Ptsd Quotes

Quotes tagged as "ptsd" Showing 181-210 of 868
Lacy Chantell
“I always knew it was horses that would bring you back.”
Lacy Chantell, Wild Heart

“Rumination in grief is a form of avoidance.

We know - this is completely counterintuitive. As we talked about [previously], avoidance is when you work hard not to think about something. How could rumination possibly be a form of avoidance? Margaret Stroebe, Henk Schut, Maarten Eisma, and an array of their colleagues first suggested this 'rumination as avoidance' hypothesis and then did research to investigate it. There is a lot to say on this topic, but here's what you need to know: studies have found that grieving people will often ruminate on very specific aspects of their loss. This keeps their brains so busy with those very focused events or details that they don't have to face the even more difficult and painful aspects of their grief.”
Eleanor Haley, What's Your Grief?: Lists to Help You Through Any Loss

Sarah J. Maas
“Hands- there were hands on my shoulders, shaking me, squeezing me. I thrashed against them, screaming, screaming-


The voice was at once the night and the dawn and the stars and the earth, and every inch of my body calmed at the primal dominance in it.

'Open your eyes,' the voice ordered.

I did.

My throat was raw, my mouth full of ash, my face soaked and sticky, and Rhysand- Rhysand was hovering above me, his eyes wide.

'It was a dream,' he said, his breathing as hard as mine.

The moonlight trickling through the windows illuminated the dark lines of swirling tattoos down his arm, his shoulders, across his sculpted chest. Like the ones I bore on my arm. He scanned my face. 'A dream,' he said again.

Velaris. I was in Velaris, at his house. And I had- my dream-

The sheets, the blankets were ripped. Shredded. But not with a knife. And that ashy, smoky taste coating my mouth...

My hand was unnervingly steady as I lifted it to find my fingers ending in simmering embers. Living claws of flame that had sliced through my bed linens like they were cauterising wounds-”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Mist and Fury

Kate Elizabeth Russell
“I just want to know if you think I should.”

“I think it would cause you severe stress,” Ruby says. “I’d worry the symptoms you described would become even more intense to the point where it would be difficult for you to function.”

“But I’m talking on a moral level. Because isn’t it supposed to be worth all the stress? That’s what people keep saying, that you need to speak out no matter the cost.”

“No,” she says firmly. “That’s wrong. It’s a dangerous amount of pressure to put on someone dealing with trauma.”

“Then why do they keep saying it? Because it’s not just this journalist. It’s every woman who comes forward. But if someone doesn’t want to come forward and tell the world every bad thing that’s happened to her, then she’s what? Weak? Selfish?” I throw up my hand, wave it away. “The whole thing is bullshit. I fucking hate it.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell, My Dark Vanessa

Kate Elizabeth Russell
“Ruby's far off voice asks me where I have gone, but she knows that it's the truth that has spooked me, the expanse of it, the starkness. It offers nowhere to hide.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell, My Dark Vanessa

Lacy Chantell
“Living in the past will make you insane. I need to look forward and not be hindered by things out of my control.”
Lacy Chantell, Wild Heart

Nicole T.   Smith
“She found it funny that it took bravery to end torment.”
Nicole T. Smith, We Have Shadows Too

“Narcissistic abuse makes you sick! The stress and anxiety makes you sick to your stomach, diarrhea, and a host of other illnesses.”
Tracy A. Malone

“Narcissists keep their victims like slaves. You are not allowed to have friends, speak the truth, complain or have your own needs. You are simply here to serve them.”
Tracy A. Malone

Tracy A. Malone

Tracy A. Malone

Heena Singhal
“it fair to neglect a life, and weep for the dead?”
Heena Singhal, Songs of the Reed

Sarah J. Maas

This was real. I had survived; I'd made it out.

Unless it was a dream- just a fever-dream in Amarantha's dungeon and I'd awaken back in that cell, and-

I curled my knees to my chest. Real. Real.

I mouthed the words.

I kept mouthing them.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Mist and Fury

Sarah J. Maas
“I studied the stable behind him instead. At least it was big, open, the stable hands now off in another wing. I usually had little issue with being inside, which was mostly whenever I was bored enough to visit the horses housed within. Plenty of space to move, to escape. the walls didn't feel too... permanent.

Not like the kitchens, which were too low, the walls too thick, the windows not big enough to climb through. Not like the study, with not enough natural light or easy exits. I had a long list in my head of what places I could and couldn't endure at the manor, ranked by precisely how much they made my body luck up and sweat.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Mist and Fury

Sarah J. Maas
“Real- this was real. The horrors- those were nightmares. I was out; I was alive; I was safe.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Mist and Fury

Sarah J. Maas
“I awoke each night, shaking and panting. And became glad when Tamlin wasn't there to witness it. When I, too, didn't witness him being yanked from his dreams, cold sweating coating his body. Or shifting into that beast, and staying awake until dawn, monitoring the estate for threats. What could I say to calm those fears, when I was the source of so many of them?”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Mist and Fury

Sarah J. Maas
“Where all that colour and light and texture had once dwelled, there was only a filthy prison cell.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Mist and Fury

Sarah J. Maas
“Inside, inside I had become like the distant sea, relentlessly churning, tossed about by squalls that tore away any sense of where the surface might be.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Mist and Fury

Lois McMaster Bujold
“I planned my life by the hour as closely as one plans a year, and no further than an hour.”
Lois McMaster Bujold, The Curse of Chalion

Sarah J. Maas
“I have this dream,' Rhys said as I retched again, holding my hair. 'Where it's not me stuck under her, but Cassian or Azriel. And she's pinned their wings to the bed with spikes, and there's nothing I can do to stop it. She's commanded me to watch, and I have no choice but to see how I failed them.'
His fingers were gentle, but firm where he'd fisted them in my hair. 'You never failed them,' I rasped.

'I did... horrible things to ensure that.' Those violet eyes near-glowed in the dim light.'

'So did I.' My sweat clung like blood- the blood of those two faeries-

I pivoted, barely turning in time. His other hand stroked long soothing lines down the curve of my back, as over and over I yielded my dinner.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Mist and Fury

Sarah J. Maas
“It helps the panic,' he said quietly, 'to remind myself that I got out. That we all got out.'

'Barely.' I tried to breathe. I couldn't, I couldn't-

'We got out. And it might happen again if we don't go inside.'

The chill mist bit at my face. And I tried- I did- to take a step toward it.

My body refused to obey.

I tried to take a step again; I tried for Elain and Nesta and the human world that might be wrecked, but... I couldn't.

'Please,' I whispered. I didn't care if it meant that I'd failed my first day of work.

Rhysand, as promised, didn't ask questions as he gripped my hand and brought us back to the winter sun and rich colours of Velaris.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Mist and Fury

Lacy Chantell
“Why does adulting have to suck so much? All our lives we rush to get older, to have say over what we do, but it never happens. As long as we have parents, their input, their manipulation, their feelings are always taken into account.”
Lacy Chantell, Wild Heart

Nicole T.   Smith
“Memory measured in elemental specks, recognizable when complete, but, as single particles, easily swept away.”
Nicole T. Smith, We Have Shadows Too

Nicole T.   Smith
“The smell of money and autonomy rose to her nose like a hello.”
Nicole T. Smith, We Have Shadows Too

Nicole T.   Smith
“Shadows walk around in my head. My mind talks to itself, but I am kept out of it.”
Nicole T. Smith, We Have Shadows Too

Sarah J. Maas
“I slid my arms around his waist, gripping tightly as he pressed a silent kiss to my hair, reminding myself over and over that we were out. We had survived. Never again- never again would I let someone hurt him like that. Hurt my sisters like that.

Never again.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

“The ruminating thoughts often haunt victims at night. You are haunted by the "what happened", "how could they do this to me", "who does this?" thoughts. One day, these thoughts will subside and the fear will lift.”
Tracy A. Malone

Tracy A. Malone