Leaving Quotes

Quotes tagged as "leaving" Showing 181-210 of 411
Alix E. Harrow
“It was a bright spring morning, full of promise. Most travelers are familiar with this kind of weather- when the wind blows westward and warm but the ground still chills the soles of your feet, when the tree buds have begun to unfurl and scent the air with secret springtime madness- and they know those days are made for leaving.”
Alix E. Harrow, The Ten Thousand Doors of January

“There is almost no way to prepare for how beautiful a place becomes just before you go.”
Meg Fee, Places I Stopped on the Way Home: A Memoir of Chaos and Grace

John Green
“Even if you want to leave, it is so hard.”
John Green, Paper Towns

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“I am emptier for having lost you, but I became fuller by realizing that losing someone leaves you space to be more of someone yourself.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Jyoti Patel
“He walked away
from the sun
to sit
with a candle,
he walked away
from the moon
to sit
with the night
- Choices”

Jyoti Patel
“One day,
she gave up on him
but, that's not the
saddest part though,
the saddest part
of the story is that
he never cared enough
to look back for once
- too much to handle”

Ben Crawford
“The trail will only provide if you accept its offer. All of it. You must leave home. You must be broken. It will cost you your entire life as you know it. And then, and only then, can you receive. What you receive will be far greater than anything you had or anything you lost. It will change you. It might even heal you.”
Ben Crawford, 2,000 Miles Together: The Story of the Largest Family to Hike the Appalachian Trail

“When I cry, no-one is there except for my books.

When I laugh, no-one is there except for my books.

When I shout, no-one is there except for my books.

I have searched my whole life for a real person to care about.

I gave you what I had and what I didn't, and you gave it up.

Now you dare ask me to speak to you?

After you left me to be alone and broken?

You wonder why I love words more than I love you?

Because the words never left me. You did.

It's sad that people who never knew me want me more than the person who knows everything about me.”
Lillian Frazier

Nitya Prakash
“They go and come back again. Because they know you’re never leaving.”
Nitya Prakash

Иво Иванов
“Помня всички нужни и ненужни подробности от този първи ден на втория ми живот, но най-вече помня странното, напрегнато усещане, че не съм взел със себе си нещо крайно необходимо. Че не би трябвало да се качвам в самолета без него, но няма как да го побера нито в ръчния багаж, нито в куфара и ще трябва да го оставя тук завинаги.”
Иво Иванов, Куфарът на брат ми: истории за пътя

Laura Chouette
“Let go of everything you cannot change
and everyone who is changing you.”
Laura Chouette

Charlotte Eriksson
“so if you’d see me now
on these streets
where I once imagined walking with you
you’d have a hard time recognising me.

It takes a lot to run away.”
Charlotte Eriksson, Another Vagabond Lost To Love: Berlin Stories on Leaving & Arriving

Malaika Gilani
“You showed me where I stand in your life,
Clearly, he was closer than I ever was.”
Malaika Gilani, Untold Journeys

“تركت الجميع بمفردهم، وكأنهم وحيدون حقًا... بعيدًا عنهم، ضجيجهم، وكلماتهم، وأصواتهم، إنه حقًا أمر رائع.
لست متأكدًا، ربما أنا منتشي قليلاً... الفراغ ينتشر في كل قلبي وعقلي متعب جدا ... أنا لست مكتئبا أو حزينا... أنا فقط أقوم ببناء جدار، بيني وبين الجميع... لقد أصبت بخيبة أمل عدة مرات... لكنني أعتقد أحيانًا ربما هذه هي الحياة... ربما فعلت أشياء غبية، ربما كنت أنانيًا... ربما أفكر كثيرًا وأتوقع الكثير..
لكن هذا لا يهم... كل شيء أصبح من الماضي، وربما هذه هي الحياة... لدي الكثير من ذكريات جميلة، وذكريات سيئة أيضًا... لقد مررت بالكثير من اللحظات الجميلة في الحياة، لقد رأيت الكثير من الأشياء... قابلت بعض النفوس النقية... ربما لم أكن أعرف كيف أعاملهم... لكنني تعلمت منهم أشياء كثيرة... يبدو الأمر غريبًا لأن عمري 21 عامًا...
ولكن ليس لديك فكرة... كيف يقتلوننا، منذ يوم ولادتنا، الآباء، المدرسة، المجتمع، الحكومة، الشركات، الجماعات الدينية... ولن ألومهم أبدًا، أنا ضحيتى الخاصة، ولن أكون ضحية لأي شخص، لا تدعهم يقتلونك... حدد مصيرك بنفسك، اصنع طريقك، حتى لو كان خاطئًا، لا تقلق، لا يوجد خطأ أو صواب! كل شيء في ذهنك.
لن ألوم أحداً، لن ألوم أي شخص ساهم في تحطيمي، وجعلني أشعر بأنني خاسر، لعدم شعوري، أو حتى محاولة فهمي ... لا تقلقي يا أمي! لن ألومك أبدًا، أعلم أنك لم تقصد ذلك، أعلم أنك تحبني، حتى لو قلت إنك تكرهني، لقد أحببتك، حتى لو كنت ابنًا سيئًا...
لا تقلقي يا حبيبتي لن ألومك أيضا...و لكنني لا أستطيع التعامل مع الأمر بعد الآن... ربما أنا لست جيدًا، وربما لن أكون كذلك أبدًا..أنا أريد السلام فقط، على الأقل في ذهني... سأتعلم كيف أقاتل وحدي .. وسأعيش ... و سوف أتعلم ... أنا لا أبحث عن الثروة أو الحب أو السعادة، أنا أبحث عن معنى... أريد أن أستكشف وأتعلم وأنمو... وأعدك بأنني لن أكرهك، لكنك ميت في قلبي، سأفتقد حديثي معك... لكن علي أن أذهب... أتمنى أن تجد الفرح والسلام في حياتك .... لا أعرف لماذا كتبت هذا هنا... لكنني فعلت ذلك على أي حال، وإذا كنت تقرأ هذا: من فضلك لا تكن ضحية لأي شخص، كن حراً، لا تخف من أن تكون مثل الحجر، قم ببناء حائطك الخاص، لكن اجعل هذا الجدار طويل، لا تدعهم يسممونك...”
Salim Matoussi

Corinne Beenfield
“I never thought it would be hard to leave. People say it is, but to me it seemed that it was the waiting that was most difficult, the trying to keep alive something precious inside me buried so deep. Staying was killing it off for sure, no matter how hard I tried to keep it beating.”
Corinne Beenfield, Where Green Meets Blue

Laura Chouette
“When I finally left you after all these years, I felt nothing - and that was worse than any broken heart.”
Laura Chouette

David Levithan
“Do you know what I learned? I learned that leaving is bullshit. Because you always take yourself wherever you go.”
David Levithan, Sam & Ilsa's Last Hurrah

Temi Oh
“Some nights we ask ourselves why we chose to leave everything behind. We used to think we had many reasons, but - really - there is only one.”
Temi Oh, Do You Dream of Terra-Two?

Steven Magee
“Leaving the solar power industry was one of my better career choices.”
Steven Magee

Jerry Pinto
“And then Em too would die and I would be alone and the whole world would be different. I had no idea how, but it would, because I would finally have space to myself and then I could exercise the choice to do as I pleased and when I pleased instead of waiting for a stolen moment in the busy life of this 1BHK.
And now the world expanded as people left the flat. As we opened the door together, I discovered departures make the world smaller, slighter, less significant.”
Jerry Pinto, Em and The Big Hoom

Steven Magee
“To shut down the police harassment I was being subjected to in my twenties required leaving the country.”
Steven Magee

Jennifer Niven
“O que percebo agora é que o que importa não é o que a gente leva, mas o que a gente deixa.”
Jennifer Niven, All the Bright Places

Rachel Cusk
“Leaving things behind and starting again is a way of coping with difficulties. I learnt very early in my life that I was able to leave a place and still remain myself.”
Rachel Cusk

Lucia Berlin
“Watcha gonna do when I'm gone, Maggie?" you kept asking over and over, the other time, when you were going to London.

"I'll do macrame, punk."

"Whatcha gonna do when I'm gone, Maggie?"

"You really think I need you that bad?"

"Yes," you said. A simple Nebraska statement.”
Lucia Berlin, A Manual for Cleaning Women: Selected Stories

Jyoti Patel
“From the day
she left him
with no words,
his soul is the most
heaviest thing on the planet
- Wretched”

Steven Magee
“There were no control room humidifiers when I worked atop the very high altitude summit of Mauna Kea and they showed up as I was leaving.”
Steven Magee

Louis Yako
“I want to have a cup of tea with all those whose eyes are fixated on leaving to the next place without realizing that all the beloved persons, places, and things left burning behind are waiting to confront them at the next destination.”
Louis Yako

Corinne Beenfield
“As the breeze grew in strength they didn’t go inside, but in silence watched the surface of the water grow more and more choppy. The only quiet was between them. The sound of the ocean and gale were roaring, the coldness of the air making each inch of their skin alert. Helen’s arms around the girl tightened, and the little one in turn only sank more into Helen’s chest. Despite the thinness of her dress, Helen couldn’t pick herself up to go indoors. Perhaps it was because the wind blew from her mind the fog that had been with her for days. Maybe, Helen realized, it was because the child was curled into her and Helen simply didn’t have the strength right now to pry her away.

But most of all, she knew it was because the ocean seemed a fitting place to go to say farewell.”
Corinne Beenfield, The Ocean's Daughter :

Corinne Beenfield
“I’ll never see the ocean without thinking of you.” It was the closest thing to I love you too she could come up with. Perhaps it meant the same thing, just said with different words.”
Corinne Beenfield, The Ocean's Daughter :

Corinne Beenfield
“I could never do anything that would add to your pain.”
With that, he leaned over and placed a kiss on her forehead, soft and sad as moonlight. Helen’s eyelids fluttered down as she relished it, wishing it could last, praying the next moment wouldn’t come. But of course, it did.
Pulling back, Stuart looked in Helen’s eyes, perhaps for the last time. “I’ll write.”
Corinne Beenfield, The Ocean's Daughter :