Queen of Nothing

“On Civil Services Day, greetings to civil servants, past and present, and their families. Confident our hard-working and independent civil servants will rededicate themselves to India’s development. And strive with integrity for the welfare of fellow citizens.”
Ramnath Kovind

Utibe Samuel Mbom
“Thank the guests for coming! You may say it’s none of your business, but it’s still part of your job.”
Utibe Samuel Mbom, The Event Usher’s Handbook

“Always smile when will you meet someone or Greets someone”

“Don't forget, Bertil. Today's honors must be greeted with the same reserve as yesterday's disgraces.”
Roxanne Moreil, L'âge d'or. Volume 1

“I quietly get my
morning message ;
a shining sunbeam
fills my heart with
Sun's warmth....”
Ramesh Sood

“I know for sure that so many dreams will become a reality in this month of October. So many of the prayers will be answered. So many ideas, creative thoughts & intentions will be manifesting for so many people around the world.

Darling listen – I wish you to be one of them! I wish this blessing of change in season brings you whatever you have been praying for & expecting. Let it bring you everlasting bliss & everything that is good for your mind, body & spirit.

Sweetheart, I want you to fix your thoughts on what is pure, honorable, graceful, lovely & excellent. I also want you to focus & do some real things that are not only good & worthy of praise, but also make you proud of yourself & bring you closer to your God.

I wish your existence alone would become deserving of celebration, very soon. I pray & hope that you succeed & prosper in every area of your life, be in good health & remain in high spirits throughout.

Happy new month, October!”
Rajesh Goyal

Alice  Winters
“Human, it is with pleasure I greet you.”
Alice Winters, How to Defy a Vampire

“आज के रंगोत्सव एवं आनन्दोत्सव पर आपको ढेर सारी बधाई एवं शुभकामनाएं...

आज प्रभु जी से प्रार्थना है कि आपके पास मंगलकारी, सुखमय और खुशियों के सभी रंगों की तथा रंग लगाने वाले अपनों की भरमार बनी रहे और दिन प्रतिदिन बढ़ती चली जाये।

Rajesh Goyal

“Hello everyone (Fools & Wise Ones)! Welcome to New Month, April! A month known for sunshine, spring vibes & it’s fool’s day.

Honestly speaking, it is human nature to think wisely & act foolishly. Isn’t that the truth? We spend hours contemplating the best course of action, only to be tripped up by emotions, impulses or that one extra Gulab Jamun or laddu staring us from our dining table.

Sweetheart, Isn’t that just delightful? Here’s to thinking big, acting…well, sometimes a little less big & learning to laugh along the way. Remember, even the wisest person trips on their shoelaces occasionally.

But hold on, dear, before you align yourself to a life of perpetual folly, here’s the good news: The fact that we CAN think wisely means we CAN act wisely. I wish & hope that from today itself you will begin to catch yourself in the act of thinking foolishly (every time)…

Darling listen – we’ll still have our April Fools’ Day moments (because, let’s face it, sometimes life is the biggest prankster of all). But by acknowledging this human tendency & taking steps to bridge the wisdom-action gap, we can turn this month & every month, into a celebration of our ability to be not just thoughtful creatures, but thoughtful doers.

May this month be everything you hope for & more! Happy New Month! Blessings!”
Rajesh Goyal

“I hope the devils choose kindly for you, Hilde.”
IBSEN Henrik -

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