European Royalty discussion

History Group Reads > Suite Francaise: May 1 - Jun 1

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message 1: by Sara W (new)

Sara W (sarawesq) | 2153 comments Hey everyone! Our May 1 - June 1 read (without the need for a runoff poll and I didn't vote!) will be:

Suite Française

Suite Française  by Irène Némirovsky

by Irène Némirovsky

Irène Némirovsky

A runoff poll in case of a tie is a great idea though, so in the future if there is a tie, that's what we will do.

We will start the discussion on May 1st.

We'll do the discussion threads broken up by chapters like all the other times, but I figure this thread can be used by those frustrated with amazon's delivery slowness (or your library's slowness) or for any other reason. Just don't discuss the book in any detail here! (General "I'm a couple chapters in and I like it" comments are fine, but we'll start the real discussion threads on the 1st.) For those of you just joining us, you can look through the previous threads in this Monthly Group Read section to see how we did it before because the process will be the same (there's also a thread just like this thread for the other books we've read together).

message 2: by April Ann (new)

April Ann (bloomer) | 83 comments Excellent choice!

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