Literary Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "literary-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 68
Gabriel García Márquez
“It is not that the girl is unfit for everything, it is that she is not of this world.”
Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez, Of Love and Other Demons

“Someone who dreams cannot be forced to stop—there are no limitations to dreams, because we do not own dreams, dreams are from God.”
Christina Westover, Poisoning Sylvie

“All I want is to sleep--to dream. Life is better in dreams.”
Christina Westover, Poisoning Sylvie

Kevin Ansbro
“Beautiful prose is a floundering fish if it doesn't have a story to swim in.”
Kevin Ansbro

Aura Biru
“Our story began with uncertainty, and with uncertainty, it ended—not with a bang, but a whisper.”
Aura Biru, We Are Everyone

Aura Biru
“We preach authenticity as the ideal, yet often reward conformity. The world spins on the axis of 'just be yourself,' while whispering 'but not like that.”
Aura Biru

Gillian Polack
“One thing I hate about being ill is that no one believes it unless I share it all with them, and even then they don’t act on it.”
Gillian Polack, Borderlanders

“I believe the visionaries and true reflections of society will be rewarded after their lives. Those being rewarded now are giving the public what it needs now, usually applauding its current state and clearing consciences.”
Hollace M. Metzger

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
“The earth rises and seems to spread like a mist. The first stars tremble as if shimmering in green water. Hours must pass before their glimmer hardens into the frozen glitter of diamonds. I shall have a long wait before I witness the soundless frolic of the shooting stars. In the profound darkness of certain nights, I have seen the sky streaked with so many trialing sparks that it seemed to me a great gale must be blowing through the outer heavens.”
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Wind, Sand and Stars

Ernest Hemingway
“Write drunk; edit sober.”
Ernest Hemingway

Tirzah Price
IT IS A TRUTH universally acknowledged that a brilliant idea, conceived and executed by a clever young woman, must be claimed by a man.
Tirzah Price, Pride and Premeditation

“אחר כך הוספנו כדרכנו לדון בעניינים הקשורים בדבר הזה. כלומר, בשאלה כיצד זה שאנו חושקים זה בזו כל הזמן, כל הזמן. כיצד אנו כרוכים זה בזו לבלי התר, כאילו זכר ונקבה ברא אותם, ואל עפר תשוב. זכר ונקבה ברא אותם ולזה ייקרא אהבה, ואחר כך יבוא הסוף, בוא יבוא, ואני בבריכת השוקולד עד שאצא ממנה, ובשבילי כל זה בסדר גמור, גם אם לעתים קשה הדבר עד מאוד, שהרי בסופו של דבר, סופו של הדבר עצמו קל, הוא קל ומי שיודע את זה מהלך ומשקלו קל יותר על פני האדמה, אדמת האהבה, אדמת המריבה, אדמת השוקולד והקללה והברכה.”
Esther Pelled, פתח גדול מלמטה

Milan Kundera
“I love life to be romantic.”
Milan Kundera

“Sadly for the books these days there are more writers than readers”
BS Murthy

Simon Van der Velde
“I’m wheelin my bike along the sidewalk, watchin all the white faces, watchin me.”
Simon Van der Velde, Backstories

Christy Lefteri
“Now that I could hear this woman’s song—a melody that told a story I couldn’t understand—I hoped with all of my heart that it wasn’t too late.”
Christy Lefteri, Songbirds

Gillian Polack
“Don’t be scared, even if things change. Don’t forget to keep writing. Welcome to the House of Dreams.”
Gillian Polack, Borderlanders

Johnny Firic
“Evil can be transmuted into tragedy, loss into gain, temporality into deathlessness, by creating beauty.”
Johnny Firic, The Oldest Word

Johnny Firic
“Can there be one best way to tend a garden, one best way to love, one truest cause for love? No. It equates free will with submission.”
Johnny Firic, The Oldest Word

Johnny Firic
“The simple ineluctable truth is that desire has no bearing on our duties.”
Johnny Firic, The Oldest Word

Johnny Firic
“Does Ebui dream of a private grave? People in fancy dress eulogizing, laying down their offerings. Or does she dream past the frontier, a quicksilver cavern to adorn forever?”
Johnny Firic, The Oldest Word

Nithin Purple
“I drank a bitter cup of ale, a cupful of fancy, and thoughts slide beyond the mountain rill; clasping every fairness to the quill, the scent of flowers, the musical choir of birds, o’ air! the Divine here! for a poet’s joy to sigh!”
Nithin Purple

“The woods can be strange. It takes a long time to feel you belong there and then you never really belong in town. It's a choice made for you by your brain at a moment you didn't notice.”
Jim Harrison-Brown Dog

Nithin Purple
“Folded the eyes: inner a vision divine, a glistening dream, the dark increased the light, to not let me stay closed, I opened the eyes: near the dream comes true.”
Nithin Purple

“In books we can live different lives, be different people, visit far-off places, without moving a muscle (ok except eye muscles) (and page-turning muscles)”
Dear Edna Sloane Book by Amy Shearn

Akshat Pathak
“I have watched life play this game as if I was never a part of it.”
Akshat Pathak, Within the Valves of my Heart..

Mary Matilda Betham
“Those tender lips, whose dimpled sway
Can even chase suspense away!”
Mary Matilda Betham, The Lay of Marie

Mohamed Mbougar Sarr
“o que havia me ligado a ele era a mesma fé desesperada que depositávamos na enteléquia da vida, encarnada para nós pela literatura. Não pensávamos de modo algum que ela pudesse salvar o mundo; ao contrário, pensávamos que ela era o único meio de não se salvar do mundo.”
Mohamed Mbougar Sarr, La plus secrète mémoire des hommes

Nicholas Nikita
“Hunt. Gather. Kill. Endure. Habits, in time, birth order. Order forms structure.”
Nicholas Nikita, Logos

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