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Archive (Team challenges) > PtP - The Eight Wonders

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message 1: by Modbot (last edited May 23, 2014 03:26PM) (new)

Modbot | 94 comments Team members

Susan A
* Tabs

* Team Captain

message 2: by Modbot (new)

Modbot | 94 comments 1. Introduce yourself to your team. Definitely let your team members know where you are from. This is a 'nice to know' when categories are announced and when team-mates can expect other members to post their book choices.

2. Pick a Team Captain. The team captain will track the books read by the team and double-check that your book selection complies with the rules - eg make sure that the selection and completion posts are as per the formatting and information requested below (msg 3).

Anyone is free to ask questions in the Q&A/Announcement thread - here. If you are unsure, please ask.

Once a Captain has been decided, the Team Captain should reserve a couple of posts in this thread to track their team's book selection and completion.

3. Name your team. This is not mandatory, but it is fun. Given we are an open/public group with no age limit, so please make sure any chosen name is smart, not smutty ;)

Please PM your name to me by 28 May.

4. If you have a private profile, please 'friend' your team-mates. This is really important, because without this, your team-mates can't see your shelves to select a books under option 2.

5. Please post your book selections/completions in the format provided below. (This format is also posted in both the Q&A and Sign-Up threads.) We need to know the week that each book corresponds to, the page numbers, and how the book qualifies (where applicable), etc. I can't stress this enough.

You don't want to start reading a book and then find it doesn't meet the requirements because some information (eg page count or theme link) was missing from your original post.

I will be monitoring this and your book will not be considered complete until I am satisfied that your selection and completion posts comply.

Remember - you can ONLY change your book selection in the week that the theme is called. This is different from Round 1.

6. You MUST check in with your team each week, ideally once the theme is announced. Please let your team know if you except to have spotty communication or are on holidays or having an operation.

7. When you post the completion of your book, you must post a review; enough for us to know you have actually read the book. Please don't link to a review. You must post the review in this thread.

8. Re-reads are allowed but you can't read the same book twice within this challenge.

9. There is no prize for the winning team - bragging rights only :)

10. Each week, the theme will be announced in the Q&A/Announcement thread. The full list of past themes will be maintained in msg 1.

The Rule on the Pass Option
* Each team can only have ONE member using their pass each week.
* Each member can only use that pass once each 4 weeks.
* This means that two team members will miss using a pass in each 4 week block.
* No-one can use the pass option in the last week of the challenge.

message 3: by Modbot (new)

Modbot | 94 comments Posting format

For the initial selection post I need:

Week #
Page numbers
How the book qualifies

For the completion post I need:
Week #
Rating (1-5)

Please DO NOT CHAT in the post. It needs to be super clear.

message 4: by Modbot (new)

Modbot | 94 comments As a change from the last round, I will maintain the final tracking of each team's completed books in a separate thread.

I still need the Team Captain to track for their team as I will be using this list to check with my list :)

Please be patient while you wait for me to update each team and their books. I am sometimes out of internet range, so it can take time to manage this process. As the modbot though, I'm hoping to rope in some of the other moderators sometimes ;)

message 5: by Modbot (new)

Modbot | 94 comments *reserved*

message 6: by Lisa (last edited May 20, 2014 09:27PM) (new)

Lisa (mooselover) | 2650 comments Hey Susan,
I see you have Runnell on your team so you should be ok with another MM reader.
I have Breann on mine, so I'm ok too. Just waiting to see if Shannon has one.

// edited.
I just saw that Shannon has Katie in her team, so she is good to go as well.

message 7: by Penney (new)

Penney (pschoener) | 3553 comments I have no idea where everyone lives but I'll say good morning anyway...Morning Team!! I pretty much suck in the am, my brain is still shut down so I'll check back a little later ;-)

message 8: by Susan A (new)

Susan A | 2022 comments Hi Team!

I live in EST. I participated in this challenge the last round; it was lots of fun.

I am currently on an m/m romance kick, so my shelves are mostly filled with those books. I have read lots of m/f in the past, mostly historicals and thriller/serial killer type of books.

Names...I am not very good with, but I will try.

message 9: by Runell (new)

Runell *Waves* Hi guys, I'm Runell (it's pronounced Rue-nell).

I live in Georgia, so I'm of the EST variety as well.

I've been in a book slump lately, but I'm pretty sure that I've clawed my way out of it.

I love M/M and that's my preferred genre, but that doesn't mean I won't read any M/F. I'll read almost anything as long as romance is involved in one way or another.

message 10: by Tabs (new)

Tabs Hi, I'm Tabs and I live in Pennsylvania so am another EST person.

Contemporary is my sub-genre of choice but I also read heavily in erotic, paranormal and historical. I pretty much read a little bit of everything, though.

message 11: by Jane (PS), Moderator (new)

Jane (PS) | 23247 comments Just Jasmin now to check in. She was in the last round, so I'm sure she will be here soon...

message 12: by Penney (new)

Penney (pschoener) | 3553 comments I'm also on the east coast, NJ to be exact. I read everything and anything depending on my mood. Although if you're really into m/m, chances are you won't find anything new to you on my shelves. I'm still pretty new to the genre, but enjoying it :-)
I'm not very good at the naming thing either but I came up with a few options based on team #8...
The Eighth Wonders
Team Eight Ball
The Eighth Circle (...of pleasure?)
Eight Ways to Heaven

I know I can up with more, but I forgot to write them down. Never a good thing.

message 13: by Susan A (new)

Susan A | 2022 comments I like keeping 8 in the name. I like Eighth Wonders.

Who wants to be captain?

message 14: by Tabs (new)

Tabs Eight Wonders sounds good to me. I can volunteer to captain unless someone else really wants to. This is my first round playing but the rules are laid out pretty explicitly so I don't think it'll be a problem.

message 15: by Runell (new)

Runell I'm cool with The Eighth Wonders.

And I'm down with anyone being captain. :)

message 16: by Susan A (new)

Susan A | 2022 comments I can't commit to the captain job; I'd be very grateful to whomever takes on the job.

message 17: by Penney (new)

Penney (pschoener) | 3553 comments You've got my vote Tabs! Jane is awesome when it comes to spelling out the rules, but we're here too should you need us :-)

message 18: by Jane (PS), Moderator (new)

Jane (PS) | 23247 comments There have been a couple of comments in other team threads about not chatting in the thread too much.

Please please please chat - the only time I don't want extraneous chat is IN the actual posts when you select or finish a book. When you post your selected or completed book, please just follow the format in msg 3 at the front of your team thread and click post. You can then start a lengthy conversation, no prob. I just need the actual FINAL book seletion and completion posts to be 'clean' so that I can see them easily.

message 19: by Jasmin (last edited May 24, 2014 05:45AM) (new)

Jasmin (sakuchu) | 137 comments Hi, I'm sorry I'm posting sooo late! i didn't realise Teams were already up! >.<

I'm Jasmin, I'm 21 and I'm on CET :)
I actually don't read m/m (I just watched like 2-3 m/m animes, but I#m not a big fan of that either lol), so don't try looking for m/m on my shelf.
Currently I'm mostly reading YA, but I also enjoy other genres mostly Paranormal Romance, lately I'm starting to be a fan of Chick Lit though :)

Eight Wonders sounds like a great Team Name :) (and I'm making way too many :) here lol)

message 20: by Penney (new)

Penney (pschoener) | 3553 comments Tabs is our Captain, congrats Tabs! As for the name, is it..
The Eight Wonders or The Eighth Wonders?
I meant it as a play off of The 7 Wonders of the World, with us of course, being the eighth. But either one works :)

message 21: by Jasmin (last edited May 24, 2014 12:26PM) (new)

Jasmin (sakuchu) | 137 comments How about the 8th Wonder(s?) of the World then? :)

message 22: by Lisa (new)

Lisa (mooselover) | 2650 comments Hi, just crashing your thread.
Any MM readers, please do not forget to update the May, what are you reading thread, just in case we need the books for a challenge.

message 23: by Tabs (last edited Jul 26, 2014 03:55AM) (new)

Tabs Week #9 Theme: MC is Mega-Wealthy
Option 2 Cut-Off Date: January 22nd, 2014

Consequences (Consequences, #1) by Aleatha Romig The Ivy League Rake (Bad Boy Billionaires, #1) by Ryan Field Unwound (Mastered, #2) by Lorelei James Twilight (Twilight, #1) by Stephenie Meyer Bared to You (Crossfire, #1) by Sylvia Day

Penney - Consequences by Aleatha Romig
Susan A - The Ivy League Rake by Ryan Field
Tabs - Unwound by Lorelei James
Jasmin - Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
Runell - Bared to You by Sylvia Day

message 24: by Tabs (last edited Jul 26, 2014 03:56AM) (new)

Tabs Overall Challenge Progress

Week #1: First in a new-to-you series
Release Me (Stark Trilogy, #1) by J. Kenner Way Off Plan (Firsts and Forever, #1) by Alexa Land The Lord Next Door (Willow Pond, #1) by Gayle Callen Last Hit (Hitman, #1) by Jessica Clare Hex Hall (Hex Hall, #1) by Rachel Hawkins The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie (Highland Pleasures, #1) by Jennifer Ashley
Penney - Release Me by J. Kenner
Susan A - Way Off Plan by Alexa Land
Carla - The Lord Next Door byGayle Callen
Tabs - Last Hit by Jessica Clare
Jasmin - Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins
Runell - The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie by Jennifer Ashley

Week #2 Theme: Author's first or last name starts with a 'J'
Rumor Has It (Animal Magnetism, #4) by Jill Shalvis When Love Comes To Town (Provincetown, #4) by Jacob Z. Flores A Misguided Lord (The Tenacious Trents) by Jane Charles It Happened One Wedding (FBI/US Attorney, #5) by Julie James Romeo Redeemed (Juliet Immortal, #2) by Stacey Jay Say the Word by Julie Johnson
Penney - Rumor Has It by Jill Shalvis
Susan A - When Love Comes To Town by Jacob Z. Flores
Carla - A Misguided Lord by Jane Charles
Tabs: It Happened One Wedding by Julie James
Jasmin - Romeo Redeemed by Stacey Jay
Runell - Say the Word by Julie Johnson

Week #3 Theme: 450+ pages
The Mistress (The Original Sinners, #4) by Tiffany Reisz Ice Station (Shane Schofield, #1) by Matthew Reilly Sempre (Forever, #1) by J.M. Darhower The Witness by Nora Roberts The Novice (The Black Magician Trilogy, #2) by Trudi Canavan Clockwork Princess (The Infernal Devices, #3) by Cassandra Clare
Penney - The Mistress by Tiffany Reisz
Susan A - Ice Station by Matthew Reilly
Carla - Sempre by J.M. Darhower
Tabs - The Witness by Nora Roberts
Jasmin - The Novice by Trudi Canavan
Runell - Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare

Week #4 Theme: Main character has a pet
Southern Fried Blues by Jamie Farrell A Change of Pace (Change #3) by J.M. Cartwright The Rancher's Rules (Sunshine Springs Duo, #1) by Lucy Monroe Defy Not the Heart (Shefford's Knights, #1) by Johanna Lindsey Wait for You (Wait for You, #1) by J. Lynn
Penney - Southern Fried Blues by Jamie Farrell
Susan A - A Change of Pace by J.M. Cartwright
CarlaThe Rancher's Rules by Lucy Monroe
Tabs - Defy Not the Heart by Johanna Lindsey
Jasmin - Passed
Runell - Wait for You by J. Lynn

Week #5 Theme: Set on a ranch/property which uses/raises horses
Texas Pride by Kindle Alexander Duncan's World  by T.A. Chase Righteous Lies (Dancing Moon Ranch, #1) by Patricia Watters Can't Hurry Love (Crooked Creek Ranch, #2) by Molly O'Keefe Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell Cry Wolf (Alpha & Omega, #1) by Patricia Briggs
Penney - Texas Pride by Kindle Alexander
Susan A - Duncan's World by T.A. Chase
Carla - Righteous Lies by Patricia Watters
Tabs - Can't Hurry Love by Molly O'Keefe
Jasmin - Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
Runell - Cry Wolf by Patricia Briggs

Week #6 Theme: MC is a musician
Lick (Stage Dive, #1) by Kylie Scott The Replacement Guitarist (The Replacement Guitarist, #1) by Lori Toland White Trash Beautiful (White Trash Trilogy, #1) by Teresa Mummert Gateway to Heaven by Beth Kery Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover If I Stay (If I Stay, #1) by Gayle Forman

Penney - Lick by Kylie Scott
Susan A - The Replacement Guitarist by Lori Toland
Carla - White Trash Beautiful by Teresa Mummert
Tabs - Gateway to Heaven by Beth Kery
Jasmin - Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover
Runell - If I Stay by Gayle Forman

Week #7 Theme: 2014 What Are You Reading?
Make Me, Sir (Masters of the Shadowlands, #5) by Cherise Sinclair Consort - The House of Silence by J.A. Jaken Six Brothers (Gypsy Brothers, #2) by Lili St. Germain No Souvenirs (Florida Books, #3) by K.A. Mitchell The Dream Thieves (The Raven Cycle, #2) by Maggie Stiefvater

Penney - Make Me, Sir by Cherise Sinclair
Susan A - Consort - The House of Silence by J.A. Jaken
Carla - Six Brothers by Lili St. Germain
Tabs - No Souvenirs by K.A. Mitchell
Jasmin - The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater
Runell - passed

Week #8 Theme: Set on an Island
Nerd in Shining Armor (Nerds, #1) by Vicki Lewis Thompson A Sticky End (Mitch Mitchell Mystery, #3) by James Lear Bargain Bride, Billionaire Groom (Island Moonlight Collection, Book 1) by Lelani Black Crazy For Love by Victoria Dahl The Gatecrasher by Madeleine Wickham Uncharted (On the Island, #1.5) by Tracey Garvis-Graves

Penney - Nerd in Shining Armor by Vicki Lewis Thompson
Susan A - A Sticky End by James Lear
Carla - Bargain Bride, Billionaire Groom by Lelani Black WITHDRAWN
Tabs - Crazy For Love by Victoria Dahl
Jasmin - The Gatecrasher by Madeleine Wickham
Runell - Uncharted by Tracey Garvis-Graves

Week #9 Theme: MC is Mega-Wealthy
Consequences (Consequences, #1) by Aleatha Romig The Ivy League Rake (Bad Boy Billionaires, #1) by Ryan Field Unwound (Mastered, #2) by Lorelei James Twilight (Twilight, #1) by Stephenie Meyer Bared to You (Crossfire, #1) by Sylvia Day

Penney - Consequences by Aleatha Romig
Susan A - The Ivy League Rake by Ryan Field
Tabs - Unwound by Lorelei James
Jasmin - Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
Runell - Bared to You by Sylvia Day

message 25: by Tabs (new)

Tabs Everyone good with "The Eight Wonders"?

message 26: by Susan A (new)

Susan A | 2022 comments Tabs wrote: "Everyone good with "The Eight Wonders"?"


message 27: by Susan A (new)

Susan A | 2022 comments Lisa - President of Challengeaholics Anon and Challenge Enabler wrote: "Hi, just crashing your thread.
Any MM readers, please do not forget to update the May, what are you reading thread, just in case we need the books for a challenge."

Thanks Lisa. Off to do so now.

message 28: by Susan A (new)

Susan A | 2022 comments Carla wrote: "Tabs wrote: "Everyone good with "The Eight Wonders"?"


What is the theme for this week?"

First theme released on Friday May 30th I think.

message 29: by Lisa (new)

Lisa (mooselover) | 2650 comments Susan, I see you read Promises this month. What did you think? It's one of my all time favorite. MM books.

message 30: by Susan A (new)

Susan A | 2022 comments Lisa - President of Challengeaholics Anon and Challenge Enabler wrote: "Susan, I see you read Promises this month. What did you think? It's one of my all time favorite. MM books."

It was a re-read for me. I liked it a bunch the first time. It was one of my first mm books. I was hesitant to re-read because I thought I might not like it as much the 2nd time, in part because I didn't love the rest of that series, and in part because since I was new to mm I figured maybe my standards were different then than they are now.

Well..I liked it even more than I did then.

message 31: by Susan A (new)

Susan A | 2022 comments Thr first category will be released early -- Wednesday between 6-9 EST.

message 32: by Susan A (new)

Susan A | 2022 comments Week #1
Way Off Plan (Firsts and Forever, #1) by Alexa Land Way Off Plan
Page numbers 346 pgs/ GR Kindle version
Book 1 Firsts and Forever Series

message 33: by Tabs (last edited May 28, 2014 03:44PM) (new)

Tabs Man, Susan is quick on the draw. :)

The Week 1 theme has been announced and it is:

Theme: 7 - Read the first book of a new (to you) series
Option 2 key date: 27 November 2013 (must be rated at least 3 stars, and you can't go back further than this 'date read' if you select from a team-member's bookshelf)

message 34: by Penney (new)

Penney (pschoener) | 3553 comments Thanks Tabs!

message 35: by Penney (last edited May 29, 2014 04:31AM) (new)

Penney (pschoener) | 3553 comments Week 1: Release Me (Stark Trilogy, #1) by J. Kenner Release Me, 352 pages as per GR
Stark Trilogy #1 (Theme 7)

message 36: by Susan A (new)

Susan A | 2022 comments I was waiting all day reading short stories, just waiting for the category to be called :)

message 37: by Tabs (last edited May 28, 2014 06:17PM) (new)

Tabs Week #1
Oryx and Crake (MaddAddam Trilogy, #1) by Margaret Atwood
Oryx and Crake
374 pages per GR
MaddAddam Trilogy #1

message 38: by Lisa (new)

Lisa (mooselover) | 2650 comments Susan, I loved that book.

message 39: by Tabs (new)

Tabs I decided to challenge myself a little out of the gate with a book from my "Unread Bookshelves of Doom" shelf that happens to be... dystopian literary fiction. A genre I read never.

Let's see how it goes!

If I'm not making progress, I've got Anna and the French Kiss ready to swap in before the selection period is up.

message 40: by Susan A (new)

Susan A | 2022 comments Lisa - President of Challengeaholics Anon and Challenge Enabler wrote: "Susan, I loved that book."

Alexa Land is author of the month in the mm I'm cheating a little and starting early. Maybe I'll like it so much I'll read book 2 in June.

message 41: by Jane (PS), Moderator (new)

Jane (PS) | 23247 comments Tabs wrote: "I decided to challenge myself a little out of the gate with a book from my "Unread Bookshelves of Doom" shelf that happens to be... dystopian literary fiction. A genre I read never.

Let's see how ..."

Margaret Atwood is meant to be a great writer, but I've never read her work... Good luck Tabs :)

message 42: by Jane (PS), Moderator (new)

Jane (PS) | 23247 comments The posts all look great here :)

message 43: by Susan A (new)

Susan A | 2022 comments I read the The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood and liked it. Looking forward to your review.

message 44: by Jane (PS), Moderator (new)

Jane (PS) | 23247 comments Tabs - could you please PM me your team's name? Thanks!

message 45: by Lisa (new)

Lisa (mooselover) | 2650 comments Susan, didn't realize there was a book 2. Need to add it to my qtr 3 GB list.

message 46: by Runell (last edited May 28, 2014 10:22PM) (new)

Runell After much deliberation, as I always do when I start a new series, I've decided to go with:

Week 1: The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie
Page #: 338
Qualification: Book one in Highland Pleasure series

message 47: by Jasmin (new)

Jasmin (sakuchu) | 137 comments Week 1: Read the first book of a new (to you) series
Hex Hall (Hex Hall, #1) by Rachel Hawkins Hex Hall
323 pgs per GR
Hex Hall Series Book 1

message 48: by Penney (new)

Penney (pschoener) | 3553 comments Runell wrote: "After much deliberation, as I always do when I start a new series, I've decided to go with:

Week 1: The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie
Page #: 338
Qualification: Book one in Highla..."

Great choice Runell! I love historicals that don't fit the mold and Madness is definitely one of them.

message 49: by Susan A (new)

Susan A | 2022 comments Week 1: new series
Way Off Plan (Firsts and Forever, #1) by Alexa Land Way Off Plan by Alexa Land
3 stars

I chose this book because Alexa Land was chosen as an author of the month in the mm group. I hadn't read anything else by this author and the blurb looked good.

A few weeks ago, when reviewing another book, I wondered, how much does my mood effect my opinion of the book? Since I usually read a book start to finish in one or two days at most, I've come to realize that my mood definitely effects my opinion, and I don't think that is a good thing.

Way Off Plan is a silly book, by intent. It is a light, funny, easy read. It is filled with pop culture references, which are only funny if you actually get them, and many of them I didn't. There is insta-love in this book, which I very much dislike. I think on a different day, in a more cheerful mood, I may have found this book incredibly funny. However, other than when the MC meets the ex-boyfriend, much of the humor I recognized, but didn't quite work for me.

The author clearly sets up Book 2. She has successfully intrigued me enough to add it to my TBR, despite my lackluster opinion of this book.

message 50: by Tabs (new)

Tabs Runell wrote: "After much deliberation, as I always do when I start a new series, I've decided to go with:

Week 1: The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie
Page #: 338
Qualification: Book one in Highla..."

Runell, your pick reminded me how much I enjoy that series so I totally put my book down and picked up The Duke's Perfect Wife instead.

Now back to my regularly scheduled reading...

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