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Southern Fried Blues
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ARCHIVES - ARRs Completed > 1694. - SOUTHERN FRIED BLUES by Jamie Farrell

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message 1: by Tana (last edited Jan 18, 2014 07:09AM) (new)

Tana (tana_t) | 14676 comments Mod
Southern Fried Blues by Jamie Farrell Jamie Farrell

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Southern Fried Blues

Book Description:

A Yankee Lady Stuck in the South
Divorced wasn’t a label Anna Martin ever wanted. Now she’s a thousand miles from home, underemployed, and lonely, but she’s squeezing this lemon life gave her and turning it into lemon meringue pie. Never again will she let any man—especially another military man—get in the way of her career.

A Southern Gentleman Military Officer
Jackson Davis believes in family, football, and Uncle Sam. He treats ladies right, takes his uniform seriously, and he loves his dog, but he doesn’t reckon he’s built for true love. After all, if a man good as his daddy couldn’t do it right, what chance does Jackson have?

One Undeniable Attraction
These two vulnerable souls are as different as cornbread and ketchup, but they fit together like sweet butter on hot biscuits. Short-term, they’re exactly what the other needs. But when their hearts get involved, they’re both gonna end up with a big ol’ case of Southern Fried Blues.

Be one of the first 20 people to sign up below in order to receive a copy of this ebook to Read and Review!

It would be appreciated if you could post your reviews on Goodreads, Barnes & Noble and Amazon.

Formats available: Mobi, Epub & Pdf

All reviews should be completed and posted within 4 weeks after you receive your copy of the ebook.

Leave us your Name, email address and format you require.

message 2: by Linda (new) - added it

Linda (lindasalley) | 8 comments Would love to read and review. [email protected] epub format.

message 3: by Jamie (new) - added it

Jamie Farrell (jamiefarrell) | 22 comments Thanks, Linda! I'm sending it to you now. :)

Lesley (laparks) I'd love to read and review this for you
mobi please
[email protected]

message 5: by Amy (new)

Amy H (twinypa) Lesley wrote: "I'd love to read and review this for you
mobi please
[email protected]"

sent in your request Lesley!

message 6: by Jamie (new) - added it

Jamie Farrell (jamiefarrell) | 22 comments Thanks, Lesley and Amy! I've sent the .mobi file.


Cass (Bookaholics Reading Haven) (casslt) | 20 comments Would love a copy on ePub please - [email protected]

message 8: by Jamie (new) - added it

Jamie Farrell (jamiefarrell) | 22 comments Thanks so much, Cass! I've sent you a copy.


message 9: by Lesley (last edited Oct 22, 2013 04:19AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Lesley (laparks) My review is up - sorry it took so long to get it posted -

Goodreads review


message 10: by Jamie (new) - added it

Jamie Farrell (jamiefarrell) | 22 comments Thank you so much, Lesley! :)

message 11: by Lacy (new) - added it

Lacy (gloriouslace) | 3 comments I would love to read this book Mobi format please
[email protected] and thank you

message 12: by Amy (new)

Amy H (twinypa) Sent in your request

message 13: by Jamie (new) - added it

Jamie Farrell (jamiefarrell) | 22 comments Sending it now, Lacy! :) Thank you!

Samantha Woods ( LSK Sweetheart Reviews ) (samanthabookswoods) | 4 comments Would love to read and review for you... Mobi format please and thank you... :O) [email protected]

message 15: by Amy (new)

Amy H (twinypa) Sent in your request

message 16: by Jamie (new) - added it

Jamie Farrell (jamiefarrell) | 22 comments Thanks, Samantha and Amy! I've sent the file. Let me know if it doesn't come through. :)

Samantha Woods ( LSK Sweetheart Reviews ) (samanthabookswoods) | 4 comments I got it... Thank you... :O)

Che-che | 201 comments I would love to review
[email protected]
epub please

message 19: by Jamie (new) - added it

Jamie Farrell (jamiefarrell) | 22 comments Thank you! I'm sending the epub now.


message 21: by Jamie (new) - added it

Jamie Farrell (jamiefarrell) | 22 comments Thank you so much, Che-che!

Alisha I would love to read this.
[email protected]
epub please!

message 23: by Tana (new)

Tana (tana_t) | 14676 comments Mod
sent in your request Alisha

Alisha Tana wrote: "sent in your request Alisha"


message 25: by Jamie (new) - added it

Jamie Farrell (jamiefarrell) | 22 comments Thanks, Alisha and Tana! Sorry for the delay - we were out of town and unplugged this weekend. :-) I've sent the file now - let me know if it doesn't come through.

Thanks again! :-)

Andra Weis (andra_weis) | 58 comments If you would still like readers....I would be happy [email protected]


message 27: by Jamie (new) - added it

Jamie Farrell (jamiefarrell) | 22 comments Which format do you need, Andra? :-)

Andra Weis (andra_weis) | 58 comments epub would be best, but I am flexible :)

Jo-Anne (fish44) | 57 comments I would like to read and review your book if you are still lookin for reviewers. I would like a mobi copy please. [email protected]

message 30: by Jamie (new) - added it

Jamie Farrell (jamiefarrell) | 22 comments Thanks, Andra and Jo-Anne! I've sent you both copies. Let me know if they don't come through for some reason.

Thanks again!

Cynthia | 113 comments I would love to reas and review this book if you are still looking for reviewers. Either mobi or epub i am not pick
[email protected]

message 32: by Jamie (new) - added it

Jamie Farrell (jamiefarrell) | 22 comments Just sent it to you, Cyn! Thank you!

Cynthia | 113 comments Thanks so much just got and will read it when I get done with the one I just started.

Cynthia | 113 comments I read, I loved and I reviewed. Thank you so much for letting me read this book. You have become one of my favorite authors and I cannot wait to read more of your books if they are like this. This is a must read you will love it and will not be able to put it down

I tried to do a review for smashwords and kobo but it wouldn't let me.

message 35: by Jamie (new) - added it

Jamie Farrell (jamiefarrell) | 22 comments Thank you so much, Cyn! :-)

message 36: by Andra (last edited Jan 23, 2014 07:21PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Andra Weis (andra_weis) | 58 comments Cyn wrote: "I read, I loved and I reviewed. Thank you so much for letting me read this book. You have become one of my favorite authors and I cannot wait to read more of your books if they are like this. This ..."

My sentiments exactly!!!

My review (I think I am posting it correctly)

message 37: by Jamie (new) - added it

Jamie Farrell (jamiefarrell) | 22 comments Andra, thank you! :-)

Alisha I loved this book! Thank you for letting me review it(:

message 39: by Jamie (new) - added it

Jamie Farrell (jamiefarrell) | 22 comments Thank you so much, Alisha! :-)

message 40: by [deleted user] (new)

I would love to read this book!
My email address is [email protected]
Mobi please
Thank you!


message 41: by Jamie (new) - added it

Jamie Farrell (jamiefarrell) | 22 comments Just sent it to you, Malissa! Thank you!

Jo-Anne (fish44) | 57 comments Here is my review:

I also posted on,, and Barnes and Noble.

message 43: by Jamie (new) - added it

Jamie Farrell (jamiefarrell) | 22 comments Thank you so much, Jo-Anne! :-)

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