Transgender Women Quotes

Quotes tagged as "transgender-women" Showing 1-14 of 14
Abhijit Naskar
“The Gender Sonnet

Woman means not weakling, but wonder.
Woman means not obstinate, but original.
Woman means not man-slave, but mother.
Woman means not amorous, but amiable.
Woman means not neurotic, but nimble.
Man mustn't mean medieval, but moral.
Man mustn't mean abusive, but affable.
Man mustn't mean nefarious, but noble.
Trans doesn't mean titillating, but tenacious.
Trans doesn't mean riff-raff, but radiant.
It doesn't mean abhorrent, but affectionate.
It ain't nasty and sick, but nerved and sentient.
Gender has no role in society except in bed.
Person is known by character, not dongs 'n peaches.”
Abhijit Naskar, Honor He Wrote: 100 Sonnets For Humans Not Vegetables

“I grew up with a strong desire for invisibility. In large part, this was due to the ever-present feeling that I was failing at performing my gender. The whole boy thing was just so exhausting, and I never felt like I got it quite right. I was always on the verge of being exposed as unmanly, and I had no idea how to avoid it. Failing at boy-ness was an unforgivable sin, so my only hope was to not be noticed. Each new encounter with another human being could be the one where I slip up and have my cover blown, and be punished, possibly with violence. [footnote: It was generally agreed that, even if you didn't approve of violence, effeminate boys were "just asking to get beat up," and bore at least some of the responsiblity when it happened.”
Amy Schneider, In the Form of a Question: The Joys and Rewards of a Curious Life

Imogen Binnie
“Trans women in real life are different from trans women on television. For one thing, when you take away the mystification, misconceptions and mystery, they're at least as boring as everyone else.”
Imogen Binnie, Nevada

Abhijit Naskar
“Some may feel super woke to say that transgender women athletes belong in female sports, but let me tell you as a biologist, in terms of muscle mass, transgender women have similar advantages over females as male athletes do, even with testosterone suppression therapy, therefore, it is not enough to simply acknowledge transgender as a distinct gender, we must also make necessary alterations to our preexisting societal fields, such as setting up transgender category in sports, where performance is predicated on physiological attributes, so that in an attempt to vest upon the transgender population their long-overdue fundamental rights, we do not start treating other genders unfairly without even being aware of it. Remember, replacing one wrong with another is not rightness. Our purpose is to preserve the rights of everyone, not to change the shape of the violation of those rights.”
Abhijit Naskar, Hometown Human: To Live for Soil and Society

Juno  Dawson
“people are so wary of transgender progress because we highlight how something we often consider carved in stone can be so easily manipulated”
Juno Dawson, The Gender Games: The Problem with Men and Women, from Someone Who Has Been Both

“I was gradually waking up to the fact that, you know, I was just a useful idiot, are the two words I would use”
Elisa Rae Shupe

Diriye Osman
“She moved like a woman whose body not only provided her with pleasure, but peace and ease. She moved like a fully embodied universe of her own making.”
Diriye Osman

“How can one explain why a six-year-old boy (the author) should class himself as a girl, give himself a girl’s name, fight against his parents’ course of bringing him up as a boy, and grieve because he could not be brought up as a girl, except on the assumption that the cells of his brain were identical with the cells of a girl’s brain and fundamentally different from those of a normal boy?”
Jennie June, Autobiography of an Androgyne

“Did society ever compel any other woman, except those like me, to live, eat, sleep, frequent the same comfort-rooms and baths, lie sometimes in the same bed, with men, and sometimes to listen to the unclean talk of men?”
Jennie June, Autobiography of an Androgyne

“What have I ever done that God should make me suffer so? I feel that my abnormality bars me out of the ministry, the profession of my choice, and most likely out of all other professions. I feel that this passion is going to wreck my life, and never permit me to make any return to my parents for all they have done for me. I have no hope for the future. In the convention, while I would be singing, I was in thought hacking my body to pieces with a sword, or piercing my breast with a dagger. My continuous prayer was :

‘ Father, Father, hear my humble cry.

While on others thou art smiling,

Do not pass me by !”
Jennie June, Autobiography of an Androgyne

Lili Elbe
“I don't want to be a phenomenon...... I want to
be a quite normal and ordinary woman.”
Lili Elbe, Man into Woman: The First Sex Change

Lili Elbe
“I knew that I would never in any book find anything about people who were like me...... no poet had yet written about such a being, because it had never occurred to any poet that it could exist.”
Lili Elbe, Man into Woman: The First Sex Change

Lili Elbe
“That I, Lili, am vital and have a right to life I have proved by living for 14 months. It may be said that 14 months is not much, but they seem to me like a whole and happy human life.”
Lili Elbe