Indian Readers discussion


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message 1: by Em Lost In Books, EmLo is my Name, PIFM is my Game (last edited Jul 10, 2017 03:05AM) (new)

Em Lost In Books (emlostinbooks) | 24795 comments Mod
One of the biggest plus point of GR for me is Buddy Reads. They're simply irresistible and it is always such a pleasure to read books with friends and discussing them. So whenever any of my friend say that they are planning to read a book and I find it in my tbr, I jump in right away. Now there are too many BRs going on and I find it hard to keep track of each and every BR. Hence this notice board is to keep track of all these BRs that are taking place or will take place.

Here is the list of BRs that are taking place right now:

1) Neverwhere

2) Ready Player One

3) Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind

Watership Down

The Godfather


Girl with the Dragon tattoo (Arpit, Sharadha)

The Gene : An Initimate History (Gorab, Smitha, ?)

Frankenstein (Kru and Akansha)
Bell Jar (Kru and Akansha)
Catch 22 (Kru, ?)
Moon of Jupiter (Kru, ?)
Salt to the Sea (Sharadha, Akansha, Syl)

David Copperfield (Ini, Rebecca, Manju)
Count of Monte Cristo (Kru, Ini, Sri, Aparna, Manju)
Swami and His Friends (Aparna, Rebecca, Arpit, Sharadha)
A Town Like Alice (Aparna, Rebecca, Syl)

Wealth of Nations (Sri, Arpit)

Do let me know if you are planning a BR and want others to know about it. I will keep updating this post as and when I get to know about a new BR.

message 2: by Ahtims (new)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 47090 comments Mod
A nice venture. Shall check this thread from time to time.

message 3: by Jaya (new)

Jaya | 5078 comments Thanks Manju, i keep losing my way in the group looking for the relevant threads. Great help!

Em*Greedy* (Iniya) (iniya_n) | 4582 comments Great initiative manu... :-) I'll keep checking...

~~Poulomi Sylphrena Tonk$~~ | 855 comments Nice work! I'll bookmark this thread. :P

Hajarath Prasad Abburu (hajarath) | 919 comments Cool idea, Manu :)

Will be here all the time :D

message 7: by [deleted user] (last edited Jun 08, 2017 10:26AM) (new)

Keep doing this holy work, Manu ;)

message 8: by Gorab, TheGunman (new)

Gorab (itsgorab) | 3765 comments Mod
Kudos Manu!
I am a sucker for BRs. Will keep you informed on my upcoming ones.... and will keep leeching for more BRs here :)

message 9: by Sharadha (new)

Sharadha Jayaraman (jayaras) | 1795 comments Manu, a real relief this thread is :D *hugs*

Two BRs that come to my mind which aren't on the list (if you can add them in):

July: Salt to the Sea - Smi (we're still doing this, right Col?) and Me
August (late): Swami and Friends - Arpit, Resh, Aparna, and Me

That's all I can think of at the moment. Will let you know if more come to mind.

message 10: by Anchita (new)

Anchita (autumn02) | 21 comments Ah, finally! I'm in for July The girl with the dragon tattoo.

message 11: by Sharadha (new)

Sharadha Jayaraman (jayaras) | 1795 comments Anchita wrote: "Ah, finally! I'm in for July The girl with the dragon tattoo."

Sure sure most welcome, Anchita!!! :)

message 12: by [deleted user] (new)

Manu, please add Sharadha for Swami and Friends. Thanks :)

message 13: by Rebecca (new)

Rebecca | 878 comments I am in for David Copperfield as well.

message 14: by Ahtims (new)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 47090 comments Mod
he he..Shar. ..I don't even remember planning this. :)
Guess July would be fine.

message 15: by Aparna (new)

Aparna | 279 comments I am in for David copperfield.
Was planning on reading Monte Cristo but realized that have already read one Dumas book this year . will pick Monte Cristo later.

message 16: by Akanksha (new)

Akanksha Chattopadhyay (akanksha_chattopadhyay) | 1126 comments Could you count me in for Salt to Sea?

message 17: by G (new)

G (somegsfella) | 39 comments Anybody up for 'Into the Water' buddy read?

message 18: by Ahtims (new)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 47090 comments Mod
Just finished it. Was good.

message 19: by Gorab, TheGunman (new)

Gorab (itsgorab) | 3765 comments Mod
10th July - Some people starting Gene. Here's the thread :

message 20: by Gorab, TheGunman (new)

Gorab (itsgorab) | 3765 comments Mod
BR Updates:
2) Ready Player One: Not a BR anymore. Only me and Jaya had planned. I read only once a month. Strike it off.

4) A Fine Balance : The participants all either finished or DNFed. No more active discussions.

5) Sesher Kobita, The Last Poem : All finished.

message 21: by Em Lost In Books, EmLo is my Name, PIFM is my Game (new)

Em Lost In Books (emlostinbooks) | 24795 comments Mod
Gorab wrote: "BR Updates:
2) Ready Player One: Not a BR anymore. Only me and Jaya had planned. I read only once a month. Strike it off.

4) A Fine Balance : The participants all either finished or DNFed. No more..."

thanks Gorab! will update post one soon.

message 22: by Jaya (new)

Jaya | 5078 comments Gorab wrote: "BR Updates:
2) Ready Player One: Not a BR anymore. Only me and Jaya had planned. I read only once a month. Strike it off.

Did you finish it?

message 23: by Gorab, TheGunman (new)

Gorab (itsgorab) | 3765 comments Mod
First sitting - 0 - 50% (June 1st week)
Second Sitting : 50 - 75% (Jul 1st week)
Third - ???

message 24: by [deleted user] (last edited Jul 10, 2017 03:48AM) (new)

Gorab wrote: "No...
First sitting - 0 - 50% (50) (June 1st week)
Second Sitting : 50 - 75% (25) (Jul 1st week)
Third - ???"

Third - 75-87.5% (12.5) (Aug 1st week)
Fourth- 87.5- 93.75 (6.75) (Sept 1st week)
(Based on the pattern :P)

message 25: by Gorab, TheGunman (new)

Gorab (itsgorab) | 3765 comments Mod
Bad math... 6.25 :/
I'm going to finish it within July.
How much you've read Jaya? Any plans to pursue it?

message 26: by Jaya (new)

Jaya | 5078 comments 🤐🤐
Didnt venture beyond 5%

message 27: by Jaya (new)

Jaya | 5078 comments But i will finish it before this year is over

message 28: by [deleted user] (new)

Gorab wrote: "Bad math... 6.25 :/
I'm going to finish it within July.
How much you've read Jaya? Any plans to pursue it?"

But the addition was right na!

message 29: by Ahtims (new)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 47090 comments Mod
me and Gorab starting Kalkatta on Aug 5th

message 30: by Prosenjit (new)

Prosenjit  Paul (bangaloredbong) | 80 comments Nice!! I am planning to read "Survival of the sickest" - any one interested?

message 31: by Niveditha (new)

Niveditha Ravindra (nivedithar) | 155 comments Anyone wants to read Thinking fast and slow?

message 32: by Arpit (new)

Arpit (arpitjoshi) | 1326 comments I am in for ' thinking fast and slow'. when are you going to start ?

message 33: by Niveditha (new)

Niveditha Ravindra (nivedithar) | 155 comments I've already started. at around 7%. can wait for you to catch up. Let me know

message 34: by Arpit (new)

Arpit (arpitjoshi) | 1326 comments Nice. I'll start tomorrow and will let you know when I reach 7 % mark, maybe in a day or two. I have created a discussion forum under cosy read-General. Anybody else interested can join us for the discussions.

message 35: by Ahtims (new)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 47090 comments Mod

A bunch of us are BR ing David Copperfield here. Do join in if interested. 😊

message 36: by Arpit (new)

Arpit (arpitjoshi) | 1326 comments Hello all, I have started a discussion forum for All the lights we cannnot see. Do join if interested.
Link -

message 37: by Arpit (new)

Arpit (arpitjoshi) | 1326 comments Hey, I have started a discussion thread for Sita: An Illustrated Retelling of the Ramayana. Anyone interested can join us for the discussions.

Link here -

message 38: by Ahtims (new)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 47090 comments Mod
Arpit it is already there.. . in group reads. We are discussing it there as it is September BOTM.

message 39: by Niveditha (new)

Niveditha Ravindra (nivedithar) | 155 comments Anyone would like to read Homo Deus? I need company for non fiction :)

message 40: by Ahtims (new)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 47090 comments Mod
Gorab, Jaya, Aravind etc are non fiction persons. PM them and see .

message 41: by Gorab, TheGunman (new)

Gorab (itsgorab) | 3765 comments Mod
Niveditha wrote: "Anyone would like to read Homo Deus? I need company for non fiction :)"

Would have loved to.... But can't afford any BRs till early next year.

message 42: by Gorab, TheGunman (new)

Gorab (itsgorab) | 3765 comments Mod
Syl wrote: "Gorab, Jaya, Aravind etc are non fiction persons. PM them and see ."

Just like Syl (including all pseudonyms) is a fictional person :P

message 43: by Ahtims (new)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 47090 comments Mod

Civilisation ⇔ Freedom of Speech | 549 comments Hello, me and Jaya are starting Pax Indica: India and the World of the 21st Century by Shashi Tharoor. It takes a look at India's foreign policy.
Have read 4 by Tharoor - 2 fiction and 2 non-fiction and loved all of them.

message 45: by Ahtims (new)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 47090 comments Mod
I plan to read 11/22/63 by Stephen King .... a fiction covered in fantasy based on Kennedy killing . Anyone interested do join in. Will be tentatively starting in mid August

message 46: by Jaya (new)

Jaya | 5078 comments Smitha wrote: "I plan to read 11/22/63 by Stephen King .... a fiction covered in fantasy based on Kennedy killing . Anyone interested do join in. Will be tentatively starting in mid August"

i just might

Civilisation ⇔ Freedom of Speech | 549 comments I will be starting with Henning Mankell’s Faceless Killers which is a police procedural featuring Kurt Wallander. It is also the first book of the Wallander series. Let me know if any1 is interested to join it.

Civilisation ⇔ Freedom of Speech | 549 comments Hello, me and Girish will be starting on Monday with Jo Nesbo's "The Redeemer" which is the 6th book featuring Inspector Harry Hole. Jo Nesbo is considered one of the best authors in the crime thriller genre. Am sharing the goodreads link.The Redeemer

message 49: by Gorab, TheGunman (new)

Gorab (itsgorab) | 3765 comments Mod
Anyone interested to buddy read Utopia Avenue in December 2020?

message 50: by Ahtims (new)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 47090 comments Mod

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