Cher 'N Books's Reviews > The Bone Clocks

The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell
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it was amazing
bookshelves: favorites, fantasy-magic-prnrml, audible

5 stars - Utterly amazing.

I am incredibly picky about which books will be shelved as a favorite, but one requirement is that I will likely reread it one day (rare for me). The minute I finished this book, I was ready to go back to the first page and enjoy it all over again. It's that good.

Essentially, this is another timeless tale of the perpetual battle between good and evil, except it's fantastical and has wonderful prose sprinkled throughout (have your highlighter ready). Mitchell weaves in actual global events from the last few decades, but for fun, also includes reincarnation, teleportation, psychic phenomena, diabolical mazes, and an age of endarkenment. Most reviews give away too much and the less you know, the more gloriously bizarre it will be. If anything about my short summary appeals to you, then add it to your TBR pile!


Favorite Quote: While the wealthy are no more likely to be born stupid than the poor, a wealthy upbringing compounds stupidity while a hardscrabble childhood dilutes it, if only for Darwinian reasons.

First Sentence: I fling open my bedroom curtains, and there's the thirsty sky and the wide river full of ships and boats and stuff, but I'm already thinking of Vinny's chocolaty eyes, shampoo down Vinny's back, beads of sweat on Vinny's shoulders, and Vinny's sly laugh, and by now my heart's goign mental and, God, I wish I was waking up at Vinny's place in Peacock Street and not in my own stupid bedroom.
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Quotes Cher 'N Books Liked

David Mitchell
“Being born's a hell of a lottery.”
David Mitchell, The Bone Clocks

David Mitchell
“Love's pure free joy when it works, but when it goes bad you pay for the good hours at loan-shark prices.”
David Mitchell, The Bone Clocks

David Mitchell
“I think about pinball, and how being a kid’s like being shot up the firing lane and there’s no veering left or right; or you’re just sort of propelled. But once you clear the top, like when you’re sixteen, seventeen, or eighteen, suddenly there’s a thousand different paths you can take, some amazing, others not. Tiny little differences in angles and speed’ll totally alter what happens to you later, so a fraction of an inch to the right, and the ball’ll just hit a pinger and a dinger and fly down between your flippers, no messing, a waste of 10 p. But a fraction to the left and it’s action in the play zone, bumpers and kickers, ramps and slingshots and fame on the high-score table.”
David Mitchell, The Bone Clocks

David Mitchell
“While the wealthy are no more likely to be born stupid than the poor, a wealthy upbringing compounds stupidity while a hardscrabble childhood dilutes it, if only for Darwinian reasons. This is why the elite need a prophylactic barrier of shitty state schools, to prevent the clever kids from the working-class post codes ousting them from the Enclave of Privilege.”
David Mitchell, The Bone Clocks

David Mitchell
“People are icebergs, with just a bit you can see and loads you can’t.”
David Mitchell, The Bone Clocks

David Mitchell
“A writer flirts with schizophrenia, nurtures synesthesia, and embraces obsessive-compulsive disorder. Your art feeds on you, your soul, and, yes, to a degree, your sanity. Writing novels worth reading will bugger up your mind, jeopardize your relationships, and distend your life. You have been warned.”
David Mitchell, The Bone Clocks

David Mitchell
“Human cruelty can be infinite. Human generosity can be boundless.”
David Mitchell, The Bone Clocks

David Mitchell
“There's a link between bigotry and bad spelling.”
David Mitchell, The Bone Clocks

Reading Progress

September 2, 2014 – Shelved
September 14, 2014 – Started Reading
September 15, 2014 –
18.0% "First book that I have read by David Mitchell. So far, the man does not disappoint!"
September 17, 2014 –
40.0% "Really hate now that I have waited so long to pick up one of David Mitchell's books. This one has been excellent thus far."
September 29, 2014 –
91.0% "She knew a fudged answer when she heard it, and suggested that I preferred books to husbands. I agreed that books tended not to switch their stories whenever it suited them."
September 30, 2014 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-10 of 10 (10 new)

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Shelli I am finally back to it and still enjoying it as well.

Leanne I'm really looking forward to this one. I keep meaning to read David Mitchell but he's intimidating - I always find a reason not to pick him up! Have you read anything else by him?

Cher 'N Books Leanne, this was the first I have ever read by him, but now I want to read them all!

message 4: by Jenny (new)

Jenny Bunting When you rate something 5 stars, I know it's legit.

Cher 'N Books Thanks, Jenny. I take a cruel sense of pride in my star stinginess, but I like that it makes the most deserving of books stand out. :)

message 6: by Caroline (new) - added it

Caroline Jenny wrote: "When you rate something 5 stars, I know it's legit."

Same here. This sounds really awesome, Cher. Good review!

message 7: by Carmen (new) - added it

Carmen Wow. Strong praise! Great review.

message 8: by Chris (new) - added it

Chris Wonderful review Cher. Think I may need to add this one. :-D

message 9: by Chip (new) - added it

Chip OK, this was already on my TBR. It is now on my "read sooner" shelf! gif!

message 10: by M (new) - rated it 1 star

M Blah did you actually read it ?

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