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2024 Reading Challenge discussion

ARCHIVE 2017 > Member Corners - YOUR space for 2017!

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message 1: by Cassandra (last edited Dec 06, 2016 06:05PM) (new)

Cassandra | 5832 comments In this folder, you can add your very own discussion topic to track the yearly, quarterly, and monthly challenges you participate in for 2017. This is your space, and you can do whatever you like with it.

(If you would like to continue your 2016 corner in this folder and would like help moving it, let us know!)

You can add a thread by following these directions:
1. Click this link:
2. Click "new topic"

3. Add a topic name that contains your name.

Let us know if you have any questions!

message 2: by Nick (new)

Nick Green (nickppgreen2014) This is awesome. I've always had to make an unrelated topic which might seem odd.

message 3: by Cassandra (new)

Cassandra | 5832 comments Glad you like it!

message 4: by Krista (new)

Krista | 70 comments I am not exactly new, but starting over. What exactly do we do with the Member's Corners? I know it is to keep track of all of our challenges in one place, but if I create a Member's Corner, how do I then track the challenges? Do I make a separate post for each challenge? Do I need to make them all at once? Or can they be added as I decide which challenges I want to participate in?

message 5: by Blagica , Challenges (new)

Blagica  | 12698 comments I make a post for each challenge separately and then edit the post if I complete a task in any given challenge. I will put the link to what mine looks like for 2017 so you get an idea if you need more help just let me know.

message 6: by Krista (new)

Krista | 70 comments Thank you. That's what I was trying to do. I probably won't have nearly as many as you, but I do not want to be too ambitious because I really want to follow through this time. Can I ask then how you keep track in your Corner plus on the individual challenge posts? I guess I mean, how do you find your individual challenge posts every time you need to update?
I know you are supposed to update the original post as well as post a new message stating you updated the original, but I think that was one of my issues last year, I couldn't find the stuff I needed to update.

message 7: by Blagica , Challenges (new)

Blagica  | 12698 comments well I am slightly OCD when it comes to my challenges, I have both my corner and my prospective books in my case 230 books bookmarked in my chrome so I can pull them up easy when i pick up and finish a book. I didn't realize we had to update our original message so you taught me something I usually just make a new post saying my progress so the person leading the challenge can see what I made progress in.

message 8: by Krista (new)

Krista | 70 comments Well, I did save my Corner in Chrome, too, but I am not sure about all the individual books. And I don't know that you HAVE to update the original, I just saw that's how some were doing it so, that's what I thought it had to be. I guess I will figure it out. Is there a way to search for posts within a thread?

message 9: by Blagica , Challenges (new)

Blagica  | 12698 comments yes there is a way to search within a thread top right corner right under the group name there is a search bar. if you look at it from notifications its right underneath

message 10: by Krista (new)

Krista | 70 comments Thank you. I will try that. I really appreciate your help.

message 11: by Blagica , Challenges (new)

Blagica  | 12698 comments your welcome good luck!

message 12: by Felicia (new)

Felicia (feliciajoe) | 573 comments I just use my corner for all kind of crap I wanna keep track of, while using my challenge-topics to keep track of how many books I read in a year.

Cassandra - I would love it if you could move my corner here! (:

message 13: by Cassandra (last edited Dec 05, 2016 12:21PM) (new)

Cassandra | 5832 comments Sorry I missed this exchange! Thanks Blagica for jumping in.

To be clear, you don't need to update your original post in the challenge thread if you don't want. I don't, because I keep track of my progress in my corner. Some people prefer to keep track in each individual challenge thread.

To be even more clear, your corner is for exactly what Felicia says - whatever you want to keep track of. :)

Felicia, I moved your corner to the 2017 folder!

message 14: by Laura (new)

Laura | 256 comments So if I understand this right, I can make a Personal challenge folder and keep it in my personal corner?

I joined this group in 2016 and I'm not entirely sure of what I'm doing yet. I don't think I set up a corner in 2016. Can my challenge folder be added to my corner?

message 15: by Cassandra (last edited Dec 06, 2016 06:08PM) (new)

Cassandra | 5832 comments Hi Laura! I changed the word "folder" to read "thread" (also known as a topic) which is more accurate.

You can start a personal challenge thread, where you keep track of the books you read here.

You may or may not find it useful to also have a member corner to keep track of challenges or anything else you want. They're optional, so don't feel like you have to have one if you don't want.

Since they're both threads/topics, you can't nest or group them together. I have a browser bookmarks for my personal challenge and corner, and I open them both when I go to record a book.

Does that help?

message 16: by Laura (last edited Dec 06, 2016 06:50PM) (new)

Laura | 256 comments That does help Cassandra and since I'm going to try some challenges this year, I think it makes sense to do both. Last year I just did the personal challenge thread I believe. (See

How do I track my on post within a challenge thread? For instance on the TBR challenge? I added my list to my corner but I know there will be hundreds of people responding to each challenge so how do I find my post to update my progress? (for example:

I do have my challenge from last year bookmarked in my browser which is how I kept going back to my running tally of books read.

message 17: by Cassandra (new)

Cassandra | 5832 comments Hi Laura,

Personally, I don't update my post on the individual challenge pages at all. I don't want to have 12 challenge-specific bookmarks to each of my posts.

I keep the master list of all my challenges and progress in my corner, and then just post updates in the challenge-specific threads with my progress periodically. Something as simple as this is fine:

"Finished a few more books, now 12/15"

Or you could list the books if you want, or copy and paste the whole list from your corner each time. It's helpful for the challenge leader to have the new tally of books read in the post, but otherwise it's up to you!

message 18: by Laura (new)

Laura | 256 comments OK. Sounds like I may have set my corner up right to do this then. Thanks for the help Cassandra! I'd love to become more proficient on Goodreads so every little bit of knowledge helps!

Stephanie (Chinchillita) (chinchillita) | 427 comments If I don't move my corner, it gets archived? Am I remembering that correctly? I am trying to remember what I did last year. I think I just let it be archived and started a new discussion this year. I really ought to write this down for 2018 :)

message 20: by Cassandra (new)

Cassandra | 5832 comments That's right! We'll archive it, so you can still see it if you want, but the folder will be at the bottom of the discussion list so we can focus on 2016. :)

message 21: by Winter, Group Reads (new)

Winter (winter9) | 4904 comments It gets archived. Personally I have put so much time into my corner that I'm moving it over and just removing the stuff from -16. I know you do some personal challenges as well. If you want us to move it so you can tweak it to 2017 we can do that or you can just make a completely new one if you want too :)

Stephanie (Chinchillita) (chinchillita) | 427 comments This was a really hard year for me. I was super sad that I wasn't as active as I was last year. I don't think I'm going to meet my GoodReads challenge this year and that makes me super sad. Shamelessly reading a ton of graphic novels/manga right now in a hail mary attempt to hit the goal. I'm hoping next year is better. I'll let you guys know what I decide to do.

Here's to 2017! May it be better than 2016.

message 23: by Winter, Group Reads (new)

Winter (winter9) | 4904 comments I will toast you for a better year of reading Stephanie! If it makes you feel better I failed in almost every way too. This year has had many unexpected twists and many of them making me unable to focus properly on reading. I think that's just how it is some times and why it's great we start fresh every year :)

Stephanie (Chinchillita) (chinchillita) | 427 comments Cassandra wrote: "That's right! We'll archive it, so you can still see it if you want, but the folder will be at the bottom of the discussion list so we can focus on 2016. :)"

Do you guys know what date the mods are planning to archieve 2016? I decided to create a new Folder in 2017, but am going to be pulling parts of my 2016 member corner over.

Thanks for all you guys do. I'm looking forward to a new year and new books!
<3 Chinchillita

message 25: by Cassandra (new)

Cassandra | 5832 comments We plan to archive on the 1st of January or soon thereafter.

That said, if you have a bookmark link to your corner and we move it, the link will still work - so all is not lost if you don't get a chance to move everything over before then. :)

message 27: by Tori (new)

Tori Glass | 31 comments I'd like to move my corner from 2016 to here please. Thanks!

message 28: by Taylor C (new)

Taylor C | 454 comments Cassandra wrote: "We plan to archive on the 1st of January or soon thereafter. ..."

What is the difference between member corners and personal challenges? The titles are self explanatory, but how are they commonly used among members?

message 29: by Lisa, Cheerleader (last edited Dec 27, 2016 08:09AM) (new)

Lisa Grønsund (gullita) | 5625 comments I am treating my personal challenge as a place to track my own reading challenge for the year, a place I can list the books I read throughout 2017 as well as any thoughts or ratings and so on.

Meanwhile, my member's corner has become more of a "catch-all" forum where I can keep keep up-to-date with the yearly, quarterly, monthly challenges, group reads, etc. I sign up for :)

Don't know if any of that may any sense at all, but hoped I could help :)

message 30: by Cassandra (last edited Dec 27, 2016 03:42PM) (new)

Cassandra | 5832 comments It's a little fuzzy, but what Lisa described is generally the case. People typically use the Personal Challenge thread to record the books they read, and the member corner to keep track of challenges or anything else.

Take a look at some other people's corners and challenge threads for inspiration, but do whatever makes sense to you!

If you're curious, here are mine:
Personal Challenge
Member Corner

I'm doing something slightly different for my 2017 personal challenge thread, so you can look at the setup here too: 2017 Personal Challenge

Note that I'm not linking my threads as a template to copy, unless you like something I do and then feel free to use it. :)

message 31: by Gretchen (new)

Gretchen (eab2012) | 575 comments I would like to make a new corner for 2017. My 2016 corner got a little out of control (at least to me). Does my 2016 corner need to be deleted or just leave it alone? Thanks.

message 32: by Cassandra (new)

Cassandra | 5832 comments Nope! Just leave it alone, and we'll archive the folder. You'll still be able to access the topic from bookmarks or however you usually do, so the information won't be lost, but it'll be out of the way.

message 33: by Gretchen (new)

Gretchen (eab2012) | 575 comments Cassandra wrote: "Nope! Just leave it alone, and we'll archive the folder. You'll still be able to access the topic from bookmarks or however you usually do, so the information won't be lost, but it'll be out of the..."

Awesome! Thanks.

message 34: by Lillian (new)

Lillian Elliott (mightofthepen) I'd like to move my 2016 corner into this folder. The link is here:

Thanks in advance!

message 35: by Cassandra (new)

Cassandra | 5832 comments You're all set!

message 36: by Lillian (new)

Lillian Elliott (mightofthepen) That was quick, thank you!

message 37: by Mary Pat (new)

Mary Pat | 2186 comments Greetings, All!

Just a quick heads up to let you know we will archiving 2016 member folders today. If you bookmarked it, the bookmark should continue to work. If not, you can find your 2016 Member Corner folder in the ARCHIVE 2016 - Member Corners or just click here!

✨✨ Claire✨✨ (willowisp79) | 5 comments I'm sorry but still mega might be cos I'm brain dead right what would I use the member corner for and what would the personal challenge one be for? it's probably one of those things thsts so simple it's hard- if you get my meaning!!! dummies guide anyone please!!? I've been doing the challenges since 2013 but only putting the books on the shelf....what do these do different? thanks so much for any patient help!!!

message 39: by Cassandra (new)

Cassandra | 5832 comments No problem! It's not actually super obvious, and you might only want to have a personal challenge thread.

Generally, members use their personal challenge thread to announce what their overall goal for the year is, and then they post or list the books they read there.

Member corners are for keeping track of challenges or whatever else you'd like to track.

There are definitely folks who have their own styles, though, and that's fine!

I've been tweaking my topics for years now and they're a bit complex, but here's what I do:
Personal Challenge
Member Corner

Feel free to borrow anything or do something completely different!

message 40: by Veronica (new)

Veronica So, I have tried adding a topic and it keeps telling me I need to verify my email. And I don't know who is the "Mod" is. I'm confused how to enter the Reading Group.

message 41: by Cassandra (new)

Cassandra | 5832 comments Hi Veronica! You can click here to re-send the email verification request if you didn't get it or can't find it.

I'm a moderator of this group, as are 4 others who you can find in the group's sidebar.

This thread is inside a group called 2017 Reading Challenge. What do you mean that you can't enter the reading group?

message 42: by Teresa (new)

Teresa Gonzales (friend4tea) | 130 comments Please move my 2016 corner.

Thank you so much for giving us this space.

message 43: by Paula (new)

Paula Bardell-Hedley (gaiabird) | 141 comments Will the 2018 Members Corners be going up soon? Sorry if I'm jumping the gun but I'm trying to plan ahead. BTW, thank you so much for all your hard work over the year.

message 44: by Ilona (new)

Ilona | 4700 comments Hi Paula, the member corners will go up in a couple of days!

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