True Grit Quotes

Quotes tagged as "true-grit" Showing 1-29 of 29
Charles Portis
“I have known some horses and a good many more pigs who I believe harbored evil intent in their hearts. I will go further and say all cats are wicked, though often useful. Who has not seen Satan in their sly faces?”
Charles Portis

Drue Grit
“Love heals what time cannot.”
Drue Grit

Drue Grit
“Some people go to places for the pictures. I go to places for the people.”
Drue Grit

Drue Grit
“Everyone wants be a gangster until it’s time to do some 'gangster sh**': 
Say it to their face. Say you’re sorry. Forgive someone. Tell someone you love them. Show them why. Let shit go. Admit when you’re wrong. Be a better winner. Be a better loser. Help another human being. Break bread with your enemy. Open up your heart. Understand your feelings. Say what you actually feel. Do what you say. Tell the truth. Do the right thing. Choose forgiveness over revenge. Choose kindness over stones. Accept people as they are. Take the higher road. Be the change you want to see.”
Drue Grit

Drue Grit
“Anyone who talks hatefully about themselves or others is not in the right place to offer the world advice.”
Drue Grit

Drue Grit
“There are no comparisons. You were born an original. Don’t live like a copy. The world has enough beautiful pictures. What the world needs is more beautiful people. Real beauty comes from within. And what you are, is beyond enough. Talk your light, walk your light, shine your light.”
Drue Grit

Drue Grit
“When times are tough we need to look deep down and remember who we are. We need to remember what matters most. It doesn’t matter what’s happening in the world, or how far away we are or feel, or even what we disagree upon — because what matters most doesn’t change. What matters most is our hearts and our higher purposes. Our kindness, our service to others, our family, and how we each use our precious time. Really, this is all just another way to say that what matters most — is love.”
Drue Grit

Drue Grit
“You don’t need to be an overachiever, you just need to be a quality achiever.”
Drue Grit

Drue Grit
“In a country addicted to the virus of consumption, wealth, individualism, and judgement — be a person who is committed to the act of serving with love. To the act of spreading love. To serving with love. To uplifting with love. United we stand, divided we fall. Choose your part. Choose leadership. Be a leader, not a follower. You were born an original. Don’t die a copy. Freedom ain’t free and that just so happens to be the problem and the answer to the solution. All men are created equal but not treated equal. The only thing that is free is love, and love with conditions is not love. Liberty and life with conditions is not liberty and life. Ask more of your country and your countrymen. Protect all American’s rights to true freedom. Not the declaration of freedom but the actualization of freedom, which includes true liberty, true equality and the unconditional ability to pursue the highest virtues of life.”
Drue Grit

Drue Grit
“You have to be a man to understand why it’s important to cry and how to be there for others who cry.”
Drue Grit

Drue Grit
“All great love stories have great pain. You were worth it.”
Drue Grit

Drue Grit
“I always took the long way home. Wherever I was going, I always took the long way to get there. But I always went my own way, and I always knew I’d get there.”
Drue Grit

Drue Grit
“A lover and a fighter — the last of a dying breed.”
Drue Grit

Drue Grit
“Life should be a daring, loving, laughing adventure — or it is nothing at all. If you don’t start choosing, life and circumstance will choose for you. You can change or stay the same. You can grow or never leave the nest. All of life becomes about our choices. We choose our people, we choose our ways, we choose our thoughts, and we choose how we seize or surrender our days. Every day, every moment, and every thought is about choice. So everyday you must make your choices. Life isn’t ever really about what happens to us, but how we respond to life.

My way of life is simple; I want to be the most loving, inspiring, and true man I can be. Everyday, I want to be the man that I truly am. But I am consciously and constantly working on that and my choices. So, instead of choosing fear, I am choosing courage. Instead of choosing pain, I am choosing compassion. Instead of choosing hurt, I am choosing kindness. I choose to forgive more, to laugh more, and to listen more. Even cry more. Because I have learned that the truest act of living is no different from the act of loving — it’s all about what you give, not what you think you’ll receive. And what you should give to your life and love — is everything.”
Drue Grit

Drue Grit
“You win some, you lose some. You try and sometimes fail. You grind, grin, and win. You love and remember loss. Everyday is a new day. Every moment another chance. Every road a new sight. All that matters is that you keep going. Stay as present as you can. Spend your time well. Choose your emotions as much as you can. But above all, choose love as much as you can. Forgive sincerely. Laugh fully. Hug closely. Kiss deeply. Leave nothing unsaid. Look straight into stars and sunsets and tears. Hold on. Hold each other. Hold close to all that matters to your heart. To dreams and smiles and people. The rodeo is life. You’re the rider. Saddle up, ride hard, and hold on tight. But whatever you do. Just keep on riding.”
Drue Grit

Drue Grit
“Life can be the scariest thing in the world. It can also be the most incredible thing in the world. The difference is you. The difference is in you. In your attitude. That means how you live. That means how you fear. That means how you love.

There is a power within these elements to both change and guide your entire life. They are always at war and they are always present. Learn to make life through your attitude. Learn to live your life in love. Learn to love your life through your attitude. To be the change you wish to see. It begins and ends with you. Choose to be your best you.”
Drue Grit

Drue Grit
“I write from experience, and then I add fiction.”
Drue Grit

Drue Grit
“Most writers write from fandom, fantasy, or fiction. I write from experience, truth, and my heart.”
Drue Grit

Drue Grit
“Everything in life is your interpretation of things. People, places, and things. It’s a hard thing to do in this day and age, but try to assume positive intent with people and of your world. If we are going to make this world look more beautiful, feel more beautiful and be more beautiful, then we must treat it beautiful. This way starts with ourselves and continues with others. And the only way to be beautiful, to see beautiful, and to feel truly beautiful — is to love and be loving.”
Drue Grit

Drue Grit
“You see, for an American, whisky is sweeter in Paris.”
Drue Grit

Drue Grit
“All of our lives we are searching. When all of our lives we need only to look within.”
Drue Grit

Drue Grit
“I’m a storyteller and a vessel for teaching love. My purpose is to help others understand love so they can truly understand themselves and write their own stories. Today I honor my higher purpose by loving more, giving more, and smiling more.”
Drue Grit

Drue Grit
“I've never relate to 'super stars' or Hollywood stars. I relate to cosmic stars.”
Drue Grit

Drue Grit
“Wanna know a secret? I’m all service with a smile cause I know I’m killin’em softly with kindness and success. I know who’s supported me — I know who hasn’t. I know who’s lifted me — I know who’s tried to hold me down. Nothing stops me and I don’t forget nothing. I know who I am, where I been, and better yet? I know where I’m going. You see it, I see it, and it’s not a matter of when — it’s a matter of how far.”
Drue Grit

Drue Grit
“Till the day I die, I’ll never be too cool to be nice to anyone. Even those that are too cool for me.”
Drue Grit

Drue Grit
“You only get so many choices in life. You only get so much time in life. And if you don’t become the one choosing, life will happen to you, not for you.”
Drue Grit

Drue Grit
“Life is just like family. It’s not just what you have, it’s what you make of it.”
Drue Grit

Drue Grit
“You see, for an American, whiskey is sweeter in Paris.”
Drue Grit