Isaac Nash's Reviews > The Herok

The Herok by Isaac Nash
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(Review from the author)
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Quotes Isaac Liked

Isaac Nash
“Words can save someone’s life if they were put together with love and care”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“I was born by a creator who loves me. Who had created me for a reason? A reason to exist. Exist forever. Not by age but by deeds and spirit.”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“If I live like a mountain, I will reach high. Look up to God. Observe things from above. See more things within a wide range sight. Realize all the worldly and materialistic things are minor, unimportant, and vanquishable. Widen my mind. Not pay attention to those details, which slows me down from achieving my goals fast enough.”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“If I live like a mountain, I will overcome temptations. I understand that temptations happen to test my patience, strength, and willingness to survive, become, and continue. I am aware that every time I overcome a temptation I am stronger than before. Dear temptation, knock on my rock as many times as you want and as much harder as you can, the result is you vanish and I continue stronger, so thank you God for your temptation.”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“As long as you breathe, live strong as a mountain while being prepared to stop breathing anytime soon to be within God’s hands to continue living with him eternally.”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“The Rooster taught me to wake up early and be a leader.
The Butterfly encouraged me to allow a period of struggles to develop strong and look beautiful.
The Squirrel showed me to be alert and fast all the time.
The Dog influenced me to give up my life for my best friend.
The Cat told me to exercise every day. Otherwise, I will be lazy and crazy.
The Fox illustrated me to be subtle and keep my place organized and neat.
The Snake demonstrated to me to hold my peace even if I am capable of attack, harm, or kill.
The Monkey stimulated me to be vocal and communicate.
The Tiger cultivated me to be active and fast.
The Lion cultured me not to be lazy especially if I have strength and power that could be used.
The Eagle was my sample for patience, beauty, courage, bravery, honor, pride, grace, and determination.
The Rat skilled me to find my way out no matter what or how long it takes.
The Chameleon revealed to me the ability to change my color for beauty and protection.
The Fish display to live in peace even if I have to live a short life.
The Delphin enhanced me to be the source of kindness, peace, harmony, and protection.
The Shark enthused me to live as active and restful as I can be.
The Octopus exhibited me to be silent and intelligent.
The Elephant experienced me with the value of cooperation and family. To care for others and respect elders.
The Pig indicated to me to act smart, clean, and shameless.
The Panda appears to me as life is full of white and black times but my thick fur will enable me to survive.
The Kangaroo enthused me to live with pride even if I am unable to walk backward.
The Penguin influenced me to never underestimate a person.
The Deer reveals the ability to sense the presence of hunters before they sense you.
The Turtle brightened me to realize that I will get there no matter how long it takes me while having a shell of protection above me.
The Rabbit reassured me to allow myself to be playful and silly.
The Bat proved to me that I can fly even in darkness.
The Alligator/crocodile alerted me that threat exists.
The Ant moved me to be organized, active, and social with others.
The Bee educated me to be the source of honey and cure for others.
The Horse my best intelligent friend with who I bond. Trained me to recover fast from tough conditions.
The Whale prompted me to take care of my young ones and show them life abilities.
The Crab/Lobster enlightened me not to follow them when they make resolutions depending on previous undesirable events.”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“The natural universal equation tells us if you plant a seed, water it, and take care of it, you reap its fruit. When you initiate the course, it is awesome. If otherwise, then at least try to be part of the equation so that you have a share in its fruit. Most of the time if not all, the fruits you reap are enormous and not measurable compared to the input(s) from your side.”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“Plant a seed of kindness and expect outrageous rewards and comfort.”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“Be always prepared to speak up for yourself and others when it is essential because no one else will do while being aware when you do otherwise.”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“Thoughts to words to actions with motivation and confidence make a difference.”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“There is no guarantee that after someone's action(s) or interference(s) things would improve or get better. However, changes will take place. Those changes might be pleasant or unpleasant. Those changes might affect the person who interferes as well. His whole life was something and now it is something else. Do not stand by the ocean watching, through the net in, and hope for the best for yourself and others.”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“If you are hungry in the middle of nowhere and you do not have but an apple to eat. You hold the apple in your hand and you see a rusted spot in it. Would you eat it or throw it away! I guess you will eat it but leaving the rusted part to be thrown away. The idea here is to act smart to get the most of what you have available.”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“While eating the Rusted Apple enjoy every bite (every day of school/work) and when others wonder and ask you how do you eat it, explain it to them.”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“You probably have noticed that I mention jobs more often. I guess that is because part of being happy and satisfied in your life is to have a job that you like/love to do and provides you and your family with most of your needs in addition to some of your wants. Whether you have a college degree or higher or you do not have any at all, you are at a certain point in life need to have a job.”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“The difference between fishing and hunting is that when you fish, most of the times you do not know what exactly you are expecting simply because a beginner fisherman does not see below the water (available jobs) but aims for the best; while in hunting you most of the times can see your prey (target career) and try your best to catch it or gain it.”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“Live to please God because his pleasure always is to please his loving son. You.”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“Sometimes a person has the free well to talk, but a hundred percent of those times he/she is not free to judge someone else. Hesitate for a couple of seconds before you initiate a conversation about someone else and tell yourself, "what if I was a person where someone else talks about me?”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“• Can I give a smile at almost everyone I see even if I have a bad day! .. Yes I can
• Can I tell a new co-worker a shortcut way to come to work instead of the long one he told us to save him/her sometime every day! .. Yes, I can.
• Can I buy a flower or a bouquet and visit a sick person that I do not know at the hospital maybe once a week or once a month! .. Yes, I can.
• Can I say Happy Birthday to someone you don’t know but you heard like today years ago he/she was born! .. Yes, I can.
• Can I congratulate my neighbor for their newborn child by sending a greeting card or even verbally! .. Yes, I can.
• Can I buy a hot meal or give away a coat to a homeless person when it is too cold or the same meal and an ice-cream when it is too hot! .. Yes I can
• Can ask someone about another one who is important to the first to inquire about his health, condition, how he/she is doing so far! .. Yes I can
• Can I give a little bit of time to my child (or children) every day as a personal time where we could talk, play, discuss, solve, think, enjoy, argue, hang out, play sports, watch, listen, eat, and/or entertain together! .. Yes I can.
• Can I allow some time to listen to my wife without judgment but encouragement almost every day! … Yes I can.
• Can I respectfully talk to my husband at least once a day to show respect and appreciation to the head of our house and family! .. Yes, I can.
• Can I buy a flower and give it to someone I care about and say "I love you" and when the person asks you "what this for" you reply "because I love you". Yes, I can.
• Can I listen to anyone who I feel needs someone else to listen to him/her! .. Yes, I can.
• Can I give away the things that I do not use anyone to others who might need them! .. Yes, I can.
• Can I buy myself something that I do adore and then enjoy it! .. Yes, I can.
• Can I (fill in the blanks)! .. Yes I can.”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“When you do something simple to someone else, not only this person benefits from your simple act but also there is another person who benefits also and that person is you. It is an indescribable feeling. Try to do a high five to someone in your way and you will experience that feeling yourself.”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“The history of an individual is a mystery to others. It is wonderful, fascinating, and motivating if revealed. The moment you learn about someone's life journey and its details, you wonder and your mind questions never thought such a thing would have happened or existed! That is the individual history of just one person. Imagine how many we are in the world. Of course not only the 7.5 billion current living human beings but also the other many billions who had passed away. Everyone has or had his own life story or even a special event that is or was unique. This is treasure and wealth to others. There are millions of them out there for you to have. All you need to do is to look for them, find where they are, and then wonder. After doing so, it becomes a platform in your own life whether you raise your expectations of things to happen or occur or you move forward with your own set of normal expectations.”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“Discovering the history of an individual saves you a lot of time, energy, money, and many more towards your own goal(s) in life. Later, yours becomes the insight for others.”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“No matter how much you think you know it is nothing compared to whatever out there. If the world itself does not know when it ends but only God knows, then the perfect source of knowledge is from God.”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“My Town is my life is my dream of life. I dream my town to be full of happiness and schemes. I want it to be qualified to overcome environmental changes when they occur because they will occur. There are two ways to build this Town. Either you build it from the start, which means you have to be reborn again, or you accept what you currently have and begin building, changing, moderating, adding, taking away, sharing, learning, helping out, supporting, and most importantly loving it as it is.”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“When is someone is born new, his or her life is empty land. Through the journey of life, this empty land develops a town for him to live with & for others with love and happiness.”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“Think of it like you are on an isolated island for so long and you woke up one day and saw an empty boat is leaving the island by the force of the wind. It is pushed away so fast by the wind. It is your only and last chance ever to leave this island. You know there are no more chances because you have been so long already on the island. You definitely will sprint toward it. You will use your full potentials swimming to catch it. Even if you do not know how to swim, you still will go for it if you want to leave this island. You will never think of a plan B. Your mind may tell you, "You either catch the boat or die". Finally, when you catch the boat you say to yourself "How did I do this! I never exhausted this amount of energy before! I never imagined this power comes out of me! In addition to many following wondrous questions, you ask yourself after. The answer to all these questions is simple. You focused ALL of what you HAVE on ONE goal. ONLY one GOAl. Only plan, A”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“I feel the word regret should not be in any language's vocabulary. It is completely useless for someone to regret. It does not change anything that has happened or occurred. However, a person can benefit from what has happened to move on and learn from it when something similar has passed by again the next time. A ten years old child who is playing for the first time with his friend a new Xbox game will never regret losing his trial early in the game. Instead, he will use his first time's experience to do better the next time. Now, he knows how to use some of the device's features and tools better and he knows exactly where, how, and why he failed the first time and will make sure not to repeat what he did the first time. In other words, he will be more aware and alert the next time. Even there is no guarantee to win the entire game or achieve the highest score the next time he plays, though he will do better.”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“The replacement of the word “regret” should be always the word “hope”. The hope that things will change for the better because of my hard work and achievement no matter how long it takes and how much effort it requires.”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“Be a Herok to yourself and feel better after being rejected from a job interview simply because it is 100% better for you not to get this job for multiple reasons only you could figure them out and believe me they do exist knowing that successes will follow after this rejection sooner or later.”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“I have climbed up Everest Mountain to put up your flag. Do you see my voice?
I practiced four hours daily for three years to win you. Do you see my voice?
I worked less and studied more to receive you. Do you see my voice?
I put a smile on my face every time I come to you. Do you see my voice?
I come early every day to you and I was never late because I like you. Do you see my voice?
I feel worried when you are away because you are the source of protection. Do you see my voice?
I curse you not because of you but because no one asked me to stop. Do you see my voice?
I hate you because I feel I do not belong to you. Do you see my voice?
My face never greets you because of your actions. Do you see my voice?
I took a day off work to celebrate your birthday. Do you see my voice?
I do not know everything about you but I trust you. Do you see my voice?”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“No matter how it takes just send your message the proper way believing that one other day it will be delivered.”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“Most times a human being thinks of himself as if he is capable of doing great things alone. Sometimes this is possible. However, there are limitless things a person could achieve independently. Thus, each one of us at some point needs or requires another source of power. That what Synergy is. The utmost source of power a person could gain is God. God created everything we see and do not see. God who loves you the most. Who knows you better than anyone else because he made you.”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“Believe in God and his power and he will make you achieve things that beyond your imagination. Then do not forget to share them with others to spread the power. The power of God in you.”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“There were many things done for you and others that deserve your thankfulness.”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“The impossible exists. There are limits of things that we can do or cannot do. However, there are unlimited things that we can do that have not been done yet or existed before and whoever does it first becomes part of the history as it becomes part of his own. It goes through a process of aiming for a goal and completely focuses on it a hundred percent without any other backup plans in mind believing that you will achieve it. If you win, then be proud of yourself and thank others who helped you along the way. If not, this means you have won the honor of its trial and it is up to you now if you would like to try it again or someone else will observe what you have stopped at, and then continue.”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“I can go to heaven because of our Lord Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, which has freed our fathers from the hell and has opened the gates of heaven to us all. It was impossible before because of the sin of our father Adam who disobedient God and ate from the tree of knowledge.”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“Be the first to do the impossible because then it will be possible for others. In case you fail, it is fine because you have earned the honor of trying, plus you are aware of your next step whether you will try it again and learn from previous mistakes or you decide to choose a different path and remember that nothing is impossible with our creator God our Lord Jesus Christ. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" (Philippians 4:13).”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“Allowing the opposite to happen or exist is rare. Sometimes it is fun while other times it is not. At least you have tried or experienced something new to you for the first time.”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“Experiencing something different for the first time is priceless and surprising. Try it yourself.”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“An old wealthy man tells a teenager "would you like to exchange! You give me your age and I will give all that I have". What the old man meant was "give me your time (age) and I will give you all that I have (wealth). He wanted to buy the teenager’s age (time) in exchange for all he has. This means that age is time and therefore time equals wealth (all he has). We all are wealthy if we have time. Be very careful of your own time. Mange it successfully. If you do not know how to do this, learn. No matter how much time you have left, but if you know how to manage it right, you will accomplish more of what you think. Even if you have a few of this time left.”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“Time is a gift from God. That’s why it is valuable and it is given once for us all.”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“My story with education is that I was mistaken. I used to say and believe for a long period that a single mother could take over the role of both the father and the mother when raising her children but the father. Today, I believe it does not matter which parent is taking over when raising the children. What matters is who is qualified for such a long-loving life commitment. Who can understand the needs of a young girl or an infant boy? Who is willing to continue to learn along the way about those needs of social, psychological, physiological, emotional, behavioral, survival, and materialistic thing? In other words, who is capable of understanding the children's language at each specific age group because they have their language which is different than ours and only those who speak it will succeed to raise them.”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“We learned when we were younger that if someone does something good for you, you say "thank you". By nature, if someone has a stable life, won the lottery, won an Oscar, won a championship, won an individual medal, got a specific job promotion, got pregnant, was cured of any illness, his/her children graduated from college, maintain a healthy body and/or mind, got on a flight on time, etc; then he or she is thankful. On the other hand, we were not told to be thankful if none of these great things existed or even the opposite of them.”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“• Only if you believe, you are the star of yourself, your country, and the universe.”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“• Expect much when you live with love, forgiveness, and courage.”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“Words can save someone’s life if they were put together with love and care.”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“• The end of your life story does not begin when you pass away especially if your deeds remain.”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“Faster means you racing the clock to accomplish more in the past of others’ times.”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“The world consists of five letters, established in seven days, and will end in less than a second.”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“• Many things could have been prevented if you were there. Only you.”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Isaac Nash
“Part of my happiness is to see your laughs and watch your dance at the same time.”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Reading Progress

April 1, 2021 – Shelved
April 1, 2021 – Shelved as: to-read

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