Rebel Quotes

Quotes tagged as "rebel" Showing 211-240 of 276
“The sea loved the moon
When she was supposed to love the shore.

The moon knew
And hence made his intentions known.

That she should love the shore
Who was destined for her.

Yet his protests seemed weak.
And even when he pushed her towards the shore-
She always retreated back.

To want, to need, to love the moon
For all she's worth.

Everyone said, it wasn't meant to happen.
Yet, the Tsunami rose that night for their union.”
Saiber, Stardust and Sheets

Criss Jami
“You can't be a rebel without the scars that come with it. Truth is, some days scars are just as ugly as they are beautiful.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Negative people will always be there to stain your pure image with their dirty tongues and brushes, but you'll always remain as white as snow, no matter how high the quality of paint they use.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

“A true romantic will break the rules for the right reasons. He will not conform to the ideals bestowed upon him by society. Instead he will fight for a climate of freedom that allows him to pursue and obtain his heart's true yearning. He will appear incorrect in his upright form, but such perception only through the eyes of those travelling under the hypnotic notion of social paradigms. Do not judge he who is breaking the rules, rather try to understand his motivations. If his intent is pure then his fight is not in vain.”
Nicole Bonomi

Amy Tintera
“Her smile faded to a more serious expression. "Is everything okay? With Callum?"
"Fine," I said, taking a bite of meat and avoiding her eyes.
"He's crazy about you, you know," she said softly, like I hadn't just told her things were fine. "I see other girls looking at him sometimes, and he doesn't even notice. He only sees you.”
Amy Tintera, Rebel

Criss Jami
“Society tells me to follow my own truth, but I don't let society tell me what to do. If you need someone to tell you that, chances are you're part of the crowd that will move on to the next fashion that comes around.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Mehek Bassi
“Nights are rebellious, they only demand the truth”
Mehek Bassi

Rawi Hage
“We are all the products and victims of our own upbringing, until we reflect, refuse, and rebel.”
Rawi Hage, Carnival

“Travel is rebellion in its purest form.
- we follow our heart
- we free ourselves of labels
- we lose control willingly
- we trade a role for reality
- we love the unfamiliar
- we trust strangers
- we own only what we can carry
- we search for better questions, not answers
- we truly graduate
- we, sometimes, choose never to come back.”

Amy Tintera
“Only for a minute. I'll be right back." He plopped the baby in her lap and hopped to his feet. Wren held her at arm's length and frowned. She did not appreciate that, because she immediately began wailing.
"Here," Wren said, thrusting her in my direction. "Take the mutant baby.”
Amy Tintera, Rebel

Margaret Atwood
“Setting fire to the roofs, getting away with the loot, suiting herself. She studied modern philosophy, read Sartre on the side, smoked Gitanes, and cultivated a look of bored contempt. But inwardly, she was seething with unfocused excitement, and looking for someone to worship.”
Margaret Atwood, Wilderness Tips

Pushpa Rana
“Soon you shall be landing In the battleground, ensure you have the right weapons to fight the enemy; ensure you know your enemy and what he is capable of; take them unprepared to gain the victory and stand with your head held high; show it to the world the cause you have been fighting for, deception is the key, challenge your enemy when it is least expected; break them mentally before breaking them physically. You are a soldier; your enemy is a soldier and you are facing the best, both sides have a lot of similarities only variation lies in the cause.

Cause is driver for the battle; cause is binding comrades together and even if the victory is gained the cause stays undefeated. You stand defeated for your strategy, tactics and leaders but never for the cause, it’s still alive, it shall always be alive with the men who have sacrificed their lives, with the men who are still alive. They stand defeated with the physical strength but not for the cause they have believed in and you can never take it away from them. Fight for a cause and you shall stay invincible.

A war story is always biased towards one side and it’s hard to narrate a true war story. We choose and make our heroes from what we have read, heard and believed in. If we know the cause both sides are standing for, it will become difficult to take sides. Always respect your enemy, respect for the fact they are standing neck to neck with you, respect them for the courage they have shown to defend the other side, their land, respect them for whatever you have earned the respect for from your men, from your country and from your people.

Powerful strategies, tactics, weapons, leaders are allies to the war, they support but never claims victory all my themselves Greatest wars won always had the greater cause. Rebel without a cause is never a rebel just an aimless person whose fate lies in the defeat.”
Pushpa Rana, Just the Way I Feel

Criss Jami
“Pseudo-artists think that being an artist means opposing whatever seems to be an establishment. That is not creative at all. True creativity is the ability to gain perspective wherever you may have missed it before.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Carry A. Nation
“You have put me in here a cub, but I will come out roaring like a lion, and I will make all hell howl!”
Carry A. Nation

Ryan Lilly
“Entrepreneurs see the "no diving" sign and back-up to get a running start.”
Ryan Lilly

Shannon A. Thompson
“The rebel inside of me always ignored the rules.”
Shannon A. Thompson, Death Before Daylight

“This was a true pants-pooping moment.”
Dinah Katt, Once Upon a Time Travel

Leo Tolstoy
“With no doubt Al Hussain was one of the greatest rebels, for correcting the path of rulers who deviated from the right path. He, by his stance honorably acquired martyrdom martyrdom that free people wish to acquire.”
Tolstoy Leo Kupon Flashiviyi

Criss Jami
“I will admit that we as young rebels always wanted fundamentalists to understand our take on their religion, but rarely, if ever, the other way around. The fundamentalists are the real artists. If you saw only a masterpiece of an original painting and someone threw a splash of red across it saying that their version is better, you would be offended too.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

“That was when things got weird. You may have thought things were weird already, but this was uber-weird”
Dinah Katt, Once Upon a Time Travel

“And that’s basically the end of this story. I know it sounds unbelievable and all. And I’m not saying I can explain all the time travel parts or the magical tattoo parts. You may not even believe me. That’s okay, though. I know it happened and that’s all that counts.”
Dinah Katt, Once Upon a Time Travel

Adham T. Fusama
“Sudah gue bilang: punk is only hibernating, not dead!”
Adham T. Fusama, Dead Smokers Club Part 1

“Little known fact: When you get really scared and too many scary things happen at once, you can leave your body. I don’t know if it’s your soul or your consciousness or what, but you can literally float up in the air over your body and watch what it’s doing.”
Dinah Katt

Marcha A. Fox
“Dirck closed his eyes and tried not to laugh. Win, the dauntless rebel who'd dodged lasoclear blasts without a flinch and thought nothing of invading highly classified government records with treasonous intent, was afraid of the dark.”
Marcha A. Fox, A Psilent Place Below

Michael Bassey Johnson
“The love and compassion of Jesus christ is not understood and felt by devils.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Classic Quotations From The Otherworlds

Michael Bassey Johnson
“The most serious will miss heaven, the unserious rebel will repent in the last hour.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

Bjorn Shen
“So Artichoke was a restaurant borne out of impulse and recklessness. Four years on, it’s also a testament to how an enterprise started on such a fucked up approach can actually succeed.”
Bjorn Shen, Artichoke: Recipes & Stories from Singapore's Most Rebellious Kitchen

“My life. My choice. Live life only once. So to hell with the world”
Nirmala Pandey

René Barjavel
“—Écoutez, Coban, c'est terminé.
—C'est commencé...”
René Barjavel, La Nuit des temps