Guests Quotes

Quotes tagged as "guests" Showing 1-30 of 47
“Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it.”
Anonymous, The Holy Bible: King James Version


Tell me if you've ever had to deal with these kinds of people:

The kind who take and don't give.
The kind to whom you give and give,
And they keep asking.
The kind to whom you give and give and they say you gave nothing.
The kind whom have never offered anything,
But act like they're the ones providing

The kind you give and give,
But take more than you can give.
And when they have already taken everything,
They get mad at you when you say you have
Nothing more to give.

The unforgiving,
The misgiving,
Wastefully living -
And selfishly driven.
The rat that never gives back,
Yet is so quick to attack -
Because they think the word
Seriously means
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Trenton Lee Stewart
“But you have said it too often, Mr. Benedict!" said Mrs. Perumal in an imperious tone that was quite out of character. "And if you continue in this vein, I'm afraid we'll be compelled to cut our visit short. Surely there are other establishments that would host an entire troup of guests - indefinitely and without reward - and not feel obliged to apologize for it!”
Trenton Lee Stewart, The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Prisoner's Dilemma

“People are guests in our story, the same way we are guests in theirs. But we all meet each other for a reason because every person is a personal lesson waiting to be told.”
lauren klarfeld

Amit Abraham
“Don't be bothered by troubles because they are generally guests we ourselves invite - they will stay for some time and then leave”
Amit Abraham

Anurag Shourie
“You never know these days. Uninvited guests may force you to take an unplanned trip to an unknown destination; doesn’t hurt to be in your Sunday clothes.”
Anurag Shourie, Half A Shadow

“Nothing inspires cleanliness more than an unexpected guest.”
Radhika Mundra

Nora Ephron
“So Lillian Ross came to the party. Before dinner, she asked my mother for a tour of the house. My mother showed her around, and at a certain point, Ross came upon a picture of my three sisters and me. “Are these your children?” she asked my mother. “Yes,” my mother said. “Do you ever see them?” Lillian Ross asked. That did it. My mother walked Lillian Ross downstairs and back to McKelway. “Out,” she said.”
Nora Ephron, I Remember Nothing

Ana Claudia Antunes
“Pay to go inside Neruda's home
A body lies there with no dome.
But right there in the front hall
Lean a fairy against the icy wall.
Oh Endless enigmas had the bard!

Nice and large and calm backyard
Ends In the middle of a rare room
Rare portrait of revelishing gloom.
Up climbing at the weird snail stair
Does make you grasp for some air.
And there's a room with bric-a-brac:

Old and precious books all in a pack.
Dare saying what I liked most of all?
Enjoyed seeing visitors having a ball!”
Ana Claudia Antunes, ACross Tic

“Guests are invited to distract attention from the real aim of parties.”
Noha Alaa El-Din, Norina Luciano

Stewart Stafford
“Never enter the home of another with dust on your shoes and selfish expectations in your heart.”
Stewart Stafford

Fran Lebowitz
“And I thought, You know, Fran, you could go away and you could be in a very beautiful place with a cook, but then you’d have to be a good guest. I would much rather stay here and be a bad guest. And, believe me, I am being a bad guest.”
Fran Lebowitz

Mikhail Naimy
“إن داراً لا تعرف الضيف لمقبرة لساكنيها”
Mikhail Naimy, كرم على درب

Utibe Samuel Mbom
“Care for the guests as you would your parents.”
Utibe Samuel Mbom, The Event Usher’s Handbook

Holly Black
“Cardan, I hope your brother won't be angry. I'm afraid I may have set one of the guests on fire.”
Holly Black, How the King of Elfhame Learned to Hate Stories

Michael Bassey Johnson
“The sunshine coming through your window isn’t a thief, but a special guest.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Night of a Thousand Thoughts

Emma Straub
“Franny liked this moment most of all: being alone in the kitchen after almost everything was finished, and listening to the assembled guests chatting happily, knowing they were soon to be fed.”
Emma Straub, The Vacationers
tags: guests

Sabrina Jeffries
“You're my guest, and hosts generally do feed their guests, you know."
Her natural ebullience returning, she flashed him an impish smile. "Even when their guests have landed them in a most delicate predicament?"
"Especially then. Well-fed guests make less trouble.”
Sabrina Jeffries, Married to the Viscount

“To be a good houseguest, you should be as independent as possible. You should buy groceries or take your hosts out for dinner. Pick up after yourself. Pretend to have a good time even if you’re not. Say, ‘I’d like to make a dinner reservation tonight. What’s your favorite restaurant?’ Try not to break anything. Be quiet.”
Tim Gunn, Gunn's Golden Rules: Life's Little Lessons for Making It Work
tags: guests

Kevin Crossley-Holland
“As often as not, a man who sticks at home knows next to nothing about his guest.”
Kevin Crossley-Holland, Norse Myths: Tales of Odin, Thor and Loki

Lauren Willig
A stentorian bellow shook the candles in their sconces.
Unconsciously, Amy grabbed Richard’s arm, looking about anxiously for the source of the roar. About the room, people went on chatting as before.
"Steady there." Richard patted the delicate hand clutching the material of his coat. "It’s just the First Consul."
Snatching her hand away as though his coat were made of live coals, Amy snapped, "You would know."
The dreadful noise repeated itself, cutting off any further remarks. Out of an adjoining room charged a blur of red velvet, closely followed by the scurrying form of a young man. Amy sidestepped just in time, swaying on her slippers to avoid toppling into Lord Richard.
The red velvet came to an abrupt stop beside Mme Bonaparte’s chair. "Oh. Visitors."
Once still, the red velvet resolved into a man of slightly less than medium height, clad in a long red velvet coat with breeches that must once have been white, but which now bore assorted stains that proclaimed as clearly as a menu what the wearer had eaten for supper.
"I do wish you wouldn’t shout so, Bonaparte." Mme Bonaparte lifted one white hand and touched him gently on the cheek.
Bonaparte grabbed her hand and planted a resounding kiss on the palm. "How else am I to make myself heard?" Affectionately tweaking one of her curls, he demanded, "Well? Who is it tonight?"
"We have some visitors from England, sir,"his stepdaughter responded. "I should like to present…" Hortense began listing their names. Bonaparte stood, legs slightly apart, eyes hooded with apparent boredom, and one arm thrust into the opposite side of his jacket, as though in a sling.
Bonaparte inclined his head, looked down at his wife, and demanded, "Are we done yet?"
Everyone within earshot jumped at the sound of Miss Gwen’s reticule connecting with Bonaparte’s arm.
"Sir! Take that hand out of your jacket! It is rude and it ruins your posture. A man of your diminutive stature needs to stand up straight."
Something suspiciously like a chuckle emerged from Lord Richard’s lips, but when Amy glanced sharply up at him, his expression was studiedly bland.
A dangerous hush fell over the room. Flirtations in the far corners of the room were abandoned. Business deals were dropped. The non-English speakers among the assemblage tugged at the sleeves of those who had the language, and instant translations began to be whispered about the room – suitably embellished, of course.
"It’s an assassination attempt!" a woman next to Amy cried dramatically, swooning back into the arms of an officer who looked as though he didn’t quite know what to do with her, but would really be happiest just dropping her.
"No, it’s not, it’s just Miss Gwen," Amy tried to explain.
Meanwhile, Miss Gwen was advancing on Bonaparte, backing him up so that he was nearly sitting on Josephine’s lap. "While we are speaking, sir, this habit you have of barging into other people’s countries without invitation – it is most rude. I will not have it! You should apologise to the Italians and the Dutch at the first opportunity!"
"Mais zee Italians, zey invited me!" Bonaparte exclaimed indignantly.
Miss Gwen cast Bonaparte the severe look of a governess listening to substandard excuses from a wayward child.
"That may well be," she pronounced in a tone that implied she thought it highly unlikely. "But your behaviour upon entering their country was inexcusable! If you were to be invited to someone’s home for a weekend, sirrah, would you reorganise their domestic arrangements and seize the artwork from their walls? Would you countenance any guest who behaved so? I thought not."
Amy wondered if Bonaparte could declare war on Miss Gwen alone without breaking his peace with England. "So much for the Peace of Amiens!" she started to whisper to Jane, but Jane was no longer beside her.”
Lauren Willig, The Secret History of the Pink Carnation

“Plan your guest list carefully. That is the key ingredient to any memorable gathering.”
Annie Falk

Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“if life is a stage
then keep it in mind
"everyone comes in life as a guest appearance, only you will be left on stage alone to End the play”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

Fazil Iskander
“Have no fear of the seated guest, the saying goes - fear the guest who is standing. Especially one who drinks standing up, for the belly of the standing guest, like a well-stretched wineskin, becomes a great deal more capacious.”
Fazil Iskander, Sandro of Chegem

Utibe Samuel Mbom
“Thank the guests for coming! You may say it’s none of your business, but it’s still part of your job.”
Utibe Samuel Mbom, The Event Usher’s Handbook

Steven Magee
“People were wondering why the Desoto Solar Farm community opening had been canceled and replaced by a small group of invite only guests with President Obama.”
Steven Magee

Suzy  Davies
“A good book is like a guest. They stay with you for a while, and when they leave, you are still smiling, and thinking they left a little too soon. You will always remember their pleasant company; things they said that moved you and maybe changed your perspective You plan to invite them again so you can spend quality time together and when you invite them in, you are full of anticipation about the new discoveries you will make when you are together.”
Suzy Davies

Suzy  Davies
“A good book is like a guest. They stay with you for a while, and when they leave, you are still smiling, and thinking they left a little too soon. You will always remember their pleasant company; the things they said that moved you and maybe changed your perspective. You plan to invite them again so you can spend quality time together and when you invite them in, you are full of anticipation about the new discoveries you will make when you are together.”
Suzy Davies

Michael Bassey Johnson
“A lot of people who behave well at the table do so only when a special guest is around.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Night of a Thousand Thoughts

Daniel Ruczko
“In the sea of her guests, I feel like an old man, a vintage vinyl in a world of Spotify playlists.”
Daniel Ruczko, Pieces of a Broken Mind

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