D. Pow's Reviews > Ghostwritten

Ghostwritten by David Mitchell
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it was amazing
bookshelves: alternate-paths-mysticism

This book blew my mind. This book also ripped out my heart and stomped on it and then stuffed the battered organ back in my chest cavity, breathed feathery soft on it and set it pumping again. It was that good, that moving, that inspiring. It brought tears to my eyes on more than one occasion and left me feeling that wonderful mind expanding, worldview shifting buzz that only art (or sex, or chocolate) of the highest order can accomplish. I feel subtlety changed by this book.

First off, it engaged my intellect. Its intricate puzzle of loosely connected stories kept my mind sharp to each twist and turning, looking intently for the next incident that would tie disparate characters, locales and chronology together. Mitchell has first rate literary gifts, he juggles more balls than most writers would even dream of-and to go with that metaphor he’s so ludicrously daring and audacious in his choices that he’s more akin to those lunatic jugglers who work with sharp, flaming objects then some tired clown with three fuzz-faded tennis balls. The fact that this was a first novel demands even more respect.

Mitchell mixes philosophical concerns of the greatest gravitas(death, reincarnation, identity, creativity and theft, corporate greed, freedom vs. security, class agonies and the oppression of women ) with the old-fashioned capacity to tell a good story in unobtrusive, yet supple prose.

It has come to my attention that Mitchell isn’t everybody’s cup of tea. Some of my good pals here think he is a cold literary technician, empty of the wisdom he attempts to convey in this book. I couldn’t disagree more. Along with his intricate plotting and deft use of language, is a wonderful (wonder-filled?), compassionate view of the world that is inclusive, empty of petty judgment and wise to the hardscrabble shit of earthly existence, the commiserate joys of physical joining be it loin to loin, heart to heart, or in mere comradely shoulder to shoulder grinding through the days and the inevitability and sometimes desirability of that great equalizer, death.

So again back to the heart, the bruised organ I mentioned at the beginning of my review. I think I’m much more a man of the heart than a man of the head. I feel way too much. And I think maybe my loving of this book night be just as likely because I’m a rube and a sucker not because I’m a greater intellect than those that hated it. Maybe they are smarter than me. Probably I’m okay with that. Maybe I liked it because I’m foolish and open and willing to look for something, in this case an intricate Buddhist-inspired diamond-like view of humanity and its sufferings that showed that we are all connected, beyond boundaries of country, time, the accidents of birth and family, even to and beyond the gates of death. Even though my conception of a personal God has faded to practical non-existence I am still pulled to joy-filled myths of individual lives having meaning, and there being a benevolent seed of being at our centers and at the center of the universe.

And maybe I’m wrong. And maybe none of this matters. And maybe this book is just an intricate con-job. And maybe that is okay too. But this book made me happy. And I think you should give it a try.
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Reading Progress

September 30, 2010 – Started Reading
September 30, 2010 – Shelved
October 11, 2010 – Finished Reading
October 12, 2010 – Shelved as: alternate-paths-mysticism

Comments Showing 1-50 of 55 (55 new)

JSou Five stars!!!! Hooray!

message 2: by D. (last edited Oct 11, 2010 09:01AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

D. Pow Jon, I will be writing a short review later today or tomorrow morning.

Yeah, I was shocked by how low you and Eddie rated this.

Hi, Jessica! Your dude's a genius!

JSou I'm so glad you loved it, D.! I am anxiously awaiting your review. : )

Joshua Nomen-Mutatio Cool. Glad you dug it, D. I want to reread this one sometime sooner than later. I know that I liked it a lot, but I read it as a youngin' (like 15 maybe) and much of it probably went over my head.

message 5: by D. (new) - rated it 5 stars

D. Pow Flesh, your intelligence would be down right intimidating if you weren’t such a sweet and compassionate dude. Not sure if I could’ve worked this into my reading rotation when I was 15, would’ve messed with my quality time with the X-Men and Daredevil, the man without fear.

message 6: by Joshua Nomen-Mutatio (last edited Oct 11, 2010 12:27PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Joshua Nomen-Mutatio I appreciate the compliment, but I can't let you think I was some sort of genius either. It blew my mind and likely because I understood so little of it. I read it in a more visceral way, rather than an intellectual one. All I really remember about it now is loving the language itself and enjoying the mysterious feeling it gave me, which I could only connect to Lynchian surrealism at the time, which was when I was discovering that I loved his films and the attendant mystical feelings that they imparted.

Looking forward to your review.

Joshua Nomen-Mutatio Also, the only reason I picked it up initially was that I thought this cover was really, really cool (because it fucking is):

message 8: by David (new)

David Damn, D-Pow is an asskisser. How do you wash the taste of sphincter out of your mouth every night?

message 9: by D. (last edited Oct 11, 2010 12:54PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

D. Pow You are super-smart too, David, but fuck you if you think I'll call you sweet or compassionate, you nihilistic nimrod.

message 10: by David (last edited Oct 11, 2010 01:10PM) (new)

David I ♥ U too, D.pow!

message 11: by D. (new) - rated it 5 stars

D. Pow Luv U too, Big Boy.

message 12: by David (new)

David But seriously, dude. Doesn't the smell of ass get trapped in your nose hairs?

Let's hear it for D-Pow, everyone!


Hey, get this. I just went to youtube and searched 'cheer for don' (which I was going to link here -- if I found something good), but THIS video came up. I shit you not. House of Kowalski... from the Philippines!


message 13: by D. (new) - rated it 5 stars

D. Pow 1) You are a fucker and I'm going to gut punch you the next time we meet.

2) That is the oddest video/search match ever!

message 14: by Joshua Nomen-Mutatio (last edited Oct 11, 2010 02:03PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Joshua Nomen-Mutatio D.'s just trying this crazy new thing called being sincere, David. It sounds weird and foreign, I know, but man, you should check it out. ;) (That's my one allotted emoticon for the week.)

I thought fondly of you and your graceful astuteness when I went to one of these stores yesterday:


Joshua Nomen-Mutatio Also, that video find is awesome.

message 16: by David (last edited Oct 11, 2010 02:16PM) (new)

David Sure, the recipient of the ass-kissing always claims it's sincere. D-Pow is the drugged-out Paula Abdul of the Goodreads judging panel.

I've never heard of Kowalski's Market. I have (of course) heard of Kowalski's sausage. ('Kowalski's means kowality.' And does it ever! Can I get a whuh-whuh?)

message 17: by Joshua Nomen-Mutatio (last edited Oct 11, 2010 02:19PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Joshua Nomen-Mutatio Why I oughtta... Don't make me frowny face emoticon and follow it up with two consecutive LOL smiley faces. I'll fuckin do it, ya know. In other words: You are so hilarious and astute in your judgments. (Sorry, I know that's probably a worn out reference by now, which is part of the reason I'm using it. Triple the irony, half the fun.)

message 18: by David (new)

David 'Astute in your judgments' will never wear out. It's eternal.

message 19: by D. (last edited Oct 11, 2010 03:04PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

D. Pow Check it out: I actually got paid for the 'astute' phrase this week, though my editor inverted the usual way we do it here. Scroll to the bottom.


message 20: by David (new)

David AWESOME, D-Pow!

You have a catchphrase!

Eddie Watkins That's hilarious Donald! Congrats, too.

message 22: by D. (new) - rated it 5 stars

D. Pow No congrag deserved, Watkins. Other than for imbedding that shit nugget of a phrase in the text. For that clever, cunning act I will accept praise.
The gig itself. meh. I couldn't live for a week on the money I make off writing in a year.

Eddie Watkins I made $25 once on a poem. It was in the Baltimore City Paper in probably 1989. That's all I've ever made with my poetry.

I did not like this book. It was a cumulative visceral reaction that forced me to stop reading because I could tell I was going to get nauseous. I'll try something else by him eventually, but right now even contemplating reading him again is like contemplating last night's fish sandwich which reappeared in my vomit this morning.

message 24: by D. (new) - rated it 5 stars

D. Pow Nobody makes money writing poetry, except that shit bag Billy Collins.

I am really shocked you feel this way about this book. I found it wise and beautiful. Does one of us have to be wrong?

Eddie Watkins No, one of us doesn't have to be wrong. Wise and beautiful is hard to be wrong.

I just couldn't cross the line into believing he was doing anything more than being literary, and the purely literary part wasn't enough for me. The whole time I was reading I had the impression he was trying to transcend mere words, or describe/embody a "higher" state of mind, and it just wasn't happening for me. Most of the stories were very good, but I wanted and expected more.

message 26: by JSou (new) - rated it 5 stars

JSou Argh, why did I not get any update on this thread? Freakin' goodreads. I thought this book was amazing, especially with it being his first novel.

Is that the hardcover edition, Flesh? I may have to find a copy of that, it's awesome.

I love your shit nugget of a phrase, Donald. David's right; I don't think I'll ever get sick of it. Oh, I also love the fact you referred to Mitchell as 'my dude'.

Because he's mine. All mine.

message 27: by D. (new) - rated it 5 stars

D. Pow I know he's yours. Lit Stalker.

My update feeds are whacked like that too. Get them all the time when I don't want them and then on good threads I get nothing.

message 28: by JSou (new) - rated it 5 stars

JSou It's true. I'd totally go Kathy Bates on his ass.

Just kidding. No need to notify the authorities. Really.

Eddie Watkins I don't even know what I was saying last night. I had a pinched nerve in my neck and I was intoxicated.

message 30: by Jessica (new)

Jessica must read it. I've read nothing by him yet--

message 31: by David (new)

David This is the first image that came up in my Google search of 'gracefully written and astute in its judgment' -- and it is therefore my gift to you, O Donald, my Donald!

message 32: by D. (new) - rated it 5 stars

D. Pow david, david, david.

Hello, Chairy!

message 33: by Jessica (new)

Jessica oh, funny, funny...love it.
Hi D.! Hi Comrade K!

Eddie Watkins I like the diamond-like interconnected view of humanity, but there was something about his take on it that didn't connect with my probably more mind-based (not smarter!) sensibility. It also struck me as composed of ersatz wisdom, but I can understand how you found that wisdom to be true.

message 35: by D. (new) - rated it 5 stars

D. Pow Well, I wouldn't 'mind' even if you are smarter. That's cool too.

I have to think more(not feel) about the 'ersatz' charge. I'm working on a review of Black Swann Green that has more of a detailed riff on why Mitchell bugs people and maybe I'll address it there.

message 36: by M (new) - rated it 5 stars

M I'm with you on this, DPow--great review of a writer who also hits that exact sweet spot for me.

message 37: by David (new)

David Mike wrote: "I'm with you on this, DPow--great review of a writer who also hits that exact sweet spot for me."

I guess I won't like him then. : (

message 38: by D. (new) - rated it 5 stars

D. Pow Glad to know we agree on this one, Mike.

And I love that 'sweet spot' thing. So much subjective here and so much a matter of predisposition. But I am coming to believe that 'objectively' Mitchell might be one of the best novelists now cooking and might fight his way forward to be read by posterity.

message 39: by M (new) - rated it 5 stars

M D. wrote: "Glad to know we agree on this one, Mike.

And I love that 'sweet spot' thing. So much subjective here and so much a matter of predisposition. But I am coming to believe that 'objectively' Mitchel..."

I predict you'll really, really dig The Thousand Autumns...

David, my man: who knows? We've agreed on a couple things in the past.

message 40: by David (new)

David Mike wrote: "David, my man: who knows? We've agreed on a couple things in the past."

Freakish, otherworldly coincidences. All of them.

message 41: by D. (new) - rated it 5 stars

D. Pow yes. bad grammar. Thank you!

message 42: by Ade (new) - rated it 5 stars

Ade Bailey At the risk of being an asskisser (or an arse licker as we chaps say), probably the best review I have read on goodreads. I am ordering the book now from amazon and will punch you in the belly if I don't like it.

message 43: by D. (new) - rated it 5 stars

D. Pow Thanks Abailart. You are a hell of a writer yourself.

I'm going to start doing more sit-ups to keep my abdomen strong but I'm hoping I wont need to.

message 44: by Jessica (new)

Jessica ha! love it.

yes, a very impressive review.

message 45: by D. (new) - rated it 5 stars

D. Pow thanks as always chairy!

message 46: by Brad (new) - rated it 4 stars

Brad I love it when you get all emotional in your reviews, D. They're always your best. Awesome. And I am with you on this book.

message 47: by D. (new) - rated it 5 stars

D. Pow thanks brad. Always best when it flows from the heart and the head, eh? as I'm sure you well know.

stay cool.

s.penkevich Cloud Atlas is amazing so I think I will try this one next while I'm still riding the David Mitchell high.

message 49: by Ian (last edited Feb 09, 2012 10:49PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Ian "Marvin" Graye Great review. I'll check out some others now. (No, I won't, coz I can't. You're a private kinda guy. Damn.)

Joshua Nomen-Mutatio I know I voted for this originally. Another case of the vanishing votes...

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