The Green Jell-O Book Club: A Goodreads Group about Fiction Written by LDS Authors discussion

Books by Genre > Middle Grade

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message 1: by A.L. (new)

A.L. Sowards | 2481 comments What are your favorite books for middle-grade readers written by LDS authors?

I have young children who are just learning to read, so I'm excited to get recommendations in this thread!

message 2: by Charissa (last edited Apr 02, 2016 09:18AM) (new)

Charissa (charissastastny) | 169 comments My son and I think this might be our favorite series ever.
The False Prince (The Ascendance Trilogy, #1) by Jennifer A. Nielsen
The False Prince
The Runaway King (The Ascendance Trilogy, #2) by Jennifer A. Nielsen
The Runaway King
The Shadow Throne (The Ascendance Trilogy, #3) by Jennifer A. Nielsen
The Shadow Throne

message 3: by A.L. (new)

A.L. Sowards | 2481 comments That series is on my to-read list. One of these days I'll get to it! I'm eager to read this one too, also by Jennifer A. Nielsen

A Night Divided by Jennifer A. Nielsen A Night Divided

message 4: by Charissa (new)

Charissa (charissastastny) | 169 comments I'm excited for A Night Divided too. I read a really good review on it. I'm waiting right now for my son to finish Mark of the Thief so I can read it.

message 5: by Paul (new)

Paul (paul_gephart) | 63 comments I went to high school with Jennifer, and she's an exceptional author. The Ascendance Trilogy ( won a lot of awards, and for good reason.

message 6: by Stephanie (last edited Apr 12, 2016 06:57AM) (new)

Stephanie | 19 comments Marion Jensen's Almost Super is absolutely delightful.

message 7: by A.L. (new)

A.L. Sowards | 2481 comments New release:

The Last Great Adventure of the PB&J Society by Janet Sumner Johnson The Last Great Adventure of the PB&J Society by Janet Sumner Johnson

Some things are better together. Like peanut butter and jelly. Or Annie and Jason. So when her best friend's house is threatened with foreclosure, Annie Jenkins is bursting with ideas to save Jason's home. She could sell her appendix on eBay. (Why not?) Win the lottery. (It's worth a shot!). Face the evil bankers herself. (She's one tough cookie, after all.) Or hunt down an elusive (and questionably real) pirate treasure. Whatever the plan, it has to work, or this is undoubtedly THE LAST GREAT ADVENTURE OF THE PB&J SOCIETY.

message 8: by Braden (last edited May 28, 2016 03:15PM) (new)

Braden Bell (bradenbell) | 13 comments I will shamelessly promote my own books:
The Kindling (Middle School Magic #1) by Braden Bell
The Kindling
All thirteen-year-old Connor Dell wants to do is pass pre-algebra, play lacrosse, and possibly kiss Melanie Stephens, but when a run-in with the school bully ignites strange powers inside him, Connor's normal teenage life goes up in flames. Now he'll need his new powers to defeat the Darkness that's coming for him. Fast-paced and original, this book's guaranteed to keep you guessing!

message 9: by Braden (last edited May 28, 2016 03:16PM) (new)

Braden Bell (bradenbell) | 13 comments Penumbras (Middle School Magic, #2) by Braden Bell

Conner, Lexa, and Melanie are back! Just when they think life is normal again, a dangerous shadow creature begins to hunt them. The trio must develop their powers in order to conquer this new peril and protect their school. Filled with action and even more magic, this book continues the exciting adventure in the Middle School Magic series.

message 10: by Braden (new)

Braden Bell (bradenbell) | 13 comments Luminescence (Middle School Magic #3) by Braden Bell
Determined to rescue their favorite teacher, Conner, Lexa, and Melanie confront their worst fears and use their powers in unexpected ways to defeat Lady Nightwing, the treacherous Darkhand leader. But when the trio makes a terrible choice to save Dr. Timberi, their powers may not be enough to keep everyone alive. A thrilling conclusion to the Middle School Magic series!

message 11: by A.L. (new)

A.L. Sowards | 2481 comments Thanks for posting, Braden! And don't be embarrassed. Posts like yours are welcome. :)

Do we have any other middle-grade authors in the group who would like to share information about their books?

message 12: by Kim (last edited May 29, 2016 04:13AM) (new)

Kim | 47 comments A.L. wrote: "Thanks for posting, Braden! And don't be embarrassed. Posts like yours are welcome. :)

Do we have any other middle-grade authors in the group who would like to share information about their books?"

Yes, please self promote away any middle grade authors in the group or members who know of good middle grade chapter books. I am sure other mothers in the group have my problem. I have an elementary school age advanced level reader who reads at a middle school level. Gah! Some of these middle school books out there I wouldn't let my kid read in middle school none the less elementary school. Potty mouth profanity. Strong sensuality. Casual about drugs. Rated R violence. So yes I have to pre-read usually *sigh*. Suggestions from authors and members with the same standards will be helpful for so many members in the group I think.

message 13: by A.L. (new)

A.L. Sowards | 2481 comments I finished A Night Divided A Night Divided by Jennifer A. Nielsen by Jennifer A. Nielsen and enjoyed it a lot. Here's a link to my review, if anyone is interested.

message 14: by A.L. (new)

A.L. Sowards | 2481 comments New Release:

I've Got This! by Melisa Torres I've Got This! by Melisa Torres

The Perfect Balance Gymnastics Series is a children's chapter book series. Perfect Balance Gymnastics Books teach girls to be kind to each other, flexible in life, courageous, strong, and most of all, confident. The books set the reader in the world of gymnastics. The characters are relatable and have age appropriate challenges. Each book explores a major life lesson that empowers girls to understand their own inner strengths.

message 15: by Charissa (new)

Charissa (charissastastny) | 169 comments A.L. wrote: "I finished A Night Divided A Night Divided by Jennifer A. Nielsen by Jennifer A. Nielsen and enjoyed it a lot. Here's a link to my review, if anyone is interested. ht..."

This looks good. I want to get to it eventually.

message 16: by Braden (new)

Braden Bell (bradenbell) | 13 comments Charissa wrote: "A.L. wrote: "I finished A Night Divided A Night Divided by Jennifer A. Nielsen by Jennifer A. Nielsen and enjoyed it a lot. Here's a link to my review, if anyone is i..."

I absolutely loved this book!

message 17: by A.L. (new)

A.L. Sowards | 2481 comments New Release:

A Doorway Back to Forever Believe Welcome Skyborn warrior. Your Awakening is now. by Nanette O'Neal A Doorway Back to Forever by Nanette O'Neal

Best friends share everything, right? Unless it’s a secret that could cost them their lives. Robyn and Kit are born with forbidden magic-sense, the power to see and hear beyond Earthly sight and sound. It’s a curse that haunts them, but the girls are strangely drawn to it—could there be more to this power than they’ve been told?

When they spill their secret, it opens a doorway back to Forever—a beautiful realm where magic-sense began. They learn the truth: they have been given a noble gift. It connects them to the Skyborn royalty of this new world. They’ve been summoned back by the forces for good to preserve the kingdom and revive the power where it once flourished—on Earth. It can thrive again, if Robyn and Kit are brave enough to follow.
However, the doorway awakens more than magical fairy-tales. A dark force is unleashed—one that has battled the Skyborn since time began, and it wants the girls dead, the Earth destroyed.

Beyond the doorway is where the adventure begins—trickery, kidnapping, a prison break, rescue teams, sword fights, magical gold-dust, holographic medallions, and singing orbs—but only for those who have the courage to believe.

message 18: by A.L. (new)

A.L. Sowards | 2481 comments My kids have been reading the Princess in Black books, so I read them too. I thought they were great for emergent readers. Not sure where the line is between emergent and middle-grade . . . anyway, these were cute and took me about 10-15 minutes each to read.

The Princess in Black (The Princess in Black, #1) by Shannon Hale The Princess in Black and the Perfect Princess Party (The Princess in Black, #2) by Shannon Hale The Princess in Black and the Hungry Bunny Horde (The Princess in Black, #3) by Shannon Hale by Shannon Hale

message 19: by Paul (new)

Paul (paul_gephart) | 63 comments A.L. wrote: "My kids have been reading the Princess in Black books, so I read them too. I thought they were great for emergent readers. Not sure where the line is between emergent and middle-grade . . . anyway,..."

A.L., did you know there is a 4th book in that series?

The Princess In Black Takes A Vacation (The Princess in Black #4) by Shannon Hale

message 20: by A.L. (new)

A.L. Sowards | 2481 comments Paul wrote: "A.L. wrote: "My kids have been reading the Princess in Black books, so I read them too. I thought they were great for emergent readers. Not sure where the line is between emergent and middle-grade ..."

Yep. It comes out this fall. A copy might make its way into one of my kids' stockings. :-)

message 21: by A.L. (new)

A.L. Sowards | 2481 comments New Release:

The Kidnap Plot (The Extraordinary Journeys of Clockwork Charlie) by Dave Butler The Kidnap Plot by Dave Butler

Meet Charlie. He lives a quiet life with his protective father, an inventor and clockmaker.

When Charlie’s father is suddenly and mysteriously kidnapped by a shadowy group called the Anti-Human League, it’s up to Charlie to save him. Before long, he has assembled a motley crew to help. From the terrifying but well-meaning troll Grim Grumblesson to the high-flying young aeronauts Bob and Sir Oliver, this team will follow the trail anywhere.

But the league’s plan is much more sinister than Charlie could have imagined. And as he unravels the secrets of the league, he also uncovers his father’s own secrets—about his family, the league, and even himself…

Can Charlie and his gang rescue his father from the dastardly villains who have kidnapped him? And will Charlie be able to come to terms with who he really is? The journey begins here!

message 22: by A.L. (new)

A.L. Sowards | 2481 comments New Release:

The Scourge by Jennifer A. Nielsen The Scourge by Jennifer A. Nielsen

As a lethal plague sweeps through the land, Ani Mells is shocked when she is unexpectedly captured by the governor's wardens and forced to submit to a test for the deadly Scourge. She is even more surprised when the test results come back positive, and she is sent to Attic Island, a former prison turned refuge -- and quarantine colony -- for the ill. The Scourge's victims, Ani now among them, can only expect to live out short, painful lives there. However, Ani quickly discovers that she doesn't know the whole truth about the Scourge or the Colony. She's been caught in a devious plot, and, with the help of her best friend, Weevil, Ani means to uncover just what is actually going on.

But will she and Weevil survive long enough to do so?

message 23: by A.L. (new)

A.L. Sowards | 2481 comments New Release:

Captain Schnozzlebeard and the Curse of the Werechickens by Rebecca Blevins Captain Schnozzlebeard and the Curse of the Werechickens by Rebecca Blevins

Pirate Captain Gus Schnozzlebeard and the crew of the Scallywag III stumble across an abandoned ship at sea. The only living things on deck? A flock of strange purple chickens.

No pirate turns down free loot, so they wrangle the birds aboard. Soon, the pirates discover that moonlight transforms the chickens into werechickens! One chomp from a sharp-toothed beak will turn a person into a human-sized chicken, and when a crew member sprouts feathers, the desperate pirates set sail hunting for a cure.

Fourteen-year-old Malodora Dimwiddle, a librarian with dreams of her own, has the recipe for an antidote. But she’ll only trade it for a high-seas adventure to the beautiful—and slightly dangerous—Isles of Periphery, where the cure’s ingredients can be found.

Can Captain Schnozzlebeard and his twelve-year-old cabin boy, Lint, trust the scheming young librarian? They just may have to, or else risk being turned into giant chickens—and eat cracked corn and bugs forever.

part of a series: Captain Schnozzlebeard and the Singing Clam of Minnie Skewel Island by Rebecca Blevins Captain Schnozzlebeard and the Curse of the Werechickens by Rebecca Blevins

message 24: by A.L. (new)

A.L. Sowards | 2481 comments New Release:

The Wrong Side of Magic by Janette Rallison The Wrong Side of Magic by Janette Rallison

Hudson Brown stopped believing in magic long ago. That is, until the day he is whisked away to the magical land of Logos by a curious compass given to him by his off-beat neighbor, Charlotte.

Hudson discovers that Logos is a land ruled by words, thoughts, and memories. A fairy might ferry you across the river for the price of one memory. But be sure to look out for snarky unicorns, as they will see through those who are not pure of heart.

Not understanding the many rules of Logos, Hudson is quickly saddled with a troll curse. Charlotte, who, along with her father, was banished from Logos, can help get rid of the curse—but only if he agrees to find the lost Princess of Logos in return.

message 25: by A.L. (new)

A.L. Sowards | 2481 comments New release:

The Dark Talent (Alcatraz, #5) by Brandon Sanderson The Dark Talent for Brandon Sanderson

Alcatraz Smedry has successfully defeated the army of Evil Librarians and saved the kingdom of Mokia.

Too bad he managed to break the Smedry Talents in the process.

Even worse, his father is trying to enact a scheme that could ruin the world, and his friend, Bastille, is in a coma. To revive her, Alcatraz must infiltrate the Highbrary—known as The Library of Congress to Hushlanders—the seat of Evil Librarian power.

Without his Talent to draw upon, can Alcatraz figure out a way to save Bastille and defeat the Evil Librarians once and for all?

Part of a series:
Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians (Alcatraz, #1) by Brandon Sanderson Alcatraz Versus the Scrivener's Bones (Alcatraz, #2) by Brandon Sanderson Alcatraz Versus the Knights of Crystallia (Alcatraz, #3) by Brandon Sanderson Alcatraz Versus the Shattered Lens (Alcatraz, #4) by Brandon Sanderson The Dark Talent (Alcatraz, #5) by Brandon Sanderson

message 26: by A.L. (new)

A.L. Sowards | 2481 comments New Release:

Dipped in Dark by Laura Bingham Dipped in Dark by Laura Bingham

Erin leaned her head on Joel’s shoulder as the pegasi pulled their carriage into the sky. His fingers laced around hers and rested on the skirt of her billowing dress. The gold crown sat on her head as a reminder of her new reality.

On the brink of eighteen years old, life should have been easy for Erin and her twin brother, Bain. But just as they are about to embark on life after school, everything shifts. With the death of the queen, royal upheaval has taken over the whole country, and the crown is at stake. To make matters worse, their mother is dating the enemy, and the whole kingdom is ready to fall into the hands of an evil imp.

As impossible as it seems, Erin and Bain are left to figure out how to rescue the kingdom and save their own futures.

Magic can turn into a curse, and love is the cure. Sometimes trusting your heart is the hardest journey of all.

Part of a trilogy: Alvor by Laura Bingham Wings of Light by Laura Bingham Dipped in Dark by Laura Bingham

message 27: by A.L. (new)

A.L. Sowards | 2481 comments New Release:

Batneezer The Creature From My Closet by Obert Skye Batneezer: The Creature From My Closet by Obert Skye

For the first time, Rob Burnside knows when his closet is about to open—but he’s not prepared for what emerges.

A mash-up of Ebenezer Scrooge and Lego Batman, this new visitor’s unusual antics are only one of Rob’s problems.

While enduring visits by the ghosts of books past, present, and future, Rob learns some shocking news: A battle is brewing, and his school needs a hero.

(Spoiler alert: All the creatures from past books come visit!)

Part of the Creatures from My Closet series:
Wonkenstein (The Creature from My Closet, #1) by Obert Skye Potterwookiee (The Creature from My Closet, #2) by Obert Skye Pinocula (The Creature from My Closet, #3) by Obert Skye Katfish (The Creature from My Closet, #4) by Obert Skye The Lord of the Hat (The Creature from My Closet, #5) by Obert Skye Batneezer The Creature From My Closet by Obert Skye

message 28: by A.L. (new)

A.L. Sowards | 2481 comments New Release:

Gears of Revolution (Mysteries of Cove, #2) by J. Scott Savage Gears of Revolution by J. Scott Savage

After finding a compass and clues left by Kallista’s father, Leo Babbage, Trenton and Kallista head west aboard their homemade mechanical dragon to search for the missing inventor. The teenagers hope to find answers about their mountain city of Cove, but instead, they find only a blackened forest, ruined buildings, and a small underground city.

Almost immediately, Trenton and Kallista are caught up in a civil war between a clan of scavengers called Whipjacks and the Order of the Beast, people who believe that dragons are immortal and divine.

Stranded in a new city, the two friends meet Plucky, a Whipjack girl with mechanical legs, and Ander, a young member of the Order who claims humans are able to communicate with dragons. Can they trust anyone, or have they unknowingly stepped into a trap?

And high above in the sky, the dragons are gathering…

Part of a series: Fires of Invention (Mysteries of Cove, #1) by J. Scott Savage Gears of Revolution (Mysteries of Cove, #2) by J. Scott Savage

message 29: by A.L. (new)

A.L. Sowards | 2481 comments New Release:

The Sapphire Blade (Cleopatra's Legacy 4) by Dorine White The Sapphire Blade by Dorine White

The final journey begins!

Travel with past heroes and a new adventurer to the historical romps of London and the scorching sands of Alexandria. Fourteen-year-old Akmir, raised from birth to sacrifice everything in the pursuit of Cleopatra’s magic gemstones, holds within his hands the secret location of the fifth and final mystic gem: the blue sapphire.

His quest leads him to England, where four other gemstone searchers: Sara, Melanie, Kainu and Claire, are on the hunt. A pawn of the Roman Brotherhood, Akmir must choose his own path, whether to follow in his father’s brutal footsteps or stay true to his mother’s Egyptian heritage. Clues, puzzles, and danger rule the day.

What will happen when the power of all five gemstones are brought together? This is a battle for life and death, and only one side can win.

Part of a series: The Emerald Ring (Cleopatra's Legacy, #1) by Dorine White The Ruby Pendant (Cleopatra's Legacy, #2) by Dorine White The Diamond Looking Glass (Cleopatra's Legacy, #3) by Dorine White The Sapphire Blade (Cleopatra's Legacy 4) by Dorine White

message 30: by A.L. (new)

A.L. Sowards | 2481 comments New release:

To Bottle Lightning (North Oak Book 4) by Ann Hunter To Bottle Lightning by Ann Hunter

Alex is almost fifteen, and convinced she’s ready to train for jockeyhood. Only one man stands in her way: North Oak’s gruff old trainer, Joe Hendricks.

Joe doesn’t think Alex can handle the demands of being a real rider—she’s reckless, doesn’t follow instructions, and not exactly humble.

Dejado Augustun, on the other hand, is already licensed to ride, does as he’s asked, and does it well.

He drives Alex nuts.

No way can this Dejado guy be a match for Promenade in the upcoming Breeders Cup Juvenile. It would be easier to hate him if he weren’t so darn nice. Worst of all for Alex, he likes her, and Promenade likes him.

Can Alex overcome her pride and realize she may not be the rider Promenade needs?

Born to Run (North Oak, #1) by Ann Hunter Yearling (North Oak Book 2) by Ann Hunter Morning Glory (North Oak, #3) by Ann Hunter To Bottle Lightning (North Oak Book 4) by Ann Hunter

message 31: by Lanette (new)

Lanette (locallan) | 19 comments I liked Peggy Eddleman's series:

Sky Jumpers Book 1 by Peggy Eddleman Sky Jumpers Book 2 The Forbidden Flats by Peggy Eddleman

message 32: by Lanette (new)

Lanette (locallan) | 19 comments I need to reread this, but will probably await the sequel -- really enjoyed Brandon Sanderson's Rithmatist. Second book is currently scheduled to come out in 2017. This could fall under Dystopian as well, with much of America under water -- oh no, chalk figures are going to eat us all!!!

The Rithmatist, Brandon Sanderson's New York Times bestselling epic teen adventure is now available in paperback.

More than anything, Joel wants to be a Rithmatist. Rithmatists have the power to infuse life into two-dimensional figures known as Chalklings. Rithmatists are humanity’s only defense against the Wild Chalklings. Having nearly overrun the territory of Nebrask, the Wild Chalklings now threaten all of the American Isles.

As the son of a lowly chalkmaker at Armedius Academy, Joel can only watch as Rithmatist students learn the magical art that he would do anything to practice. Then students start disappearing—kidnapped from their rooms at night, leaving trails of blood. Assigned to help the professor who is investigating the crimes, Joel and his friend Melody find themselves on the trail of an unexpected discovery—one that will change Rithmatics—and their world—forever.

A New York Times Book Review Notable Children's Book of 2013

The Rithmatist (The Rithmatist, #1) by Brandon Sanderson

message 33: by Lanette (new)

Lanette (locallan) | 19 comments I totally enjoyed Brandon Mull's Fablehaven series:

For centuries mystical creatures of all description were gathered into a hidden refuge called Fablehaven to prevent their extinction. The sanctuary survives today as one of the last strongholds of true magic. Enchanting? Absolutely. Exciting? You bet. Safe? Well, actually, quite the opposite.

Kendra and her brother, Seth, have no idea that their grandfather is the current caretaker of Fablehaven. Inside the gated woods, ancient laws keep relative order among greedy trolls, mischievous satyrs, plotting witches, spiteful imps, and jealous fairies. However, when the rules get broken -- Seth is a bit too curious and reckless for his own good -- powerful forces of evil are unleashed, and Kendra and her brother face the greatest challenge of their lives. To save their family, Fablehaven, and perhaps even the world, Kendra and Seth must find the courage to do what they fear most.

Fablehaven (Fablehaven, #1) by Brandon Mull Rise of the Evening Star (Fablehaven, #2) by Brandon Mull Grip of the Shadow Plague (Fablehaven, #3) by Brandon Mull Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary (Fablehaven, #4) by Brandon Mull Keys to the Demon Prison (Fablehaven, #5) by Brandon Mull

message 34: by Lanette (last edited Oct 04, 2016 02:40PM) (new)

Lanette (locallan) | 19 comments Also by Brandon Mull, there's the Beyonder's Trilogy:

Jason Walker has often wished his life could be a bit less predictable--until a routine day at the zoo ends with Jason suddenly transporting from the hippo tank to a place unlike anything he's ever seen. In the past, the people of Lyrian welcomed visitors from the Beyond, but attitudes have changed since the wizard emperor Maldor rose to power. The brave resistors who opposed the emperor have been bought off or broken, leaving a realm where fear and suspicion prevail.

In his search for a way home, Jason meets Rachel, who was also mysteriously drawn to Lyrian from our world. With the help of a few scattered rebels, Jason and Rachel become entangled in a quest to piece together the word of power that can destroy the emperor, and learn that their best hope to find a way home will be to save this world without heroes.

A World Without Heroes (Beyonders, #1) by Brandon Mull Seeds of Rebellion (Beyonders, #2) by Brandon Mull Chasing the Prophecy (Beyonders, #3) by Brandon Mull

message 35: by Lanette (new)

Lanette (locallan) | 19 comments The Candy Shop War duo was pretty good too -- also by Brandon Mull:

What if there were a place where you could get magical candy? Moon rocks that made you feel weightless. Jawbreakers that made you unbreakable. Or candy that gave animals temporary human intelligence and communication skills. (Imagine what your pet would say!) Four young friends, Nate, Summer, Trevor, and Pigeon, are befriended by Belinda White, the owner of a new candy shop on Main Street. However, the gray- haired, grandmotherly Mrs. White is not an ordinary candy maker. Her confections have magical side effects. Purposefully, she invites the kids on a special mission to retrieve a hidden talisman under Mt. Diablo Elementary School. However, Mrs. White is not the only magician in town in search of the ancient artifact rumored to be a fountain of youth. She is aware that Mr. Stott, the not- so- ordinary ice cream truck driver, has a few tricks of his own.

The Candy Shop War (The Candy Shop War, #1) by Brandon Mull Arcade Catastrophe (The Candy Shop War #2) by Brandon Mull

message 36: by Lanette (new)

Lanette (locallan) | 19 comments Then he, Brandon Mull, is finishing up his five-book series, the Five Kingdoms:

On Halloween below a haunted house, Cole Randolph wanted to have fun (and maybe get to know Jenna Hunt a little better). But he dives after friends whisked away to The Outskirts.

The five kingdoms lie in between - wakefulness and dreaming, reality and imagination, life and death. Some people are born there. Some find their way there from other worlds.

And once people are in the Outskirts, they find it very hard to leave.

With the magic of the Outskirts starting to unravel, Cole and an unusual girl named Mira must rescue his friends, set things right in the Outskirts, and hopefully find his way back home…before his existence is forgotten.

Sky Raiders (Five Kingdoms, #1) by Brandon Mull The Rogue Knight (Five Kingdoms, #2) by Brandon Mull Crystal Keepers (Five Kingdoms, #3) by Brandon Mull Death Weavers (Five Kingdoms, #4) by Brandon Mull

message 37: by Paul (new)

Paul (paul_gephart) | 63 comments Thanks, Lanette! Those are some pretty good series, and you've given us plenty to "Mull" over. :-)

message 38: by A.L. (new)

A.L. Sowards | 2481 comments New Release:

Snow Fright by Amie Borst Snow Fright by Amie Borst

Sarah White is gorgeous even if she is a little bit rotten.

A mirror arrives on her twelfth birthday and she thinks it’s the perfect gift, but when the mirror swallows her whole Sarah finds herself in the dead center of the Underworld. Sarah now has to deal with her decaying flesh and sudden craving for brains.

By the time Sarah escapes the Underworld, she finds her new zombie life less than appetizing. Even worse, she needs to return to the Underworld to save her friends, Cindy and Scarlet.

With a poisoned apple, a crow named Raven, and a glowing necklace, Sarah sets off to rescue her friends. She must succeed, or she’ll be a brain-craving zombie forever.

Part of a series: Cinderskella (Scarily Ever Laughter, #1) by Amie Borst Little Dead Riding Hood by Amie Borst Snow Fright by Amie Borst

message 39: by Lanette (new)

Lanette (locallan) | 19 comments I read J. Scott Savage's Farworld series -- quite good:

Other people may see thirteen-year-old Marcus Kanenas as an outcast and a nobody, but he sees himself as a survivor and a dreamer. In fact, his favorite dream is of a world far away, a world where magic is as common as air, where animals tell jokes, and where trees beg people to pick their fruit. He even has a name for this place-Farworld.

When Marcus magically travels to Farworld, he meets Kyja, a girl without magic in a world where spells, charms, and potions are everywhere, and Master Therapass, a master wizard who has kept a secret hidden for thirteen years, a secret that could change the fate of two worlds.

But the Dark Circle has learned of Master Therapass's secret and their evil influence and power are growing. Farworld's only hope is for Marcus and Kyja to find the mythical Elements-water, land, air, and fire-and convince them to open a drift between the worlds.

As Kyja and Marcus travel to Water Keep, they must face the worst the evil Dark Circle can throw at them-Summoners, who can command the living and the dead; Unmakers, invisible creatures that can destroy both body and soul; and dark mages known as Thrathkin S'Bae.

Along the way, Marcus and Kyja will discover the truth about their own heritage, strength of their friendship, and the depths of their unique powers.

Water Keep (Farworld, #1) by J. Scott Savage Land Keep (Farworld, #2) by J. Scott Savage Air Keep (Farworld, #3) by J. Scott Savage Fire Keep (Farworld, # 4) by J. Scott Savage

message 40: by A.L. (new)

A.L. Sowards | 2481 comments New Release:

Ghostsitter by Shelly Brown Ghostsitter by Shelly Brown

Tiffany Hart dreams of one thing, to be class president. But dreams turn to nightmares when she ends up almost dead in an abandoned slaughterhouse and develops the gift of ghost-seeing. Unfortunately she only knows one person who can help her shake her ghoulish problem, her neighbor and the weirdest boy at school, Justin Henderson.

Justin has been seeing spirits since he was nine, a creepy claim that has earned him the privilege of eating lunch by himself for years. Together they start to unravel a mystery with dead orphans, a white witch, and phantom spiders.

To save their lives (and afterlives of innocent children) they must face a terrifying specter and a ghastly woman who isn’t afraid of hurting kids, dead or alive.

message 41: by A.L. (new)

A.L. Sowards | 2481 comments New Release:

Once Upon a Time, a Bit Earlier by Erik Peterson Once Upon a Time, a Bit Earlier by Erik Peterson

While all Fairy Tale stories begin long, long ago, this one begins just a bit further back still.

Thanks to a spell cast by the Dark Queen’s evil mirror, all the fairy tale stories have been set in motion before they were ever meant to start! Snow White’s still just a little girl. Rapunzel’s hair has only grown down to the middle of her back.

As the characters begin to stumble into each other, the stories veer dramatically from the versions we know.

As the heroes and heroines try to figure out what’s really going on and overcome the plot, find answers to the greatest mysteries in all of fairy tales:

Why do these sorceresses so desperately want these little girls dead?

What is the ultimate destiny of these princesses?

Can evil truly be overcome once and for all?

Maybe there has been more to these stories than we ever suspected…

message 42: by Paul (new)

Paul (paul_gephart) | 63 comments I'm intrigued by the blurb on that one - I'll have to watch for it.

message 43: by A.L. (new)

A.L. Sowards | 2481 comments New Release:

Felicity and the Fire Stoppers by Loralee Evans Felicity and the Fire Stoppers by Loralee Evans

Felicity is no stranger to adventure and peril, in her books or real life, so not much surprises her any more.

Even if it’s a visit from an old enemy!

But when she sees something that looks suspiciously like smoke in the mountains near her home, Felicity realizes that she’ll need to use all her smarts and courage to help her friends.

Especially when a group of fire fighters, or as the animals in the Wildwood say, fire stoppers, needs her help!

Part of a series: Felicity ~ A Sparrow's Tale (Felicity, #1) by Loralee Evans Felicity and the Featherless Two-Foot (Felicity, #2) by Loralee Evans Felicity and the Fire Stoppers by Loralee Evans

message 44: by A.L. (new)

A.L. Sowards | 2481 comments New Release:

One Truth, No Lie (The Niuhi Shark Saga Book 3) by Lehua Parker One Truth, No Lie by Lehua Parker

After jumping into the ocean at Piko Point, life will never be the same for fourteen-year-old Zader Kaonakai Westin, the adopted boy allergic to water.

Zader’s answers to who his birth parents are only leave him with more questions. When confronted by The Man With Too Many Teeth, he’s given an ultimatum: take away what’s most important to his brother Jay and live in exile from his Hawaiian family or watch as The Man with Too Many Teeth murders Jay.

Zader’s decision leads him on an adventure to discover his Niuhi family, how his art can change the world, and how family is defined by more than blood.

Devastated by his loss, Jay’s anger burns white-hot. This time it’s going to take Uncle Kahana, Nili-boy, and the Na Koa Wounded Warriors to get Jay back into the water.

Their alliance fractured, Jay, Zader, and Char Siu must work to reunite their family. After all, when Hawaiian gods are involved, destiny is not always what it appears.

message 45: by A.L. (new)

A.L. Sowards | 2481 comments New Release:

The Alien That Ate My Socks (Hoolie and the Hooligans, #1) by Brandon Dorman The Alien That Ate My Socks by Brandon Dorman

Hank, Hector, and Henry Hooligan are fun-loving, go-cart racing, up-for-anything boys. When the school bully, Rock, challenges the Hooligans to a go-cart race down Deadman’s Hill, the last thing anyone expects to see is a huge, blobby, purple alien in the middle of the road.

Luckily Hoolie isn’t a dangerous alien. He’s friendly (if a bit smelly), and he eats clothes (particularly socks). He even has a cool compartment in his belly that can somehow hold all kinds of neat gizmos and gadgets.

But when a team of mysterious strangers dressed in black and who call themselves “Animal Control” arrive, the Hooligan boys know their new friend is in danger.

Can the Hooligan boys stand up to Rock, help Hoolie earn his extraterrestrial space scout merit badges, and protect him until he find his way home? Or will “Animal Control” capture him first?

message 46: by A.L. (new)

A.L. Sowards | 2481 comments New Release:

Evertaster The Delicious City by Adam Glendon Sidwell Evertaster: The Delicious City by Adam Glendon Sidwell

Ever since he took a bite of a legendary dessert last summer, twelve-year-old Guster Johnsonville has never been the same. In fact, when a strange little man dressed as a conquistador comes clattering into the barn at the back of the Johnsonville farmhouse one afternoon, he forces Guster to face the truth: Guster is now the most delicious thing in the whole world, and a terrible monster is coming to eat him.

The monster is one of the Yummies—a pack of horrible, ferocious creatures with an appetite for sweets. What other choice do Guster, Zeke, and Mariah have than to run away from home to escape the mysterious beast?

On the run in a far corner of the world, Guster and his siblings discover a secret settlement known as the Delicious City. Now, with the Yummies hot on their trail and the Delicious City’s Mayor determined to feed Guster to the beasts, Guster must embrace his talents as an Evertaster if he’s going to save the city from collapsing and get his family out alive.

message 47: by A.L. (new)

A.L. Sowards | 2481 comments New Release:

Cinnamon Moon by Tess Hilmo Cinnamon Moon by Tess Hilmo

On the same day as the Great Chicago Fire of 1871, 250 miles away in Peshtigo, Wisconsin, there was an even more devastating fire.

Twelve-year-old Ailis and her younger brother, Quinn, survive, but their family does not. Ailis and Quinn are taken by a family acquaintance to live in a boarding house in Chicago, where they meet six-year-old Nettie, an orphan displaced by Chicago’s fire. But the woman who runs the boarding house makes their lives miserable, and Ailis vows to find a way for the three of them to leave.

Ailis finds a job at a millinery shop and Quinn plays his fiddle on the streets so they can save money. Then Nettie disappears, and Ailis and Quinn discover she’s been kidnapped by a group that forces children to work in the sewers killing rats.

Can they find a way to rescue her?

message 48: by A.L. (new)

A.L. Sowards | 2481 comments New Release:

Jed and the Junkyard War by Steven Bohls Jed and the Junkyard War by Steven Bohls

Jed is a regular kid with a normal, loving family… that is, if it’s normal for a loving family to drop their child off in the middle of nowhere and expect him home in time for Sunday dinner. Luckily, Jed excels at being a regular kid who-armed with wit and determination-can make his way out of any situation.

At least until the morning of his twelfth birthday, when Jed wakes to discover his parents missing. Something is wrong. Really wrong. Jed just doesn’t realize it’s floating-city, violent-junk-storm, battling-metals, Frankensteined-scavengers kind of wrong. Yet.

A cryptic list of instructions leads Jed into a mysterious world at war over… junk. Here, batteries and bottled water are currency, tremendously large things fall from the sky, and nothing is exactly what it seems.

Resilient Jed, ready to escape this upside-down place, bargains his way onto a flying tugboat with a crew of misfit junkers. They set course to find Jed’s family, but a soul-crushing revelation sends Jed spiraling out of control… perhaps for good.

message 49: by A.L. (new)

A.L. Sowards | 2481 comments New Release:

The Princess in Black Takes a Vacation by Shannon Hale The Princess in Black Takes a Vacation by Shannon Hale

Even monster-battling princesses get tired sometimes! But a peaceful time away is hard to find.

After battling monsters all night, a sleepy Princess in Black decides that she needs a vacation. After all, the Goat Avenger, a new hero who looks oddly familiar, has offered to protect the goats while she takes a much needed break.

The very next day Princess Magnolia rides her bicycle to the seaside, where the air is salty, the sun is shiny, and the sea is as blue as monster fur.

But just as Princess Magnolia is about to take a nap on her hammock, she hears a “ROAR!” Seriously? A monster? On the perfect beach? Impossible! Could a sea monster really ruin this vacation for the Princess in Black?

Part of a series: The Princess in Black (The Princess in Black, #1) by Shannon Hale The Princess in Black and the Perfect Princess Party (The Princess in Black, #2) by Shannon Hale The Princess in Black and the Hungry Bunny Horde (The Princess in Black, #3) by Shannon Hale The Princess in Black Takes a Vacation by Shannon Hale

message 50: by A.L. (new)

A.L. Sowards | 2481 comments New Release:

Cinephiles and Hamster Hunters (6th Grade Revengers Book 4) by Steven Whibley Cinephiles and Hamster Hunters by Steven Whibley

The REVENGERS are back in an all-new adventure! What are Jared and Markus to do when tasked with taking out the world’s meanest boss? It’s time to get creative!

Mr. Walker could be the World’s Grumpiest Boss. So it’s no surprise when a group of Walker’s theater employees make a request on the Revenger’s website for help. The boys see it as their chance to spy on a well deserving target, and pull out all the stops to take Walker down. But when employees are fired after the REVENGERS take action, the boys are left with no choice but to use desperate measures on Mr. Walker, avoiding tattling sisters and hunting-obsessed uncles in their quest to turn the turn the worst-boss into the best.

Meanwhile, classmate Janet Everton is onto the boys. She’s sure that they’re the REVENGERS, but doesn’t have enough evidence to prove it… yet. Will Jared and Markus remain undercover? Or will their secret identities as the REVENGERS be exposed?

Part of a series: 6th Grade Revengers Cat Crimes and Wannabes by Steven Whibley The Substitute Criminal (6th Grade Revengers Book 2) by Steven Whibley A Game of Thorns (6th Grade Revengers, #3) by Steven Whibley Cinephiles and Hamster Hunters 6th Grade Revengers Book #4 by Whibley Steven

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