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Group Reads > January Group Read Suggestions plus Guest Author Announcement!

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message 1: by Jason (new)

Jason (darkfiction) | 3233 comments Please suggest a horror novel you would like to read this January. This one is a free for all. No themes. :)

Also this January, I'd like to announce that our guest author will be Lee Thompson and we will be discussing his novella When We Join Jesus In Hell.

message 2: by Robert (new)

Robert Kratky (bolorkay) | 342 comments "Prey"- Graham Masterton.

message 3: by 11811 (Eleven) (new)

11811 (Eleven) (11811) | 1561 comments Looking forward to the discussion with Lee. That was one of the most twisted books I read this year.

Now - back to reading. Haven't even started December's book yet.

message 4: by Bill (new)

Bill (shiftyj1) | 4890 comments Lee Thompson! SWEEEET!! WWJJIH kicked ass! I really like the guest author thang and Lee is very cool, so it should be fun to discuss.

message 5: by Tressa (new)

Tressa  (moanalisa) | 19903 comments Oooh, I'm looking forward to Jesus in Hell book.

For the Group Read, I'm in the mood for something fun and not high literature, like this book: Fragment. Could be a fun read like Natural Selection was.

message 6: by 11811 (Eleven) (new)

11811 (Eleven) (11811) | 1561 comments I'll second Fragment. That looks excellent.

message 7: by Char (new)

Char | 17269 comments I am pretty psyched about the Jesus group read!

message 8: by Jon Recluse (last edited Dec 06, 2012 08:29PM) (new)

Jon Recluse | 12043 comments Mod
I've read Fragment.


Pretty psyched about Jesus and Lee Thompson though, too!

message 9: by Lee (new)

Lee Thompson | 96 comments Thanks for the invite Jason and Tressa! I'm honored! And very excited to answer any questions anybody has. It's going to be fun! Okay, I gotta get back to work! Thanks, all!

message 10: by Char (new)

Char | 17269 comments Jon, have you read it yet, or no?

message 11: by Jon Recluse (new)

Jon Recluse | 12043 comments Mod
Not yet, Charlene.
Gonna start it tonight.

message 12: by Char (new)

Char | 17269 comments I'm excited to hear what you think!

message 13: by Jon Recluse (new)

Jon Recluse | 12043 comments Mod
I'm excited that I think loud enough for you to hear!

message 14: by Char (new)

Char | 17269 comments I have powers as of yet unknown to you.

message 15: by Jon Recluse (new)

Jon Recluse | 12043 comments Mod
You bugged my brain, didn't you..... ;)

message 16: by 11811 (Eleven) (new)

11811 (Eleven) (11811) | 1561 comments Beware the powers of Charlene. Quietly step away and everything might be okay.


message 17: by Jon Recluse (new)

Jon Recluse | 12043 comments Mod
I wanna know how she got past the bats.............

message 18: by Jason (last edited Dec 07, 2012 06:29PM) (new)

Jason (darkfiction) | 3233 comments Lee wrote: "Thanks for the invite Jason and Tressa! I'm honored! And very excited to answer any questions anybody has. It's going to be fun! Okay, I gotta get back to work! Thanks, all!"

No problem, Lee! Thank you for saying yes. We're excited to have you!

message 19: by Brett (new)

Brett Talley | 235 comments Just discovered Lee recently and love the hell out of his work.

message 20: by Jon Recluse (new)

Jon Recluse | 12043 comments Mod
Can anyone tell me the order of the Division books?

message 21: by Bill (last edited Dec 08, 2012 10:21PM) (new)

Bill (shiftyj1) | 4890 comments http://www.leethompsonfiction.com/?p=400

Lee's website has a list above and there is also another website for the Division series as well.


message 22: by Lee (new)

Lee Thompson | 96 comments Thanks Brett! And thanks for sharing the links, Bill! I'm going to add a sidebar on my website with them in order so people know. Should have done that a long time ago but I get distracted reading and writing. Lol. Appreciate you getting the info for Jon, man!

message 23: by Bill (new)

Bill (shiftyj1) | 4890 comments Not a problem, Lee. I just finished Before Leonora Wakes a couple hours ago (Very Good BTW) and was peeping on your website to print out the list when I saw Jon's question. Looking forward to the guest author deal in January too!

message 24: by Lee (new)

Lee Thompson | 96 comments Thanks, man! Things get a lot darker after BLW for the rest of Red's life. I'm looking forward to the guest author deal too. I spend way too much time in my own head. Hehe. And it's fun to discuss writing and stories. It's like having emotional/intellectual sex with strangers.

message 25: by Jon Recluse (new)

Jon Recluse | 12043 comments Mod
Bill wrote: "http://www.leethompsonfiction.com/?p=400

Lee's website has a list above and there is also another website for the Division series as well.


Thanks, Bill!

message 26: by Jon Recluse (new)

Jon Recluse | 12043 comments Mod
Lee wrote: "Thanks, man! Things get a lot darker after BLW for the rest of Red's life. I'm looking forward to the guest author deal too. I spend way too much time in my own head. Hehe. And it's fun to discuss ..."

I'll wear a shower cap......

message 27: by Lee (new)

Lee Thompson | 96 comments Haha. Probably a good idea using your head like that.

message 28: by Chris (new)

Chris (chrismccaffrey) | 599 comments I enjoyed When We Join Jesus in Hell and am looking forward to the discussion. I actually read it twice---once for the story and the second time to concentrate on structure, symbolism, and characters. It wes even better the second time through.

message 29: by Jason (new)

Jason (darkfiction) | 3233 comments Chris wrote: "I enjoyed When We Join Jesus in Hell and am looking forward to the discussion. I actually read it twice---once for the story and the second time to concentrate on structure, symbolism, and charact..."

Are you a member of the Darkfuse book club, Chris? I remember somebody saying that very thing in the Lee Thompson thread.

message 30: by Chris (new)

Chris (chrismccaffrey) | 599 comments Yes I am and it was me who said that.

message 31: by Jason (new)

Jason (darkfiction) | 3233 comments Awesome. :)

message 32: by Bill (new)

Bill (shiftyj1) | 4890 comments Looks like there are quite a few HA members that are members of the DarkFuse book club too. I know I ran across Jason, Charlene, Dianne, Chris and Nikki won a subscription on a Michael McBride online Q&A thang. Not to mention all the great authors on the site, Lee included. First year for me - I think I am going to like!

message 33: by Char (new)

Char | 17269 comments I think the price is right too, Bill. For $60.00 per year you get a hell of a lot of books.
I hope the price stays affordable so I can re-up when my prize runs out.

message 34: by Jason (new)

Jason (darkfiction) | 3233 comments Me, too. I love it there!

message 35: by Brett (new)

Brett Talley | 235 comments What is the DarkFuse Book Club?

message 36: by Chris (new)

Chris (chrismccaffrey) | 599 comments I was already buying pretty much everything they were putting out. Several of my favorite authors publish there. And all the bonuses made it an offer that I couldn't refuse.....

message 37: by Bill (last edited Dec 09, 2012 09:55PM) (new)

Bill (shiftyj1) | 4890 comments Brett wrote: "What is the DarkFuse Book Club?"

Go to https://www.darkfuse.com/ and check it out. DarkFuse is a publsher of Dark Fiction and they have some really excellent authors in their line up: Gifune, Thompson, Curran, Ryker, McBride, Strand, Malfi, etc. The ebook club is a kick-ass deal and content is delivered directly to your Kindle or Kindle app. I just signed up and it is very cool!

message 38: by Brett (new)

Brett Talley | 235 comments Bill wrote: "Brett wrote: "What is the DarkFuse Book Club?"

Go to https://www.darkfuse.com/ and check it out. DarkFuse is a publsher of Dark Fiction and they have some really excellent authors in their line up..."

That is awesome. I am on the Stoker Award jury for long fiction, so I've read most of these (for free) as a part of that. But next year I may have to jump on this. Great collection of authors there.

message 39: by Jason (new)

Jason (darkfiction) | 3233 comments Okay, guys, I need to set up the polls soon. I think that there's one suggestion. lol. Are there any others?

message 40: by Addy (new)

Addy | 5110 comments I will nominate Desert Places and Island Life.

message 41: by Jason (new)

Jason (darkfiction) | 3233 comments Cool, Addy, and thanks! Who are the author(s) of those books?

message 42: by Tressa (new)

Tressa  (moanalisa) | 19903 comments Oh, let me go look on my TBR list.

message 43: by Addy (new)

Addy | 5110 comments Blake Crouch and William Meikle

message 44: by Tressa (new)

Tressa  (moanalisa) | 19903 comments Blood Crazy looks really good. And The Dead Parade. Not sure about the easy availability of these books.

message 46: by Jason (new)

Jason (darkfiction) | 3233 comments All right! I'm off to set up the poll, so I'm not taking any more suggestions. :)

message 47: by Jon Recluse (new)

Jon Recluse | 12043 comments Mod
Not even obscene ones?

message 48: by Jason (new)

Jason (darkfiction) | 3233 comments I always take obscene ones, Jon.

message 49: by Jason (new)

Jason (darkfiction) | 3233 comments Poll is up! I added everyone's suggestions because, well, it Christmas. Merry Christmas everyone, and happy voting and reading!

Link to poll:


message 50: by Tressa (new)

Tressa  (moanalisa) | 19903 comments Thanks, Jason. I voted. Where's my sticker?

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