Stairs Quotes

Quotes tagged as "stairs" Showing 1-30 of 68
Derek Landy
“Stairs," Valkyrie said, disappointed.
"Not just ordinary stairs," Skulduggery told her as he led the way down. "Magic stairs."
"Oh, yes."
She followed him into the darkness. "How are they magic?"
"They just are."
"In what way?"
"In a magicky way."
She glared at the back of his head. "They aren't magic at all, are they?"
"Not really.”
Derek Landy, Mortal Coil

Mehmet Murat ildan
“In the New Year, never forget to thank to your past years because they enabled you to reach today! Without the stairs of the past, you cannot arrive at the future!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Glenn Beck
“Look, calling somebody in a wheelchair handicapable doesn`t all of a sudden give them the power to climb stairs or the ability to grab Ho-Hos off the top shelf.”
Glenn Beck

Mehmet Murat ildan
“We are all on the stairs, my friend; some of us are going down, some us are going up!”
Mehmet Murat ildan
tags: stairs

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“If the step that I am on becomes the plane upon which I live, I will soon forget that no single step is ever a staircase.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Jarod Kintz
“Why is it called a flight of stairs? It should be called The Pekin Duck of stairs, because it's the kind of flying that's composed entirely of walking.”
Jarod Kintz, Music is fluid, and my saxophone overflows when my ducks slosh in the sounds I make in elevators.

Mehmet Murat ildan
“The best way to make an abandoned staircase happy is to walk on its steps!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Vineet Raj Kapoor

Mehmet Murat ildan
“The most interesting thing about fire escapes is this: We like to use them most when there is no fire because being outside a building gives us more of a touch of reality than being inside the building!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Mehmet Murat ildan
“People who climb the stairs quickly and reach their destination often regret that they did not experience the stairs, the real journey, the real fun!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Why do we have to go up the tough stairs of life? Because when the time comes, there must be something important we did in the past that will console us as we descend!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Anthony T. Hincks
“You cannot take the lift when there is only stairs.”
Anthony T. Hincks

Mehmet Murat ildan
“If you want to thank a stairs sincerely, you have to thank each step of it individually, because what makes the stairs a stairs is the whole of its steps!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Choose stairs with lots of steps to go up! If you want to be proud of yourself and gain real self-confidence, you have to do the hard thing!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Sarah J. Maas
“Cassian asked, 'What stair did you make it to?'

'One hundred eleven.' Nesta didn't rise.


Her fingers pushed into the floor, but her body didn't move. 'This stupid House wouldn't give me wine.'

'I figured that would be the only motivator to make you risk ten thousand stairs.'

Her fingers dug into the stone floor once more.

He threw her a crooked smile, glad for the distraction. 'You can't get up, can you?'

Her arms strained, elbows buckling. 'Go fly into a boulder.'

Cassian pushed off the wall and reached her in three strides. He wrapped his hands under her arms and hauled her up.

She scowled at him the entire time. Glared at him some more when she swayed and he gripped her tighter, keeping her upright.

'I knew you were out of shape,' he observed, stepping away when she'd proved she wasn't about to collapse, 'but a hundred steps? Really?'

'Two hundred, counting the ones up,' she grumbled.

'Still pathetic.'

She straightened her spine and raised her chin.

Keep reaching out your hand.

Cassian shrugged, turning toward the hall and the stairwell that would take him up to his rooms. 'If you get tired of being weak as a mewling kitten, come to training.' He glanced over a shoulder. Nesta still panted, her face flushed and furious. 'And participate.”
Sarah J. Maas, A ​Court of Silver Flames

Sarah J. Maas
“No one would prevent her from venturing into the city, to a tavern, and drinking herself silly. No one would come to haul her back. She'd made it down the stairs. Life lay before her.

Only, she found herself looking up. Toward the House where a Starfall party would be held in an hour. The male who would be there, who's encouraged her to come.

She faced the city- the lovely, vibrant city. None of it seemed as vibrant as what waited above. The climb would be brutal, and almost without end, but at the top... Cassian would be waiting. As he had waited for her for years now.

Nesta smiled. And began the climb.”
Sarah J. Maas, A ​Court of Silver Flames

Jarod Kintz
“M.C. Escher called. He wanted to sell me some upside-down stairs. I said I already have a few, and then I got him to buy an upwalking slinky.”
Jarod Kintz, The Lewis and Clark of The Ozarks

Jarod Kintz
“I once saw a waterfall walk up a flight of stairs, when it could have easily taken the escalator. That's what I would have done, if I were composed of 40% more H2O.”
Jarod Kintz, The Lewis and Clark of The Ozarks

Jarod Kintz
“This elevator isn’t big enough for me, you, and my live music. I’m sorry, but you’ll have to take the stairs.”
Jarod Kintz, Eggs, they’re not just for breakfast

Mick Herron
“Shut up. Now, ordinarily the reason I make you run up those stairs is I don't like you and I want you to die. But today, as it happens, I've a job for you.”
Mick Herron, Standing by the Wall
tags: job, stairs

Mehmet Murat ildan
“If you are afraid of the stairs then you are afraid of life because life is full of stairs!”
Mehmet Murat ildan


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Vineet Raj Kapoor

J.K. Rowling
“There were a hundred and forty-two staircases at Hogwarts: wide, sweeping ones, narrow, rickety ones, some that led somewhere different on a Friday, some with a vanishing step halfway up that you had to remember to jump. Then there were doors that wouldn’t open unless you asked politely, or tickled them in exactly the right place, and doors that weren’t really doors at all, but solid walls just pretending. It was also very hard to remember where anything was, because it all seemed to move around a lot. The people in the portraits kept going to visit each other and Harry was sure the coats of armour could walk.”
J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

Mehmet Murat ildan
“You went up some very long, very steep stairs and now you're going down. If you are the same person as the person you were climbing, then you walked up those stairs for nothing!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Mehmet Murat ildan
“No matter how many steps you climb during your lifetime, a new step will come your way!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Caleb Wilde
“I walked to the garage and pulled out our late ’90s Buick conversion wagon, put our stretcher in the back, and grabbed some latex gloves and protective wear, remembering back to a couple months ago when I pulled another person who had overdosed out of a third-floor hotel room. That hotel didn’t have an elevator, so my dad and I shouldered the loaded stretcher down the stairs, and due to the tight quarters of the hotel and the way the guy died, we took a huge risk and lugged the dead man headfirst down the stairs, prompting him to discharge the contents of his stomach all over my clothing, an experience I vowed would never be repeated.”
Caleb Wilde, Confessions of a Funeral Director: How the Business of Death Saved My Life

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Even a staircase you don't like will bring you down or up! Concentrate on usefulness, not on likes or dislikes! Look at the world from a humble and positive perspective!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Mehmet Murat ildan
“There are three types of people: The person who focuses on where the stairs are going and forgets about the stairs; the person who focuses only on the stairs without paying attention to where the stairs go, and the person who cares about both the stairs and where they go! Be in the third group!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Mehmet Murat ildan
“As long as your life continues, you will always encounter stairs, accept it that way! But if you don't want to face any stairs, then you have to give up your life!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Mehmet Murat ildan
“The biggest mistake of people who are afraid of a long staircase leading to their goal and give up on their goal is this: Focusing on the entire staircase, not the first step, because when you focus on the staircase, you will encounter dozens of steps, whereas when you focus on the first step, you will encounter only one step and you can overcome each step one by one and reach the top!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

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