Love Lost Quotes

Quotes tagged as "love-lost" Showing 31-60 of 95
Rick Remender
“Fuck 'em. Call it whatever you want. Maybe it's just two people clinging to each other to stay alive. Maybe sometimes that's all love gets to be. And, maybe, if they hold onto each other long enough . . . maybe something good finally happens.”
Rick Remender, Tokyo Ghost, Vol. 1: Atomic Garden

Charles Bukowski
“The good parts of our relationship felt like a rat walking around and gnawing at the inside of my stomach.”
Charles Bukowski, Women

“I love a man who tickles me awake with reality, and kisses me goodnight with fiction
Braids my hair with simplicity to compliment my contradiction
And calms the waging wars inside with a simple boyish look
For he is as much a mystery as he is an open book
When I am at my worst, I am beautiful by his side
He draws me in yet keeps me free, the moon to my tide
He relishes my quirks and antics just as much I love to keep him frantic
And if I ever fall, he doesn’t catch me right away
Because he knows I’ll glide
And even more so, knows how much I enjoy the ride…
With the strength I lack, he holds my insecurity safe in-between his fingers
And if there is ever a doubt while I am out running about
His steady grip lingers
He drives me crazy just as much as he keeps me sane
And has the wisdom to keep me wild knowing I’ll die if ever tame
So when I am far, he frets not, because he knows he’s my favorite destination
If ever I am down, he joins me on the ground and points out my favorite constellations

He catches my sighs and lackluster replies
With ageless humor and tenacity
I draw blanks at his capacity
And challenge his audacity
He wins because despite my stubbornness he is persistent
Yet forever fails because he belongs to nonexistent”
Yesenia Barkley

Melanie A. Smith
“Love lost isn’t the end; it can always be found again if you’re open to it.”
Melanie A. Smith, Finding His Redemption

“The belief in Limitation is the basis of all jealousy, and jealousy leads to Possession. Possession is the idea that you must hold tightly to that which you love or it might escape. In truth, it does not escape. It loses its value to the holder and often creates contempt. True power attracts the sweet pleasure of liberation within the harmony of love.”
Deborah Bravandt

Nithin Purple
“The day arrived,when myriad teary rivers flow and the muted wind faintly died in his tears—an altar for the beloved one's departure,for sister-hood is no more,for her to adore!while pangs the beating world in a lamenting voice;their remembering loss of the 'one' they embrace most and when the crepuscule came like a phantom,the mournful,gathered birds swiftly flew in gloom.”
Nithin Purple, Venus and Crepuscule

Jenim Dibie
“I still belonged to you long after you belonged to someone else.”
Jenim Dibie

“No one can claim they are mature until they experience the hallucinogenic ramifications of being in love, and undertaken an urgent personal assessment and soul-searching discernment that is mandated after experiencing the bitterness of losing in the love game.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Jacqueline Simon Gunn
“Sometimes I miss you, which is strange, because you weren't at all the way I remember you.”
Jacqueline Simon Gunn

Marilyn Velez
“All I have is this pale image of a clouded dream that could never be real, and I can’t seem to move on. She had this wild laugh about her, and it was special, you know… it was rare, it was different, and it was mine, and I can’t find it anywhere… because it’s gone. She was special, she was different, and different is hard to find.”
Marilyn Velez

“He caressed her face and pulled her into a tight, desperate hug. She held him back just as tightly because she knew in her heart that it was the last time she'd let him this close to her.”
H.S. Howe, Willing to Wait

“I see your face, your smile and poetry comes flooding out of a heart that can't love you anymore...”
Yesenia Barkley

“Losing in love is as crucial of a step to developing goodness and humility in character as is failure to win is in any other endeavor. A love lost fires the hearth; a love won girds us with untold resolve. We find then lose love. We experience heartache and pain. We must continue our search for love. Feelings of love open us to experience all human emotions with a heightened sense of self-awareness.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

“You left me as quickly as you told me you loved me, all in one breath.
When I told you I was hard to love, you asked me not to be scared; I believed you.
Because even after you swore you weren’t like the others, I didn’t realise you meant you were worse.”
Insha Juneja, Imperfect Mortals : A Collection of Short Stories

“ just reinforced that they were over. They'd been apart too long this time. There was nothing left.”
H.S. Howe, Willing to Wait

“Before I could protest,
You ran off with another
Leaving my heart more broken
Knowing I could never recover.”
Jennifer West, Jennifer Bares All

R.W.  Patterson
“Laney, why do I believe you transcend the ordinary? Why do I look at you, and expect to see a façade fall away, revealing something much more than even the extraordinary? Tell me."

Elaine flushed, her knees wobbling. “I…don’t…know. But thank you—for the kind words. I’m flattered.” She closed her eyes wanting to hide. He was too close…too beautiful…too fervid.

And she was too vulnerable, too exposed.

“Look at me.”

She hesitantly met his unwavering gaze.

“No more hiding in your shadows,” he whispered, “because I will find you. And I will drag you kicking and screaming back into the light, where you belong. Do you understand?”


“Good.” He took her hand and guided her forward.”
R. W. Patterson, Solace From Shadows

R.W.  Patterson
“Death had marked his family with unbreakable black halos, until only two remained.”
R. W. Patterson, Light and Shadows, Book 2

R.W.  Patterson
“What we share between us is powerful. It consumes and burns brightly, love. When we—if we—consummate this relationship, I want us to be thinking clearly. Most importantly, I want you to be strong. Healthy. I want you to be whole. I wish that for you—in every second of your life—whether you choose to stay or go—that you be you again…that your heart…and your body heal. You’ve survived much, Laney. Let us not forget your journey leading to this place in time.”
R. W. Patterson, Light and Shadows, Book 2

“Closed eyes
can't sacrifice
a third time
i may never know
A dreamer's dream
my stars are only
made of gold

Came into this life
holding on
Was it a dream
Or life lived before
Alien genetics
Formed on the 7th
Too late
So i was turned away
Too late
But i seen those gates
It’s just lately
i’ve forgot the way

What am i saying?
out there is a star
Covered in gold
laugh, its okay

it's just best
i wait this time
can't sacrifice
a third time
how will i know
feverish devils
place their bets
the abyss or the flame
But at the edge
i stop & look to the sky

tonight I find the stars
are covered in gold
so right here i will just stay
Here i’ll just remain
in a place where
time and space
does not exist
but a gateway to Sarin

covered in gold
deep in the chest
you appear
just like I always knew
a distant star”
greg c warner

“You can give away parts of your soul to loving, but you must always reserve part of your soul for yourself. Eve had forgotten herself in the process of loving Adam. So when she lost him, she lost all of herself as well.”
Katie Mishra, Epiphany Island

R.W.  Patterson
“She wanted to freeze the hands of time. Wanted to revisit, revise and rewrite the past…edit out the monsters hell-bent on taking the lives of everyone she loved.”
R. W. Patterson, Dark Night of the Soul: A sacrifice to end a life; A rescue to save a soul.

“Love lost is a great defeat, but it also opens hidden chambers in a wary person’s soul.”
Kilroy J. Oldster

“The irony of lost love is that a person discovers wisps of wisdom when addressing their bundle of pain and frayed emotions. Relationships that fan out in flames contain learning rubrics in the dying embers.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Soroosh Shahrivar
“How do you mend a broken heart?
Beginning to end we grew apart
Opening up Pandora's Box
Angry Birds back and forth.

We were just not meant to be
Nothing more than history
Our love's deceased
Memories drowned in misery.”
Soroosh Shahrivar, Letter 19

Guy Mankowski
“I didn’t appreciate at that age the different way women loved, using their bodies and their heart and their spirit and their soul. I didn’t appreciate that they felt part of someone when they were in love with them. I promised myself I would never tell a woman I loved them unless I simply couldn’t bear not to. I told myself that relationships were not a game, no matter much everyone wants you to join in.”
Guy Mankowski

Sai Marie Johnson
“Just recall that each day that passes and you fail to water the rose, it withers and ceases to be as beautiful and eventually it no longer grows. And then you'll see the beautiful and delicate blossom is now dead - because you failed to tend your garden's needs and by then there won't even be viable seeds...”
Sai Marie Johnson

Larry Fort
“He felt the woman he devoted half of his life to slipping through his fingers: the pain lying in his desire for her, but the truth lying in his inability to love her. Sooner or later their sand castle built on beaches of make believe would crumble, washed away by the hungering tide of time and all he could do was watch it vanish, watching her fade out to sea.”
Larry Fort, Tales of the Sibling Not-So-Grim

“Who knew?
A fragile thing
Could fall in love
So easily
But be left
With nothing”
Jennifer West, Jennifer Bares All

Stefan Hertmans
“For some people, no life is long enough to recover from the shock of love, not even if they live to be nearly a hundred. - Page. 270”
Stefan Hertmans, War and Turpentine