Thriller Quotes

Quotes tagged as "thriller" Showing 61-90 of 2,560
Arthur Conan Doyle
“Un sot trouve toujours un plus sot qui l'admire.

A fool always finds a greater fool to admire him.”
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, A Study in Scarlet

Michael              Parker
“Gentlemen,’ the professor said gravely. ‘You must stop this madman. If you do not, you are looking at a doomsday scenario of apocalyptic proportions.”
Michael Parker, The Devil's Trinity

Michael Wyndham Thomas
“Now I gazed out of my office window. Slowly the world was changing from old-gold to the deep purple which, in the words of that dreamy song Mum was fond of humming, bathes garden walls under the twinkle of starlight.”
Michael Wyndham Thomas, The Erkeley Shadows: A novel

Michael              Parker
“Harry Marsham, who was known as Marsh to his friends, should have died that night.”
Michael Parker, The Devil's Trinity

A.A. Bell
“I'm not afraid of dying. I'm afraid I'll never get a chance to live!”
A.A. Bell, Diamond Eyes

Barry Kirwan
“It has no eyes. Zack, why doesn’t it have any eyes? ”
Barry Kirwan, The Eden Paradox

Michael              Parker
“That’s the second time you’ve apologised in less than a minute, Remo. When you have to do that to an admiral it could be your career on the line.”
Michael Parker, The Devil's Trinity

Barry Kirwan
“Bodies’, she said. ‘Lots of them’. She glanced over her shoulder to where Sally was hidden, then back to Nathan, and whispered. ‘Small ones’.”
Barry Kirwan, When the children come

Barry Kirwan
“Your life is a beer glass Micah, but you want champagne”
Barry Kirwan, The Eden Paradox

Barry Kirwan
“They must train you pretty good not to react to shit like that. Must take stuff out of you.” Vince’s eyes intensified then broke her gaze. ‘Actually, it’s more like they put stuff in.”
Barry Kirwan, The Eden Paradox

Barry Kirwan
“Coles faced her. ‘Better dead than–’
‘Is it?’ Lara asked, her voice cracking ‘Is it really? Because you must be absolutely sure. There’s no coming back from an extinction-level event.”
Barry Kirwan, When the children come

Barry Kirwan
“Perhaps Mozart’s Requiem would be fitting music for the end of the world. She began to hum Dies Irae, recalling its first performance in Vienna.”
Barry Kirwan, The Eden Paradox

Dean Mafako
“You understand that you are being manipulated by others and you become overwhelmed by hospital bureaucracy. It feels as though you have been violated by administrators who have robbed you of your passion for helping children. That passion that drove you to become a healthcare provider is replaced with mistrust, negativity, and hopeless skepticism.”
DEAN MAFAKO, M.D., Burned Out

Tom  Baldwin
“No one else could share his quandary. His agonies were a mixture of shame, of loss fueled by profoundly rooted fury—solitary burdens he had carried with him like pockets of sorrow weighing him down, forcing him to become stronger. When the Devil was gnawing at him, he’d withstood the pain.”
Tom Baldwin, Macom Farm

Michael Wyndham Thomas
“Nothing looked disturbed…yet everything felt that way. The guy was on the bed, calmness itself, as though he’d decided on a moment’s lie-down and just zizzed off.”
Michael Wyndham Thomas, The Erkeley Shadows: A novel

Thomas  Harris
“I'm giving serious thought into eating yor wife” - Hannibal Lecter”
Thomas Harris

Susan  Rowland
“Mary tried to look reassuring. “It’s a house party, he said,” she directed at the Falconers, “Sir Viktor’s holding a house party for the convenience of the police. It’s like an old-fashioned mystery novel.”
Susan Rowland, Murder on Family Grounds

Victoria Dougherty
“On the black cotton was printed a white skull and crossbones - the skull head grinning as if he were mocking her. The nun struggled for her breath and wanted to drop the evil little banner, but her fingers wouldn't let go of it - making her stare into its horrid death face as if she were looking at her own end.”
Victoria Dougherty, The Bone Church

Chad Boudreaux
“Mize knew that the outcome of today’s hearing was all about politics. Lady Justice wasn’t blind. She was wearing see-no-evil lenses and had been cursed with a more troubling disability—muteness. There existed no doubt in his mind that political machinations had suffocated legal precedent on this day.”
Chad Boudreaux, Scavenger Hunt

“When those we care about are weakest, that’s when we must be strong for them.”

Susan  Rowland
“Mary dashed the rain from her eyes with a frozen hand. Was that a knife buried in the man’s chest with the blood seeping up around it? Doesn’t that mean he’s alive? Although with the blade at that angle, it can’t be for long. Colors swam in the water coating Mary’s vision. She rubbed her face, and with every shuttering breath, even before she could see his features, she knew her son, George, the son she had never met, was dead.”
Susan Rowland, Murder on Family Grounds

Chad Boudreaux
“Home was the one place he wanted to forget, the place from which he’d run away but never could escape. And, yes, home was the place he’d been instructed to leave—the place where the trouble began and the trouble would end.”
Chad Boudreaux, Scavenger Hunt

J.K. Franko
“This book is dedicated to my children, Pi, Coco, and Jay. When your grandkids are old enough to read this book, tell them how much I loved you.”
J.K. Franko, Eye for Eye

Susan  Rowland
“Falconers,” she continued, sternly. “Pull yourselves together. People are dying. The police don’t have the family history to solve murders forty years apart.”
Susan Rowland, Murder on Family Grounds

Lee Matthew Goldberg
“As I’ve learned from life, happiness sometimes only greets us in fits and starts. For tragedy often follows merriment. Without strife, we would not know the true meaning of gaiety. That’s what I like to tell myself to ease the pain.”
Lee Matthew Goldberg, The Ancestor

Behcet Kaya
“Dad, I need to talk to you about something that’s been bothering me for a long time. Remember when you and mom used to have fights and she would leave? I wanted her to stay and when I knew she wasn’t, I wanted to go with her. But, she would say, ‘stay with your father, you’re a boy.’ It’s a feeling of abandonment that I’ve never been able to shake. I had the same feeling when Sarah left me.”
Behcet Kaya, Treacherous Estate

Lee Matthew Goldberg
“Under the lake by Anvil Creek, a man has been frozen much like another man in the same wilderness had been frozen, in this area of Alaska where silence is the loudest sound.”
Lee Matthew Goldberg, The Ancestor

Behcet Kaya
“Mr. Hooks?”
“Mr. Ludefance? Pleasure to meet you and thank you for coming in.”
As he extended his hand to me, I noticed the girl at the desk staring at my face. Hooks looked back at her staring and must have given her a look of some kind.
“Mr. Ludefance, this is my secretary, Cholia.”
She stood up and continued to stare at my scar. Black hair, cute face, maybe five-foot-four at the most, and a little on the plump side with rosy cheeks. Young. Very young. Looked like a teenager to me. Or was I just getting ‘older?”
Behcet Kaya, Appellate Judge

Lali A.  Love
“Turn on Your Inner Light and Illuminate the World”
Lali A. Love, Heart of a Warrior Angel

Behcet Kaya
“And now Anderson stood looking at his father. His hands were trembling with eagerness, extending toward him, wanting his father to embrace him. He wanted to love it back to life for all those lost times, for all those times of hope. “Permission to sit, sir?”
Behcet Kaya, Murder on the Naval Base