Obe Quotes

Quotes tagged as "obe" Showing 1-11 of 11
“There’s a huge difference between reading about out-of-body experiences or watching videos about them and lifting out of your body and traveling through space in a different dimension. Why not experience a greater multidimensional reality rather than just reading about it? Discover what science doesn’t know and cannot ever know – it’s your life and you have a choice to break free of the known and live in a different way.”

Sol Luckman
“The feeling was less like chemical intoxication than being drunk on life. Spinning round and round, he experienced absolute bliss— unadulterated and unconfined—in which he transcended his own personality and became one with everything he perceived.”
Sol Luckman, Snooze: A Story of Awakening

“Each of us at our root is consciousness, and in the highest of the spiritual realms life and form become light. I experienced this in an OBE in which I went to the outer ring of the source of creation.”
Belsebuub, The Astral Codex: Out-of-Body Experiences and Lucid Dreaming for Spiritual Knowledge

William Buhlman
“Clarity now!!!”
William Buhlman

“It’s time to assume your glorified body, your celestial body, your radiant body, your spiritual body (soma pneumatikon) – the vehicle for your out-of-body experiences. When you attain your “diamond body,” you become one of “the immortals”. You are now one of the cloudwalkers. Pure mind is superconductive. It can never run down or degrade or experience any friction. Your eternal mind is a Golden Mind. It’s a Star Mind, it’s the Glory of the Whole Universe.”
Steve Madison, Ultrahuman

“All angels are natural practitioners of OBEs since they do not have bodies. They can view all of the world, and go instantaneously to anywhere in the world, and can also assume bodies to interact with the world when that is required. A human becomes “angelic” when they leave their body – via the route of deep dreaming – and achieves disembodied access to the world via lucidly entering the public dream of the Collective Unconscious. The person is now in the world, but without a body, just like an angel. OBEs and NDEs are angelic experiences. They are all about the human being freed from the body. They are all about the metamorphosis of a human into a higher being.”
Jack Tanner, Zarathustra's Out-of-Body Experience: How Humans Become Angels

“Angels are messengers, passing on messages from the other side. Or are angels thought forms? Do people project their own angels? Angels are the ultimate astral visitors. They are designed for OBEs. When you have an OBE, you have temporarily become an angel, freed from your physical chains.”
Jack Tanner, Ghosts Are Real

“Did angels have wings, or did they have the power of flight, which was then represented by ancients in terms of wings? No one having an out-of-body experience has wings. They are not needed for flight.”
Steve Madison, Ultrahuman
tags: angels, obe

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Lucid dreaming is ‘intentional dreaming.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, The Oneironaut’s Diary

“Although physical time travel is forbidden, mental time travel emphatically is not. That’s what memory is. Your eternal monadic mind was, by definition, in existence 100 years ago, so if you want to know the world of 100 years ago, “all” you need to do is access the memories of your mind from 100 years ago. When people imagine an out-of-body experience, they imagine traveling through space without their physical body (or with some “astral” body as a substitute). In fact, out-of-body experiences are overwhelmingly associated with travel through time. Every time you recall a memory, you are in a sense traveling into the past, not as a body, but as a disembodied mind. The top OBE practitioners could travel all the way back to the Big Bang! They would then be gods.”
David Sinclair, Transcendental Magic: The Rise of the New Magicians