Milk Quotes

Quotes tagged as "milk" Showing 1-30 of 100
Jenny Holzer
Jenny Holzer

Michael Klaper
“The human body has no more need for cows' milk than it does for dogs' milk, horses' milk, or giraffes' milk.”
Michael Klaper

Amy Garvey
“I am the kid who sticks her finger in the light socket. I am the person who doesn't check the expiration date on the milk. I am the idiot who has never looked before she leaped. I am the girl who is falling apart, right now.”
Amy Garvey, Cold Kiss

Gary L. Francione
“Every time you drink a glass of milk or eat a piece of cheese, you harm a mother. Please go vegan.”

Osamu Dazai
“Then what's a synonym for woman?"
"You're not very poetic, are you? Well, then, what's the antonym for entrails?"
Osamu Dazai, No Longer Human

Günter Grass
“When the young woman
leans over the sky,
about to water the flowers as well as the weeds,
her white front splits open
until her milk runs.”
Gunter Grass

Ogden Nash
“The cow is of the bovine ilk; one end is moo, the other milk.”
Ogden Nash, Free Wheeling

Janet Fitch
“He just wanted to stand close to her, touch her hair that was white as glacier milk...”
Janet Fitch, White Oleander

Arthur Rimbaud
“Blood was flowing – in Bluebeard’s house, in the abattoirs, in the circuses where God had set his seal to whiten the windows. Blood and Milk flowed together.”
Arthur Rimbaud

Adolf Hitler
“I drank my bottle of milk and ate my morsel of bread somewhere on the outskirts, while I circumspectly studied my environment or else fell to meditating on my own harsh lot.”
Adolf Hitler. Translated from the German By James Murphy

Gary L. Francione
“The distinction between meat and other animal products is total nonsense. Vegetarianism is a morally incoherent position. If you regard animals as members of the moral community, you really don’t have a choice but to go vegan.”

John Fante
“So it happened at last: I was about to become a thief, a cheap milk-stealer. Here was your lash-in-the-pen genius, your one story-writer: a thief.”
John Fante, Ask the Dust

Ernest Hemingway
“Thou askest me to take things seriously? After what thou didst last night? When thou needest to kill a man and instead did what you did? You were supposed to kill one, not make one! When we have just seen the sky full of airplanes of a quantity to kill us back to our grandfathers and forward to all unborn grandsons including all cats, goats and bedbugs. Airplanes making a noise to curdle the milk in your mother's breasts as they pass over darkening the sky and roaring like lions and you ask me to take things seriously. I take them too seriously already.”
Ernest Hemingway

Thrity Umrigar
“like a drop of ink in a glass of milk”
Thrity Umrigar, The Space Between Us

Kristin Kimball
“But raw milk from a Jersey cow is a totally different substance from what I'd thought of as milk. If you do not own a cow or know someone who owns a cow, I must caution you never to try raw milk straight from the teat of a Jersey cow, because it would be cruel to taste it once and not have access to it again. Only a few people in America remeber this type of milk now, elderly people mostly, who grew up with a cow. They come to the farm sometimes, looking for that taste from their childhood.”
Kristin Kimball, The Dirty Life: On Farming, Food, and Love
tags: milk

Harold Monro
“The white saucer like some full moon descends
At last from the clouds of the table above;
She sighs and dreams and thrills and glows,
Transfigured with love.

She nestles over the shining rim,
Buries her chin in the creamy sea;
Her tail hangs loose; each drowsy paw
Is doubled under each bending knee.

A long, dim ecstasy holds her life;
Her world is an infinite shapeless white,
Till her tongue has curled the last holy drop,
Then she sinks back into the night,

Draws and dips her body to heap
Her sleepy nerves in the great arm-chair,
Lies defeated and buried deep
Three or four hours unconscious there.”
Harold Monro, Collected poems;
tags: cats, milk

William Moulton Marston
“They're going to drown me in milk--what a waste of good baby-food!”
William Moulton Marston, The Wonder Woman Chronicles, Vol. 1
tags: milk

“His life changed history. His courage changed lives.”

Colin Walsh
“Who drinks a decaf cappuccino? Be honest with yourself and get a cup of warm milk.”
Colin Walsh, Kala

Hillary Manton Lodge
“Bread, milk and butter are of venerable antiquity. They taste of the morning of the world.
Hillary Manton Lodge, Reservations for Two

“Milk was originally blood. In that case, was the butter in the Babaji story actually a metaphor for all the carnage that took place under the cover of the jungle? What seemed pure, white and creamy had its origins in vivid, bloody red--- was that not the essence of the whole case?”
Asako Yuzuki, Butter

Samin Nosrat
“There’s nothing like a glass of cold milk with a warm brownie, at any time of day or night.”
Samin Nosrat, Salt fat acid heat [hardcover], 5 simple ingredients slow cooker and tasty & healthy 3 books collection set

Anthony T. Hincks
“Milkshakes bring friends together.”
Anthony T. Hincks

Steven Magee
“Research was indicating that longevity was seen in people that regularly consumed sour milk.”
Steven Magee, Toxic Altitude

Tetsu Kariya
“Ooh! The firm, moist texture and flavor of the yuba...
... suits the gratin's white sauce made with lots of milk and butter!"
"Yuba, a traditional Japanese food...
...perfectly matches the sauce in the gratin, which is a Western dish!"
"I made the white sauce with flour, butter and milk...
... and added chopped onions, sliced mushrooms and yuba cut into bite-sized pieces.
I brought the white sauce to a boil after seasoning it with salt and pepper. Then I placed that inside a gratin dish, covered it with grated cheese and baked it in the oven until it turned golden brown."
"Wow. I don't believe it."
"I never thought yuba and white sauce would taste good together. But come to think of it, yuba is basically soy protein."
"It has a rich yet simple taste... I guess it goes well with any kind of dish."
"I know I'm contradicting myself...
...but this is light and heavy at the same time!
Yuba is made from soy milk, and white sauce is made from regular milk. Both beverages are very good for the human body. So it's no surprise that they come together to make such a delicious flavor in yuba gratin.”
Tetsu Kariya, Izakaya: Pub Food

Brad Kessler
“Every raw-milk cheese is an artifact of the land; it carries the imprint of the earth from which it came. A cheese—even a fresh chèvre—is never just a thing to put in your mouth. It’s a living piece of geography. A sense of place.”
Brad Kessler, Goat Song: A Seasonal Life, A Short History of Herding, and the Art of Making Cheese

Steven Magee
“I get my calcium from milk, yogurt and cheese.”
Steven Magee

Ethan Chatagnier
“An infinitesimal fraction of the sun’s energy is responsible for all the abundance of our planet. A good thing we can’t see the torrent of waste, the enormity of what’s lost. Imagine pouring a jug of milk down the drain. The droplets of leftover milk in the sink? That’s what we live off.”
Ethan Chatagnier, Singer Distance

“A whole generation of Australians may well agree that abolition of school milk was one of the finer achievements of the Whitlam government, up there with free university education and ending conscription.”
Jan O'Connell, A Timeline of Australian Food: From Mutton to Masterchef

Steven Magee
“The best cheeses taste like poop!”
Steven Magee

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