Indian Readers discussion

Announcements by Mods > Group Reads - revised

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message 1: by Muddle head (new)

Muddle head (adic) | 4646 comments After much delay and deliberation, we are proposing a new scheme of group reads here...

1. Indian reads - We will read/discuss 3 indian books (of any genre) per quarter (3 months) There will be one poll per quarter (10 nominations allowed) and top 3 books of the poll stand qualified.

2. Non-Indian reads - We shall read 2 books from 2 specific genres and one 'open' book - any genre, any author. There will be 3 polls per quarter - 2 for each genre and 1 for the open category. 5 nominations allowed in each poll.

2. Nominations for the polls are invited 3 months ahead of the scheduled start date of the quarter. Polls will be put up 2 weeks after the nominations are opened or after the max. nominations are received, whichever is earlier.

3. Members are free to nominate books in the categories for that quarter (mods reserve the right to reject a nomination if suspected to be affected by an author or his/her friends). If no nominations are received at all, Mods shall select books on their own and put them up for group read (without a poll). If less than max. number of nominations are received, mods shall add enough books to reach the max limit and put them up for poll. These measures are in place to ensure that the group reads will continue, despite rain, shine or famine!

Genres proposed to be read during last quarter of 2013:
Oct-Dec: Comedy/Humor/Wit, Short stories collection

Meanwhile, for immediate future, i.e., Aug-Sep 2013, we will pick one Indian and one Non-indian book each. Will be putting up nomination threads shortly and polls thereafter.

message 2: by Lit Bug (new)

Lit Bug | 1354 comments Gushing with pleasure ;) Thank you folks!

message 3: by Ahtims (new)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 47090 comments Mod
Is December's poll Soul to Take rigged up. Just now it came to my notice. All those who have voted have recently joined and are not even from India. Keeping the thread frozen till matters are cleared up.

message 4: by Shoa, @TheCupboardUnderTheStairs (new)

Shoa Khan (shoathekhan) | 10156 comments Mod pretty much looks that way..that book was trailing at the bottom from the beginning..n out of nowhere it ended up outright winning the polls..most of the voter profiles look suspicious :/

message 5: by Shoa, @TheCupboardUnderTheStairs (new)

Shoa Khan (shoathekhan) | 10156 comments Mod
Terra wrote: "hi , I am new and know this is the wrong place, I have a free promo coming up in amazon, can you send me the link for posting the same. Thanks"

Hi Terra,
You can create a thread in this folder:

message 6: by Ahtims (last edited May 27, 2016 12:16AM) (new)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 47090 comments Mod
• We consider education as only a medium for bread earning.
• In the name of practicability not only do we succumb to all prevalent wrong traditions..."

Ajay, already deleted your post from one more thread. Am deleting it here too. Please adhere to group rules.
Cross posting in multiple threads may be a bit detrimental in promoting the book.
There are promotion threads meant for the same. You can scroll down the group's homepage to see those.
Good luck :)

message 7: by Shoa, @TheCupboardUnderTheStairs (new)

Shoa Khan (shoathekhan) | 10156 comments Mod
I deleted it from 3 other threads as well.
Please post in the Promotions folder, instead of randomly spamming all unrelated threads.

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