Mythical Quotes

Quotes tagged as "mythical" Showing 1-30 of 57
“The cookie cutter shark can detect electric pulses, using this ability to catch its prey. Laura wonders whether she will ever feel electricity.”
Sally Ann Hunter, Transfigured Sea

Phil Truman
“The Dire Wolf killed the Jakes,” he said.
“Who’s this Dire Wolf?” I asked. Figured he was talking about someone he knew.
He spoke in a whisper, almost reverently. “The Dire Wolf is the curse of the Downstream People, the Arkansa. He is an evil spirit of the Quapaw.”
I sighed and shook my head, knowing how these old Indians liked to throw in a bunch of mythical tribal mumbo-jumbo and superstition to deflect blame from someone they knew. “Well, you know where I can find this Dire Wolf fella?” I asked.
“He cannot be found,” the old man said.
“Really. You have reason to believe he’s taken off to other parts?”
He said nothing for a full quarter minute, his black eyes intently on mine, searching. I could see contempt in them and a sadness. Made me nervous.
“No,” old Long Walker answered at last. “He has not departed. Now that he has awakened, he will kill again.”
Phil Truman, Dire Wolf of the Quapaw: a Jubal Smoak Mystery

“The sea represents a whisper of emotions and a memory of intuition”
Sally Ann Hunter, Transfigured Sea

Bruce Coville
“Lights and darks. And suddenly i was here, where everything seems strange. And I don't know why. Like the Fox and the Crow, I don't know the whole story yet. But that's a good reason to go on, don't you think?"
"Go where?" said the Scarecrow.
"Go forward," said the girl. "See something. Learn something. Figure it out. We won't ever get the whole thing, I bet, but we'll get something. And then we'll have something to tell when we're old about what happened to us when we were young."
"Now?" said the Scarecrow. "Can you tell it now?"
"After," said the girl. "We have to have the BEFORE first, and that's life"
"And what's life?" said the scarecrow.
"Moving," said the girl. "Moving on. Shall we move on? Will you come with me?”
Bruce Coville, Half-Human

Rachel Caine
“You're sure he's not a vampire?' Claire said.'I've seen movies. They're sneaky.' She was kidding. Eve didn't smile.”
Rachel Caine

Phil Truman
“We stared hard at each other for several long seconds. Her with her shotgun and dogs, me with Wil. The wind howled around the outside walls of the barn, and the old structure groaned.”
Phil Truman, Dire Wolf of the Quapaw: a Jubal Smoak Mystery

Phil Truman
“The deep bowl of frozen air that lay still across the land promised to make the clear night colder than the day. Through the warm glow of the dining room window, we could see Standback and a woman taking their meal. A servant came in to say something to him, and he looked out the window at our approach in the remaining daylight. Standback met us on the porch as we walked our horses up.”
Phil Truman, Dire Wolf of the Quapaw: a Jubal Smoak Mystery

Thomas Paine
“Such is the passage, x. 14, where, after giving an account that the sun stood still upon Gibeon, and the moon in the valley of Ajalon, at the command of Joshua, (a tale only fit to amuse children). This tale of the sun standing still upon Motint Gibeon, and the moon in the valley of Ajalon, is one of those fables that detects itself. Such a circumstance could not have happened without being known all over the world. One half would have wondered why the sun did not rise, and the other why it did not set; and the tradition of it would be universal; whereas there is not a nation in the world that knows anything about it.”
Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason

Eric Nierstedt
“The man you are seeing is no man, Andy. He was Odin Borson, Allfather and King of Asgard. His wolves were Freki and Geri and his hall was Valhalla. He was my father and the father of many others. And he was your father.”

Sybrina Durant
“While not all elements in the Periodic Table are represented by letters of the alphabet, some in this book (Magical Elements of the Periodic Table Presented Alphabetically by the Metal Horn Unicorns), are introduced by alternate designations. For instance, Tungsten is also known as Wolfram so “W” is used as the entry for that alphabetical letter in this book. The letter “W” is also used as the atomic symbol for Tungsten in all periodic tables.”
Sybrina Durant, Magical Elements of The Periodic Table: Presented Alphabetically by The Metal Horn Unicorns

“It [folk music] exceeded all human understanding, and if it called out to you, you could disappear and be sucked into it. I felt right at home in this mythical realm made up not with individuals so much as archetypes, vividly drawn archetypes of humanity, metaphysical in shape, each rugged soul filled with natural knowing and inner wisdom. Each demanding a degree of respect. I could believe in the full spectrum of it and sing about it. It was so real, so more true to life than life itself. It was life magnified.”
Bob Dylan, Chronicles, Volume One

Brandon Hobson
“We are always restless, carrying the dreams of children and the elderly, the tired and sick, the poor, the wounded. The Removed.”
Brandon Hobson, The Removed

Amira Aly
“You speak good words, child, but sometimes what lies within is much darker. The line between justice and revenge is then. Justice is order; revenge is chaos. If revenge is your innermost desire, you will be destroyed upon entering into the hall”
Amira Aly, Egypt: The Uprising (The Battle for Maat, #1)

Eric Nierstedt
“That is the voice of a place like this, where dead voices echo. They attract men and women of all kinds. But only certain gods visit here…”

Sybrina Durant
“It might be very hard to believe but with no metal and no magic there’d be no technology.”
Sybrina Durant, Magical Elements of the Periodic Table Presented Alphabetically by the Metal Horn Unicorns

Amira Aly
“I knew then what harmony meant: what belonging was. Just like a raindrop joining in the fun at the big river. I was the little raindrop, and she was the river.”
Amira Aly, Egypt: The Uprising (The Battle for Maat, #1)

John Eldredge
“You will not think clearly about your life until you think mythically. Until you see with the eyes of your heart.”
John Eldredge, Waking the Dead: The Glory of a Heart Fully Alive

Arthur K. Flam
“All of this happened, in what is known in the future. (Apple Pie Ultra 8)”
Arthur K. Flam

Eric Nierstedt
“You made an offering of a battle of gods and demons," Joshua said. "That kind of offer does not go unnoticed. You awoke the souls of your kinsmen inside the mortals they have become.”

Elisabeth Sharp McKetta
“Look only at me. Your eyes on my eyes. Here is what I need you to remember. You never know how long or how short a person is meant to belong to you. All you have is today. You have the water and the trees and the fruit and your body, your husband, your living older son. You have a mind that works and a healthy body that can grow another baby. Tomorrow the trees, the fruit, even the ocean might go away.”
Elisabeth Sharp McKetta, She Never Told Me About the Ocean

“I am the man from the future with the blazing white shoes.”
Arthur K. Flam, Apple Pie Ultra 8

Priscilla Vogelbacher
“There is no mythology about a solid earth. It is either contiguously “honeycombed,” as it were, with extensive caverns and tunnels, and/or it is hollow and habitable within. The mythic record tells us both is the case.”
Priscilla Vogelbacher, Testament of the Hollow

Rajinder Jhol
“In sumptuous waves of self-knowledge, the realms of the mythical, imaginary, symbolic, and material collide and collapse into each other.”
Rajinder Jhol, Shine

Sybrina Durant
“Osm – the unicorn with the multi-metal horn tipped with Osmium can do it all! He has the powers of all the metal horn unicorns. Osmium is much rarer than gold, about 1000 times, but it is only worth about ¼ the price because there are so few uses for it.”
Sybrina Durant, Magical Elements of the Periodic Table Presented Alphabetically by the Metal Horn Unicorns

“I Know What I know For Eye Shadows The Night Falls Of The Hearth”
Ben Jr Grey, Emmanuel weber

“I will not deny that I crave you, Hinziwin. I would savor every inch of your body if you allowed me to.”
Melodia Moreno, Magic Mayhem and Madness: A Historical Time travel Romance

K.V. Wilson
“Y Ddraig Goch ddyry gychwyn," my second muttered under his breath as the three of us stalked away, seeking to shelter ourselves within the slinking shadows.
The corner of my lip turned up at his remark.
The Red Dragon will show the way.”
K.V. Wilson, Incarnate

K.V. Wilson
“A life for a life, huh, Red?" He grins at me. "You broke me out of a cell once. Now it's my turn.”
K.V. Wilson, Incarnate

“Into The Abyss

In the midst of the wailing winds
In the thickets of the ghastly fields
I found a ring lying on the ground
With the footsteps to follow around
Frightened yet resolute, out in the dark i go

In the willows beside the river
An old man creaked in his chair in a queer
"It has eyes everywhere,
You can't escape once you're here"
He whispered, as if his last breath
And out in the dark I go

In the cricket's cries, under the hollow moon
I saw a graveyard with tombs dug through
"Dead celebrate when the night is nigh
For they revel in the living's cry",
Said the men with the axe in tow,
And out in the dark I go

Somewhere out in the dark, distraught
The footprints I stumbled upon were gone
I had to return the ring, i thought
But the one i was carrying was gone

Where am I? I wish I would've known
I stared into the abyss, all alone
No soul within, nor outside stark
I shouldn't have gone out in the dark
I shouldn't have gone out in the dark”
Dishebh Bhayana

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