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Group Read Archive > Group Non-Fiction Read Nominations - July 2015

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message 1: by Paul (last edited Jun 03, 2015 05:02AM) (new)

Paul (halfmanhalfbook) | 5463 comments Mod
The nominations thread for the July Non Fiction Read is now open, please suggest your book choices below.

To get a better variety of non fiction books we are suggesting themes for each month, so the Theme for July is Humour.

This thread will remain open until 5th June and then will be closed for voting.

Please remember that the books need to be readily available in as many formats as possible at a reasonable price.

The Invention of Curried Sausage

Nominated & Seconded:
Bigger than Hitler – Better than Christ
The Year of Living Biblically: One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible
In a Sunburned Country
I Feel Bad about My Neck: And Other Thoughts on Being a Woman

message 2: by Trine (new)

Trine (majjalol) | 203 comments I'll nominate Bossypants - been on my TBR list for some time now!

message 3: by Katie (new)

Katie Trine wrote: "I'll nominate Bossypants - been on my TBR list for some time now!"

I'd like to nominate The Year of Living Biblically: One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible. I loved The Know-It-All and expect this to be equally good :)

message 4: by Debbie (new)

Debbie (debbiegregory) | 585 comments I miss him so much, he could always make me laugh, so I would like to nominate Bigger than Hitler – Better than Christ

message 5: by Jason (new)

Jason (jasondenness) | 1877 comments I'll second bigger than Hitler. Already missing him too and new series of man-down on Monday.

message 6: by Paul (new)

Paul (halfmanhalfbook) | 5463 comments Mod
As it it ages since I have read any Bryson, I will nominate In a Sunburned Country by Bill Bryson

message 7: by Pat (new)

Pat Morris-jones | 1373 comments The year of living biblically sounds interesting.

message 8: by Pat (new)

Pat Morris-jones | 1373 comments Sorry. Happy to second the year of living biblically.

message 9: by Lisa (new)

Lisa (mrswhams) | 730 comments Mod
I will second the Bryson ☺

message 11: by Jazzy (last edited Jun 02, 2015 03:02AM) (new)

Jazzy Lemon (jazzylemon) | 274 comments oh please i must ask that we read Up the Down Staircase by Bel Kaufman

It is a story of a first year teacher in an intercity school written in the form of short conversations, memorandums and homework papers. As true and remarkable as it was when it was written, it is an absolute treasure.

Bel died last July (2014) and it would be a fitting tribute!

She is the grand-daughter of the renown Yiddish writer Sholom Aleichem

I would be happy to post my copy to someone so they may read it.

message 12: by Gisela (new)

Gisela Hafezparast | 242 comments amber wrote: "I nominate I Feel Bad about My Neck: And Other Thoughts on Being a Woman"

I'll second "I feel bad about my Neck" and I'll nominate "The invention of Curried Sausage" by Uwe Timm (original called "Die Entdeckung der Currywurst"). And guys and girls, if you never had a German Currywurst, you haven't lived. Nothing to do in the slightest with Indian food, in a league of it's own and I could harp on about it for ever (as most of us Germans would)- Sigh.

message 13: by Debbie (new)

Debbie (debbiegregory) | 585 comments Jason wrote: "I'll second bigger than Hitler. Already missing him too and new series of man-down on Monday."
Yay, thank you xx

message 14: by Jo (new)

Jo Weston (joster) | 1697 comments Mod
Jazzy wrote: "oh please i must ask that we read Up the Down Staircase by Bel Kaufman

It is a story of a first year teacher in an intercity school written in the form of short conver..."

Unfortunately, from what I can see, this book is not non-fiction - but please correct me if I am wrong on that anyone?

message 15: by Laurie (new)

Laurie You are correct that Up the Down Staircase is not non-fiction. While the story is based on Bel Kaufman and her students, it is a fictional account.

message 16: by Paul (new)

Paul (halfmanhalfbook) | 5463 comments Mod
Jazzy wrote: "oh please i must ask that we read Up the Down Staircase by Bel Kaufman

It is a story of a first year teacher in an intercity school written in the form of short conver..."

I have moved that to the fiction nomination Jazzy. Did you want to nominate a non fiction book?

message 17: by Paul (new)

Paul (halfmanhalfbook) | 5463 comments Mod
This thread is now closed. Place your vote here:

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