Struggling Writers discussion

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Mature Content (18+) > Explanation/Rules (18+)

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message 1: by Jessica (last edited Aug 13, 2013 07:46AM) (new)

Jessica (jessicalcozzi) Hello there, everyone! Your moderators here at Struggling Writers have noticed that a great deal of you tend to discuss mature-content-based story tactics, ideas, topics and such throughout the group. And of course, you all know that we have some younger members (let's be honest--myself included) that those discussions are either too uncomfortable to read or talk about.

So, we have created a special mature content folder for you all to use.

*This is where you can discuss and/or talk about erotica, extreme goriness, and other topics that are generally not younger-member friendly.

-Keep in mind that this folder technically says 18+, but any members younger than 18 years of age can participate in this folder as long as they feel that they are able to handle it. We are not responsible for what they may see or read, and they should be aware that they are reading these threads at their discretion.

-ALL TOPICS IN THIS GROUP MUST HAVE "(18+)" INCLUDED IN THEIR TITLE. If you forget to place the (18+) label in the title, a moderator will edit it in for you.

-If you ever wanted to enter any erotic stories into a writing contest that this group is hosting, it is still okay to do so.

Thanks, and please use this folder wisely!


Struggling Writers Moderator

*Please note: If any mature-content threads are found in the group that are not placed in this folder, it is up to the moderators as to whether or not the thread will be deleted or moved to this folder.

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