Science Fiction Young Adult Quotes

Quotes tagged as "science-fiction-young-adult" Showing 1-30 of 121
Philip Pullman
“Hold the question in your mind, but lightly, like it was something alive.”
Phillip Pullman

Scott Westerfeld
“For some of us, politics means fighting for our right to exist”
Scott Westerfeld, Shatter City

Sarah Newland
“All of our demons grow restless eventually.”
Sarah Newland, Chymist

“Mom says that the music is my way of trying to get close to Dad. But she’s wrong. The music isn’t my way of getting close to Dad or anyone. It’s my way of getting away from both of them and going somewhere else. Someplace where things always resolve in the final eight bars.”
David Gerrold, Jumping Off the Planet

“I’m trying to give you two things here, Douglas: the trip I’ve always promised you, and the chance you never had before on how you want your life to turn out.”
David Gerrold, Jumping Off the Planet

Annabel den Dekker
“That’s just how my brain works: words of wisdom are produced at random intervals, and always in times of great despair.”
Annabel den Dekker, Ailene

“You like to pretend your intentions are noble, but you think all your problems will go away when you destroy her. Weak.”
Leo Flynn, Mara's Choice

“Congratulations on showing yer true colors. Kottura wasted no time in brainwashin' ye.”
Leo Flynn, Mara's Choice

“Give your precious Mother a message! If Kottura wants me gone, she'll have to do it herself!”
Leo Flynn, Mara's Choice

“You do have a heart."
"Whatever the hell's left of it.”
Leo Flynn, Mara's Choice

“Mind, you're a broken, vindictive, rude 'warrior' with a complete lack of an honor code bent on revenge, but if you assist me, I help you. We both get what we want.”
Leo Flynn, Mara's Choice

“I've got friends all over the place. I don't want them to suffer through war. If no-one else believes you, I do." He stuck his hand out. "How about it, you stubborn old goat? An ally?”
Leo Flynn, Mara's Choice

“The Irrinos have found us. We are under siege, and our fighters are engaged." A shaky pause. "We regret to say peacetime is over. We repeat. The Galaxy is now at war.”
Leo Flynn, Mara's Choice

Sarah Newland
“It’s not peace they’re after; it’s chaos and power. It’s us.”
Sarah Newland, Chymist

Kevin  Cox
“There were things that began to roam about in the dark. They were called Nulthereals, the Whisperers. They seemed to be helping the curse. Many of the survivors called to them,” Sidaire said, “pleading with them to restore the plants. Several had simply given up hope they were so crippled by sadness and depression that no one was doing anything practical to try to solve the problem. Everyone stopped caring. The world began to fade into the desert you see now. Then sometime after that, villagers began to mysteriously go missing, one by one.”
J. Kevin Cox, Bewilderness

Kevin  Cox
“Beyond the grassy field were hundreds of huge skyscrapers, pulsing and glowing with blue and violet lights. The architecture was like nothing she had ever known. The design of the building structures was extremely complex.
The buildings themselves were alive, moving in one way or another. Some structures had layers that rotated independently from the rest. There were other structures with large moving parts on the sides of the buildings or the roof, turning constantly. In some cases, entire buildings were moving. It was like they were all parts of a giant machine.”
J. Kevin Cox, Bewilderness

Bruce Coville
“You earthlings! You never know what you want. If you'd stop trying to hold on to everything, you'd be a lot happier.”
Bruce Coville, My Teacher Glows in the Dark

“It was all supposed to be reassuring-but it wasn’t. Not really.”
David Gerrold, Jumping Off the Planet

“Well, it’s about you and Mom. Chigger and I were talking-and well, I mean-you are kidnapping us, aren’t you, Dad?”
David Gerrold, Jumping Off the Planet

“I thought for a moment Dad was finally going to say something that would make a difference. But maybe not, because he just let Weird change the subject without even noticing how unfinished I still felt.”
David Gerrold, Jumping Off the Planet

“You said something once, Charles, that has stayed in my head like a ball bearing bouncing around the inside of an empty steel drum. You said that it was your family too, and nobody ever asked you what you wanted. Well, this is me asking you. All of you.”
David Gerrold, Jumping Off the Planet

Rick Riordan
“-Me enamoré de Percy -espetó Nico-. Ésa es la verdad. Ése es el gran secreto.”
Rick Riordan, The House of Hades

J.W. Lynne
“I want to scream. I want to fling myself down and beat my hands against the ground. This isn’t how things were supposed to be. This isn’t how this story was supposed to end.

It feels like a lifetime ago that my family and I embarked on our simulated mission. I wish I'd known what would happen next. I wish I could go back in time and grab my family and run far away ... all the way to the moon. But, of course, that's impossible.

And now it's too late to run.”
J.W. Lynne, The Darkness Outside

J.W. Lynne
“Our teacher, Professor Adam, doesn’t know we’re just going through the motions. He doesn’t understand that nothing he’s saying really matters anymore. This classroom, and everything that happens inside it, once seemed big and important. Now it all seems silly and insignificant. I try to pay attention, because we’re supposed to, but my mind can’t focus on the present. It’s too busy thinking about the future. A future where every life in this room is in jeopardy.”
J.W. Lynne, Above the Sky

“In the pursuit of knowledge, there are no limits, no boundaries...only the endless possibilities of a future unwritten.”
Gemi NiCole

“What would you sacrifice to have a loved one back for a minute, a day or a lifetime?”
Evelyn Eckert

“What would you be willing to sacrifice to have a loved one back for a minute, a day, or a lifetime?"

After my son Alex was killed by a drunk driver, I had a dream in which I was asked this question. Once I started thinking about it, I realized I would give up everything, and it later evolved into a science fiction book. I modeled the main character after my son. Alex's mannerisms and attitude became the basis for Xavier's character development. Xavier is a clone who does not know he is a clone nor who is controlling his fate. With his friends' help, he must uncover the people behind the conspiracy to create a shadow government and locate the others known as the Zodiac Thirteen.”
Evelyn D. Eckert

“Every hand he shook, every influential figure he met, was for nothing, it was all a pull of strings orchestrating a grand betrayal.”
Cedric Ennis, The Secret Academy and the Warden's Wrath

“We gave them everything,” the now drunken man spoke in a splendid stupor, his left foot wobbled below him, and his right foot had acted like an anchor, drilling through the floor.”
Cedric Ennis, The Secret Academy and the Warden's Wrath

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