Indian Readers discussion

Shout for help.. > recommend some books

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message 1: by Surendra (new)

Surendra | 3 comments hi all, i want recommendations on books by indian authors. since i am a beginner in reading novels, i want some easy to understand books but still engaging.

message 2: by Ken (new)

Ken (kendoyle) | 263 comments Read anything by Jhumpa Lahiri. She's best at writing short stories but her novel, The Namesake, is also very good. Her new novel will be out soon.

Also try Rohinton Mistry and Vikram Chandra.

message 3: by Rupali (new)

Rupali Rotti | 54 comments Welcome to the reading world, Surendra. Well, many new Indian writers are writing in easy English, so you can pick any book that appeals to you. Maybe you could start with Chetan Bhagat's Five Point Someone: What Not to Do at IIT, though many people don't like his other books, but that's a good start.

message 4: by Rupali (new)

message 5: by Ahtims (new)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 47090 comments Mod
R K Narayan

message 6: by Raghunath (new)

Raghunath (sriraghunathjoshi) Try Sidney sheldon or Dan Brown, not Indian authors, but very engaging suspense thrillers!

message 7: by Surendra (new)

Surendra | 3 comments thanks guys...really appreciate it.

message 8: by Vinay (new)

Vinay Ghosh (vinayghose) | 29 comments If you really love romantic books, here's a good suggestion for you.LOVE NEVER DIES: ZENTIH OF LOVE

message 9: by Vaivaswatha (new)

Vaivaswatha Manu | 17 comments khuswant singh, naipaul, shobha dey etc are some good ones.

message 10: by Chintan (new)

Chintan patel (cj204) | 33 comments somehow i believe every Indian should start reading with chetan bhagat's work LOL ... not his fan-boy although

message 11: by Yamini (new)

Yamini (yaminihk) Shadow Throne by Aroon Raman, was an absolute thriller. From an Indian Author, never expected this class of work. Loved it

message 12: by Siddhant (new)

Siddhant Daulkar the shiva trilogy is awsm...

message 13: by Ahtims (new)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 47090 comments Mod
Am currently reading Saraswati Park by Anjali Joseph .

message 14: by Rajan (new)

Rajan (rajuhere4u) | 35 comments Asa beginner, i would recommend you to readPreeti Shenoy's Life Is What You Make It A Story Of Love, Hope And How Determination Can Overcome Even Destiny. Its a quite artful work of fiction. For more, I would recommend you to read books written by Sachin Garg, Sudha Murty.

message 15: by Parikhit (new)

Parikhit | 3993 comments I second Ken. Jhumpa Lahiri is a must read. Do read 'The Interpreter of Maladies' by Lahiri and I think you should read anything by Ruskin Bond!

Happy reading :)

message 16: by Shivani (new)

Shivani Gupta | 817 comments Surendra, if you develop your interest in non fiction genre, reach out for Robin Sharma.

message 17: by Megan (new)

Megan (megancoetzee) Hi I'm Megan. I'm new to goodreads and this group. I recently started reading books by indian authors,are there any recommendation for love stories, and also thrillers.:)

message 18: by Vinay (new)

Vinay M | 12 comments If not Indian , as a beginner try "The Alchemist" by Paulo Ceolho which is Simple yet fasinating!...

message 19: by Vinay (new)

Vinay M | 12 comments Megan wrote: "Hi I'm Megan. I'm new to goodreads and this group. I recently started reading books by indian authors,are there any recommendation for love stories, and also thrillers.:)"

If you want Indian thriller . Try ashwin sanghi's - The Chanakya Chant and The Krishna Key !

message 20: by Fathima Fara (new)

Fathima Fara (fathimafara) | 38 comments "Anita and me" is a good and entertaining work by Meera Syal.

message 21: by Ahtims (new)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 47090 comments Mod
Fathima wrote: ""Anita and me" is a good and entertaining work by Meera Syal."

Hadn't heard of it. Thanks..Anita and Me

message 22: by Shoa, @TheCupboardUnderTheStairs (new)

Shoa Khan (shoathekhan) | 10156 comments Mod
I've wanted to read both Life Isn't All Ha Ha Hee Hee and Anita and Me for quite some time. But every time there's a good deal on flipkart, it slips away before I can lay my hands on it! :/

message 23: by Namratha (new)

Namratha Ravishankar | 1 comments Nayantara Sahgal Mistaken Identity
Tishani Doshi The pleasure seekers

Sahgal for her fluid prose and splendid language. Doshi for her flair

message 24: by [deleted user] (new)

Hi, Can anyone suggest me good books for time management which are easily available in india?

message 25: by Vinay (new)

Vinay M | 12 comments Nitish wrote: "Hi, Can anyone suggest me good books for time management which are easily available in india?"

Time Management Secrets by Martin Manser ....!

message 26: by [deleted user] (new)

Thanks Vinay. Currently i am reading Eat that frog by Brian Tracy. Lets see how will it turn out to be.

message 27: by Wari (new)

Wari Singh Chintan wrote: "somehow i believe every Indian should start reading with chetan bhagat's work LOL ... not his fan-boy although"
Lol. I agree! I have read only five pages of two of his books but I am still grateful to him. He got the new generation reading!!! :P

message 28: by Ahtims (new)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 47090 comments Mod
spam alert @ Tommy

message 29: by Vinay (new)

Vinay M | 12 comments Hi.. Can anyone Name One best book of Stephen King..!

message 30: by Ahtims (new)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 47090 comments Mod
I liked the Shining and the Green mile. One best book - difficult to say

message 31: by Phani (new)

Phani Raj (phaniraj) | 694 comments A year ago(14 months to be exact), I was in similar situation. When I asked to my teacher, who was a voracious reader, he suggested me 10 books of different types based on writing, genre and other factors. His suggestion was very fruitful for me and I hope it will be same for you.

In no specific order:
To Kill A Mocking Bird.
The Hitchhicker's Guide to Galaxy.
Fahrenheit 451.
The Day Of The Jackal.
Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance.
The Catcher In The Rye.
SlaughterHouse 5.
The Code Of The Woosters.
One Hundred Years Of Solitude.

The above books are not by Indian Authors. If you want to start reading books, then I urge you not to confine yourself to any specific genre, country, author, etc.,

message 32: by Phani (new)

Phani Raj (phaniraj) | 694 comments Read few books irrespective of country/genre and then read the ones you like. For example, in my case after reading few I found that I enjoy Science Fiction more than others, but still I would like to read good books from other genres.

message 33: by Ahtims (new)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 47090 comments Mod
Thank, very good advice. I too always try to widen my horizon with regards to books, though my most preferred genre is psychological thriller.

message 34: by Rhenius (new)

Rhenius Alwyn | 2 comments Hey Vinay, You can't go wrong with Shining,IT, Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption. It depends on the kind of book you want to read...if you just want to feel warm - Shawshank would do;Something like IT, shining for that nagging feeling..or Pet sematary if you want to downright throwup . Hope that helps

message 35: by Vinay (new)

Vinay M | 12 comments Thanks Rhenius! i shall start with Shawshank Redemption.

message 37: by Ahtims (last edited Sep 04, 2015 01:01AM) (new)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 47090 comments Mod
when we discuss about miscellaneous books or ask for recommendations, it is not an Amazon website with recipe books we are looking for. Thank you in advance for not spamming our group again.

message 38: by Mansi (new)

Mansi mehta jain (cutemansi) | 1 comments palace of illusions by chitra banerjee

message 39: by Veeraraghavan (new)

Veeraraghavan | 3 comments Sorry if I'm hijacking this thread.As the topic is "recommend some books" I thought of using the same rather than creating a new thread.
I need recommendations for a good book on Adolf Hitler. Heard that Ian Kershaw's book spans 1000+ pages and contains too many details than one would actually be interested.

Disclaimer: I just love biographies and I'm not a fan of Hitler or a Nazi :P


message 40: by Prajwal (new)

Prajwal Koteshwar | 6 comments Shiva trilogy and scion of ikshvaku

message 41: by Ahtims (new)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 47090 comments Mod
hi Veeru,
I just know of his autobiography - Mein Kampf. There's another book on his Nazi doctors - Doctors from help, regarding all the inhumane experiments on POWs.

message 42: by Raghav (new)

Raghav (dark_bl00dlust) | 111 comments @ Veeru

Mein Kampf(by hitler, himself), Berlin Dairy, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.

heil sieg!

message 43: by Veeraraghavan (new)

Veeraraghavan | 3 comments Thanks for your suggestions!I've shortlisted A Brief History of the Third Reich: The Rise and Fall of the Nazis and Defying Hitler. Will read them next.


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