SIA Showcase for Readers and Writers discussion

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Read Me: Notes from the Mods > I guess we'll call this the beta testing phase

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message 1: by Christina (last edited Dec 29, 2016 08:50AM) (new)

Christina McMullen (cmcmullen) Hi folks! Since we haven't officially launched, but we're now public, I've opened this thread for questions, comments, concerns, suggestions, and/or drunken rants to let us know what you think. Got any thoughts or suggestions, let us know! We're all ears.

Couple of quick reminders and then I'm shutting this thread since we are no longer in beta:

Dont forget that we have threads specifically for announcing promos. The reason for this in addition to your showcase thread is to make it easier on readers (who we are hoping to attract at some point) who might be looking for deals in specific genres. Just be sure to delete your promo when they are done. Same goes for the Goodreads giveaway thread.

Make sure to read the rules for all folders. So far, we've been lucky in that everyone here is sticking to their own showcase threads for the most part, but yes, we have had to delete a few bookwhacking posts that were thrown about wherever (GG's analogy of droppings seems extra appropriate when we see this). Remember, this is your public face. No one is going to pay attention to a book that is spammed all over without regard to rules. Bookwhacking doesn't sell books. It only hurts your reputation.

Don't forget our main group: This is the showcase, which is for showing off, but Support for Indie Authors is where you will find the truly valuable content.

Thanks everyone!

message 2: by Amanda (new)

Amanda Siegrist (amandasiegrist) | 311 comments Great idea! Although, you guys always have great ideas:) So supportive as well, which is one of the many reasons you all in SIA are amazing.

And this isn't a drunken rant, I'm only on my first glass of wine:) *chuckles*

message 3: by Annie (new)

Annie Arcane (anniearcane) | 606 comments description

(Accidently put my hello in the wrong thread 2 seconds ago. I know where I am now. I swear...)

message 4: by Christina (new)

Christina McMullen (cmcmullen) Well, I'm glad someone does, because I have no idea where the hell I am! ;P

message 5: by Christina (new)

Christina McMullen (cmcmullen) Okay, wow! We've only got 33 members and already I can't keep up with everyone's threads. Imagine what will happen after we make the announcement to the group? It will be absolute chaos!

So, how about we put that off and instead let's slowly introduce people to the group. Got some friends in the SIA who aren't here yet? Give 'em a heads up. The way I see it, if we all invite a couple more folks over the next few days, we can control the chaos a little. Sound good?

message 6: by Angel (new)

Angel | 66 comments Hiya! Thanks for the invite, Christina!

message 7: by Amanda (new)

Amanda Siegrist (amandasiegrist) | 311 comments Christina wrote: "Okay, wow! We've only got 33 members and already I can't keep up with everyone's threads. Imagine what will happen after we make the announcement to the group? It will be absolute chaos!

So, how ..."

Excellent idea, Christina! So glad I'm not the only one trying to keep up:)

message 8: by Christina (new)

Christina McMullen (cmcmullen) Angel wrote: "Hiya! Thanks for the invite, Christina!"

You are most welcome, Angel! :)

message 9: by [deleted user] (new)

I don't know how you do it, Christina. But I am glad you do. And my thanks to the other selfless mods!

message 10: by Christina (new)

Christina McMullen (cmcmullen) I can't speak for the other mods, but I can say that writer's block and procrastination make for great motivators of non writing things. ;P

message 11: by Owen (new)

Owen O'Neill (owen_r_oneill) | 9 comments Well done!

Christina wrote: "I can't speak for the other mods, but I can say that writer's block and procrastination make for great motivators of non writing things. ;P"

I think there is much truth in this. And look how well is turns out! : )

message 12: by Marie Silk (new)

Marie Silk | 332 comments I confess I was really bummed when the introduction thread got redone in the SIA group. I realize there were a zillion posts and lots of clutter, but it was also a fun place to interact and learn more about each other. and even see who wrote which book(s).

I really like the idea of this new group and I hope it encourages more indies to speak up about themselves and their work. The Goodreads communities are a jungle to navigate and I think we need a group like this that provides space to say all the stuff we've been holding back because it was too self-promotion-y :D

message 13: by Christina (new)

Christina McMullen (cmcmullen) Yeah, that was kind of the idea. We didn't want to totally censor you guys, but you've all seen the bookswhacks and drive by bookwhackers that ruin it for everyone. Our hope is that with all of the promotional stuff over here, they will be easier to spot and delete over there. Plus, this is basically like a big old fun folder! ;)

message 14: by Thomas (last edited Dec 14, 2016 09:49AM) (new)

Thomas Everson (authorthomaseverson) | 110 comments Hi, I'm XYZ and I'm excited because I just finished (bookwhack) and (bookwhack) and I think you should download it! :D

To be fair, that urge to bookwhack is very difficult to overcome when you first publish, because you want to shout it from the top of some place very high. Or in

I'm may have bookwhacked back two and a half years ago, I'm not even sure any more. While SIA has been very clear on not doing it, sometimes rules are kind of blurry. Not bookwhacking is a learned trait.

message 15: by Alexis (new)

Alexis | 256 comments Christina wrote: "Okay, wow! We've only got 33 members and already I can't keep up with everyone's threads. Imagine what will happen after we make the announcement to the group? It will be absolute chaos!

So, how ..."

Is there a limit to the number of people each of us can invite?

message 16: by Christina (new)

Christina McMullen (cmcmullen) Nope! Except, you know, not the entire group. We'll do that next week. XD

message 17: by Annie (new)

Annie Arcane (anniearcane) | 606 comments *prepares for pandamonium*

message 18: by Dale (new)

Dale Ivory | 3 comments Now that I've looked around a bit, trying to figure out this new group, I am impressed. This makes so much sense to me, and it will be so much easier to find my way around.
Thank you!

message 19: by Christina (new)

Christina McMullen (cmcmullen) So I just have to say...

We're still a tiny group by comparison to the main SIA group, but there are over 100 of you, which means a good 60% of you are lurkers! Don't be shy! Make yourself a profile! And don't forget the threads specifically for posting promos! Our goal is to use these easy to navigate threads to attract readers on the lookout for a good deal.

But mostly I want to say thank you. Seriously, on behalf of all the mods, thank you guys for being great! I know removing the self-promotional business from the main group has had some folks in a tizzy, but I think this works well for us all.

message 20: by M.L. (new)

M.L. | 49 comments Great idea. I just saw the post in SIA. I'm sure will be stampeding over!

message 21: by C.B. (new)

C.B. Matson Credit to Christina and the other mods for taking on yet another project - This is brilliant, now we have a workshop and a playground. Yay! - and thank you, what a nice Christmas present.

message 22: by Erica (new)

Erica Graham (erica_graham) | 153 comments Loving this group! Thank you for all your hard work to everyone that helped get this up and running. I recently joined the SIA group too and am overwhelmed by all the awesome support by other Indie Authors.

message 23: by Anna (new)

Anna Faversham (annafaversham) | 71 comments Welcome Erica. I felt the same way when I joined the SIA group. It's such a relief to find help when most needed.

Hope you all had a good Christmas and I wish you a happy and successful new year.

message 24: by Linda (new)

Linda Dobinson (baspoet) | 6 comments Just joined this group. Looking forward to learning and sharing :)

message 25: by Christina (new)

Christina McMullen (cmcmullen) Couple of quick reminders and then I'm shutting this thread since we are no longer in beta:

Dont forget that we have threads specifically for announcing promos. The reason for this in addition to your showcase thread is to make it easier on readers (who we are hoping to attract at some point) who might be looking for deals in specific genres. Just be sure to delete your promo when they are done. Same goes for the Goodreads giveaway thread.

Make sure to read the rules for all folders. So far, we've been lucky in that everyone here is sticking to their own showcase threads for the most part, but yes, we have had to delete a few bookwhacking posts that were thrown about wherever (GG's analogy of droppings seems extra appropriate when we see this). Remember, this is your public face. No one is going to pay attention to a book that is spammed all over without regard to rules. Bookwhacking doesn't sell books. It only hurts your reputation.

Don't forget our main group: This is the showcase, which is for showing off, but Support for Indie Authors is where you will find the truly valuable content.

Thanks everyone!

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