Sofii♡ (A Book. A Thought.)'s Reviews > A Wind From the Rift

A Wind From the Rift by Bonnie Wynne
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bookshelves: arc, 2020-releases, fantasy, young-adult, read-in-2020
Read 2 times. Last read November 1, 2020 to November 7, 2020.

I want to thank Talem Press very much for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I really enjoyed this sequel, I think the first book has many solid points that were highlighted even more in this one, but at the same time, I think the first could be a little more solid and better built than this one, that doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy it, in fact, I did!One of the things that I liked the most is, no doubt, the author’s style that’s light even in the moments of greatest tension. The main character, super relatable and realistic & the tone of this fantasy in itself, I like a lot, the weight of playing with the human mind gives it a marked dark atmosphere.

3.5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️💫

You can find more of my reviews & other fun content on my blog A Book. A Thought.

I can’t say much about what the book is about, because spoilers, but I’ll say that in short, we follow Gwyn again, but now she’s in an even more vulnerable state after the events that took place at the end of the first book. Now all she wants is to go home, but there are voices in her head that torture her and take her to dark places, in addition to this, while she wants to escape from Clockwork City, wizards begin to appear dead in the city, and Gwyn realizes that she could be in even greater danger than she thinks, but in order to survive she must make decisions that could change her being forever.

I want to immediately talk a bit about the tone of the book because it’s one of my favorite points. I think the author has found the perfect middle point where she can give us super dark and heavy moments as well as light moments of great dynamism. I love when I read fantasies that have this dark tone, I feel that it differentiates them widely from other books, and also open many doors to infinite possibilities. I loved the author’s style, I really enjoyed reading her first book and in the same way, I enjoyed her style in this book, so I think her work will only get better.
The plot itself is super interesting and the truth is that I never lost interest, but I think the characters are stronger than the construction of the world and the plot itself, which doesn’t bother me, I enjoy it, anyway, but I thought it would be something interesting to mention. Gwyn is just amazing, all of them are, even the villains in this story, but my girl gets all my applause. This time everything was even more difficult for her, and we see her fight a lot against the inside of her. I LOVE that there’s a breaking point in her in this sequel as she has shown that anger that maybe she was trying to hide before, she’s so strong and this time I saw her more determined and confident in many situations, which I loved.

I think the plot feels a bit week in the middle, there are a lot of pages so maybe that’s why I had moments where I felt a bit distracted from what was happening, that’s why my rating isn’t higher, but still, I think it’s more something personal and I don’t think that’s something that affects your enjoyment. In my personal opinion, I feel that perhaps this book didn’t need so many pages to be solid and to be able to reach the final point that the author wanted, but still, I LOVE the ending, and I felt that impact and those emotions that maybe I didn’t feel in the first book.
This is a solid sequel with a great direction, which I think misses the focal point a bit in the middle, but recovers even more strongly to give us a shocking ending with lots of emotions. I love how the author has been able to create a character so credible that you simply want to support her and want to be there for her, I think this book does something unique with the reader, almost including us within the scenes and make you feel very committed, it which is great and only highlights the talent of the author.

It’s a great book, a super interesting fantasy that gives you that feeling of nostalgia since it feels like other urban fantasies that I’ve read, but it’s also unique in its own way, and the author makes that very clear with her creation of characters and addictive and easy to read style. Impossible not to feel connected to what’s happening and although it’s kind of rare in the middle, it has an excellent beginning and ending that will leave you wondering what will happen next! I highly recommend it, if you like fantasy but want to read something with a darker tone with credible characters and a good magic system.

First Thoughts 11/07/20

My review will be ready only in a couple of hours, but I wanted to tell you that I enjoyed it very much! I adore the author's style, it makes that reading a fantasy be something easy, but she has also added a dark tone that goes perfectly with the plot

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Reading Progress

Finished Reading
October 30, 2020 – Shelved as: arc
November 1, 2020 – Started Reading
November 1, 2020 – Shelved as: 2020-releases
November 7, 2020 – Shelved as: fantasy
November 7, 2020 – Shelved as: young-adult
November 7, 2020 – Shelved as: read-in-2020
November 7, 2020 – Finished Reading
September 21, 2024 – Shelved

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