75 Books...More or Less! discussion

Archive (2017 GR Challenge) > Silver's 75 Books for 2017

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message 1: by Silver (new)

Silver Ok silly me I accidently posted this in the wrong thread the first time.

I have recently relocated to a new state now that I have settled in and have more time to read I am going to try and get back into things.

Books I read this year so far

1. The Wolf Road by Beth Lewis ****
2. John Belushi Is Dead by Kathy Charles ****
3. The Gap of Time by Jeanette Winterson ****
4. MirrorMask by Neil Gaiman ****
5. The Reason I Jump: The Inner Voice of a Thirteen-Year-Old Boy with Autism by Naoki Higashida ****

message 2: by Elyse, Moderator (new)

Elyse (winesaboutbooks) | 8581 comments Mod
Welcome back! MirrorMask was a strange movie, I should pick up the book.

message 3: by Silver (new)

Silver I loved the movie. The book is an interesting tale. I have to love Gaiman's imginataion. It is kind of like a dark twisted Alice in Wonderland.

message 6: by Silver (new)

Silver 8. Hounded by Kevin Hearne****

message 8: by Silver (new)

message 9: by Silver (new)

Silver 11. Hexed by Kevin Hearne ***

message 10: by Elyse, Moderator (new)

Elyse (winesaboutbooks) | 8581 comments Mod
Silver wrote: "10. Firebird by Mercedes Lackey ***"

Great author!

message 11: by Silver (new)

Silver I would like to read more of her but there were some issues I had with this book, but I still thought there was some lovely writing.

message 14: by Silver (new)

message 15: by Elyse, Moderator (new)

Elyse (winesaboutbooks) | 8581 comments Mod
Silver wrote: "14. Slade House by David Mitchell****"

Have you read Cloud Atlas? It's so confusing I'm afraid to read more of his books. But I do have Slade House and The Bone Clocks.

message 16: by Silver (new)

Silver Elyse wrote: "Silver wrote: "14. Slade House by David Mitchell****"

Have you read Cloud Atlas? It's so confusing I'm afraid to read more of his books. But I do have..."

I have read Cloud Atlas, I actually loved that one.

In my opinion while Slade House is different it is not as confusing as Cloud Atlas.

I haven't read the Bone Clocks yet but I would like to. From what I have heard there is some connection between Bone Clocks and Slade House.

message 17: by Elyse, Moderator (new)

Elyse (winesaboutbooks) | 8581 comments Mod
Silver wrote: "I have read Cloud Atlas, I actually loved that one.

In my opinion while Slade House is different it is not as confusing as Cloud Atlas.

I haven't read the Bone Clocks yet but I would like to. From what I have heard there is some connection between Bone Clocks and Slade House..."

Oh good to know the two I have are connected! Just need to find out which one comes first. :)

message 18: by Silver (new)

Silver Elyse wrote: "Silver wrote: "I have read Cloud Atlas, I actually loved that one.

In my opinion while Slade House is different it is not as confusing as Cloud Atlas.

I haven't read the Bone Clocks yet but I wo..."

I believe Bone Clocks comes first technically

message 19: by Elyse, Moderator (new)

Elyse (winesaboutbooks) | 8581 comments Mod
Silver wrote: "I believe Bone Clocks comes first technically ..."

Cool thanks. I won that in a Goodreads Giveaway. I should really read and review it...lol

message 20: by Silver (new)

message 24: by Silver (new)

message 25: by Elyse, Moderator (new)

Elyse (winesaboutbooks) | 8581 comments Mod
Silver wrote: "19. Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk***"

Chuck Palahniuk is someone I've always wanted to try but have always been hesitant! lol

message 26: by Silver (new)

Silver Elyse wrote: "Silver wrote: "19. Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk***"

Chuck Palahniuk is someone I've always wanted to try but have always been hesitant! lol"

I love him but I don' t know if this is the best book to start him on. Fight Club is actually really good. Lullaby I thought was amazing.

message 29: by Carol (new)

Carol (carol07) | 3903 comments Silver wrote: "21. Ready Player One by Ernest Cline***"

Just found out this is going to be a movie. I believe it comes out in 2018.

message 30: by Silver (new)

Silver Carol wrote: "Silver wrote: "21. Ready Player One by Ernest Cline***"

Just found out this is going to be a movie. I believe it comes out in 2018."

I will have to keep an eye out for that. I will be interested to see how they make it. I imagine some cool visuals

message 31: by Elyse, Moderator (new)

Elyse (winesaboutbooks) | 8581 comments Mod
Silver wrote: "Carol wrote: "Silver wrote: "21. Ready Player One by Ernest Cline***"

Just found out this is going to be a movie. I believe it comes out in 2018."

I will have to kee..."

Yes it comes out in March! I'm excited/apprehensive because I loved the book!

message 32: by Silver (last edited Jul 20, 2017 07:22AM) (new)

message 33: by Silver (new)

message 35: by Elyse, Moderator (new)

Elyse (winesaboutbooks) | 8581 comments Mod
Silver wrote: "24. We Need to Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver***"

Have you seen the movie? So creepy!

message 36: by Silver (new)

Silver Elyse wrote: "Silver wrote: "24. We Need to Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver***"

Have you seen the movie? So creepy!"

I did and I actually thought the movie was better than the book.

message 39: by Silver (last edited Aug 14, 2017 08:53PM) (new)

message 40: by Silver (new)

message 41: by Silver (last edited Aug 28, 2017 08:34AM) (new)

message 42: by Andrea, Moderator (new)

Andrea | 4270 comments Mod
Silver wrote: "28. The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls****"

I really want to read this before I see the movie!

message 43: by Silver (new)

Silver It is a great book.

message 44: by Silver (new)

message 45: by Elyse, Moderator (new)

Elyse (winesaboutbooks) | 8581 comments Mod
Silver wrote: "30. Hag-Seed by Margaret Atwood****"

I tried reading this and I couldn't for the life of me get into it.

message 46: by Silver (new)

Silver Elyse wrote: "Silver wrote: "30. Hag-Seed by Margaret Atwood****"

I tried reading this and I couldn't for the life of me get into it."

I had mixd feelings about this one from the beginning. I can see were it could be difficult to get into but toward the end I have to say I was really sold. Though I think it still had some flaws.

message 49: by Elyse, Moderator (new)

Elyse (winesaboutbooks) | 8581 comments Mod
Silver wrote: "32. The Dog Master: A Novel of the First Dog by W. Bruce Cameron***"

I enjoyed A Dog's Purpose and plan on getting to all of his other books!

message 50: by Silver (new)

Silver Elyse wrote: "Silver wrote: "32. The Dog Master: A Novel of the First Dog by W. Bruce Cameron***"

I enjoyed A Dog's Purpose and plan on getting to all of his other books!"

I have heard about that book. I know it has a lot of good reviews.

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